Tuesday, February 2, 2021

They Don't Exist

 About the blog

   This post was supposed to be about the mind or some irregular puzzle piece mystery that defies explanation.  

   Instead this post is a culmination of the posts before it.

   Autism, Gang Stalking, Harassment, gambling (Slots), the Mind, our Unconscious, Empathy, Perspective (Garden), covert hypnosis (Relevant) and that the world should and does make sense... have all found a common thread.

   All these topics are hanging over the heads of a nameless group of private citizens here in Saint Louis.  They've inherited a handful of very old school technologies (over a hundred years old).

   They wield them like privileged, demented gods.  Angry stares, grimaced features, and scowls that show they're unhappy they have to be looking at their selected targets.

   Don't bother arguing with them about right and wrong, where their authority comes from, or why they're allowed to supervise separating wheat from chaff however they see fit.

   THEY DON'T EXIST.  That's a lie and it's backwards.

   Because they find those that don't fit their mold, those than can be isolated and separated from family, friends, and peers.  Then they break their minds so they can fix them per their "perfect" design.

   They've somehow become entrenched enough that the will to correct the problem lies beyond reach.  There's only one way that could have happened.  People can't prey on others for long without someone having turned a blind eye or having their hands tied behind their back.  In either case there's effectively a second private "security force" (it's a police force but doesn't deserve the name) that can operate under whatever law they see fit.

   I don't care what their reasons, justifications, essentially excuses are.

   I've heard of no vote that gave them an office.  There's been no referendum I'm aware of that created or led to their law.  Instead this group in the shadows is designed to draw in every depraved, sick mind imaginable that wants "on the inside" and craves power over others with a measure of immunity.

   Bring it all out in the open.  Let's see what grand design this group is skillfully working.

   How much more likely will it need to be dragged into daylight so no one can stand to glance in it's general direction?

   It's already overflowed this city to pollute and contaminate others.

   This post is simple enough...  I don't want to have anything to do with this mess.  But now I'm stuck with it and I won't turn my back to pretend otherwise so the next person is stuck with worse.

   I'm putting everything I've learned about them online.  I won't have every detail exactly right but I'll correct wrong ones when that's known.  If nothing else I'd like to give them no cover to work under.

   I don't care if their goal is to make thing better.  I don't care if they try to claim it's "the only way that works".  If my job is terminated because I try to ask the wrong kind of questions... let's hope that doesn't happen but I'll find another job.

   And if right about now you're wondering what in the world I'm talking about...

   You're probably not from St. Louis either.

   (so here's help before you knew it was needed or asked for it: Schizophrenia Playbook)

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