Thursday, February 4, 2021


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   What if you wanted to build a defense grid INSIDE a country for the purpose of protecting everyone living there from those that would do them harm?

   It's a great and noble idea.

   You might be wondering how it could be feasible or possible at all.

   There's only 2 realistic options for implementing it:

  1. Technology based
    • Massive infrastructure
      • Cameras
      • Networks - wireless, wired, and fiber optic
      • GPS in every device we carry
      • Probably a few other technologies developed but not widely known
  2. Unconscious mind based
    • Use each person's own unconscious mind through suggestion and hypnosis so that those who intend harm effectively deter and police themselves.
   The technological route is expensive. But even given the cost it's something that grows more feasible each passing day.  As different technologies progress in efficiency, cost, and capability it's a goal that could be reached except for objection by citizens.

   The unconscious mind route has been possible for some time but it's frightening beyond belief.  Assuming it's the implementation chosen there's a few notable drawbacks:

  • It's existence has to be vigorously hidden without exception.
    • That goes for everyone.  Period.  But it doesn't seem like that could be done.
    • This means the opposite must be done.  Everyone must be aware of it's existence at some level somehow.
    • That's incredibly backwards.
  • There must be a means to reach everyone's unconscious periodically to reinforce whatever suggestions and hypnosis is used.
    • If that doesn't happen they will fade over time and the person naturally is "let out" of being bound by it.
   So the least expensive option - the one with potential to have already been implemented - is a conundrum.  It's appears doable on the surface but impossible to do.

   Anytime something backwards like that makes an appearance...

   It might be worth looking into.

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