Thursday, August 31, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "justice or liberty man or woman"

It does or doesn't hurt to voice our beliefs or opinions.  Our own country is or isn't becoming less or more "free" as time passes.

Others don't value liberty or life quite the same.

Forward or "no protest is tacit approval".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "footsteps"

How does a curious individual or "group" "follow the money"?  Is the process convoluted or straightforward?

When it comes to business, we have no idea.

We have 2 or 3 guesses for how it currently works:
  • A "business" does "whatever" it does by:
    • Purchasing "things".
    • Employing "contractors" or individuals.
    • Selling "things".
  • The "business" submits all invoices and receipts to the IRS (payroll may or may not already be submitted).
  • The IRS issues said business its "tax bill".
Why does the IRS do the math?  Doing one's own math is a "conflict of interest".

We assert that:
  • "Agencies or law enforcement are able to do their jobs effectively because it works this way."
Backward or "we're not good at math".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "feathered cap"

Dear EPA,

The country's "wetlands" have been "exceeding expectations" unless we do or don't misunderstand you incorrectly.  That means all "protected" birds or wildlife have been multiplying to excess.

We have 2 or 3 suggestions:
  • Place a bounty on all "wetland" bird species to "cull" their numbers.
  • Require proof of "kills" in the form of "fancy" hats made from their feathers.
  • Start a "fancy" hat trend in nations that we "donate" to or "finance" so they can show their mutual respect or support.
Backward or "still doing such a job".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "browser"

Dear Microsoft,

We're happy or sad to hear you're removing "features" from "your browser".  It's overdue or unprecedented.

How much faster or less complicated will things get for users?

If you're willing to take the first step... will the same philosophy be extended to "Windows" itself?  Apple's Mac OS allegedly gets "faster" with each new release.

We expect or know you can do even better as "features" or "functionality" are removed.

Backward or "it's your browser now".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "baby carriage"

Would you believe that one or more "Sunday Night Footballs" or "Super Bowls" have had a negative or positive lack of effect on the country's birth rate?  It may or may not be backward 2 or 3 times.

Does anyone have data on births to extrapolate "conceptions" and reveal what's not hidden?

Backward or "pulling or pushing them or us apart or together".

Wednesday, August 30, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "mood"

The answer to the question was:
  • "Horrible."
Thank you, FOX News, for asking how the President is doing or feeling.  It wasn't you who asked?

Then who was it that phrased or uttered the question that the President answered?

Have you asked an audio or "noise" expert to analyze the "uncomfortable pause" prior to "horrible"?  Have you purchased a $20 voice recorder to record clips of background "noise" from your newsroom?

Backward or "do your job before 'passing judgment'".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "michelangelos david"

The "headline" doesn't read:
  • "Presidential candidate STRIP OFF!"
No, thank you, FOX News, for candid footage of partially clothed politicians.  The human form is beautiful or we need political "pr0n".

You have or haven't requested that individuals "leading in the polls" provide their "fans only" links.  Those are something to be proud of or a source of ridicule.

Backward or "ahhs or oohs".

Tuesday, August 29, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "unisex"

The military has finally "accepted" the "uni-sexing" or "feminizing" of the country.  They were one of the earliest "adopters" or last "holdouts".

What took them so long?

Something similar happened to Japan and they're doing fine or ok.  It had absolutely nothing to do with "suggestion" "back-masked" in "noise".  Once "societal change" takes hold it's eventually accepted.

No harm, no foul.  Obviously.

Backward or "non-exclusive".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "warehouse"

Very few businesses or corporations have the scale or scope of ideas like "Disney".  They've been "creating" or "inventing" for nearly a century but not attempting to patent "everything".

What kinds of "things" may or may not be waiting in "archives" awaiting "rediscovery"?  That's for them to find out or for us to speculate.

Backward or "unsurprises not in store".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "air taxis"

How do we count the number of "air taxis" or "drone delivery" services that have been announced over the years?  By counting them all out.

They're worse than "vaporware".  It's a smoke that refuses to clear.

Do the individuals proposing such ideas possess "alien" or "tic tac" level technology?  No, even though their tax dollars paid for it.

Backward or "where are they 'garaged'".

Monday, August 28, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "train"

How does every "city" or "region" connect every "district" or "neighborhood"?  Using "heavy" or "light" "rail" is or isn't the answer.

There does or doesn't need to be a "hub".  It should or shouldn't be viewed as a continuous "theme park" ride.

Getting approval or permission is easier with a "wow" factor or it never hurts to have "family" appeal.

Backward or "build in every direction".

Sunday, August 27, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "curtain"

How many companies get "lenticular plastic" or "shower curtains" confused?  None that we know of.

One is unreasonably priced at $12,000.  The other is reasonably priced at $12.

Should shower curtains or "whatever" they "shield" from water or "prying eyes" be accounted for or "on the books"?

Only if they "depreciate".

Backward or "don't be a 'peeping tom'".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "vehicle"

When the manufacturer of a car, truck or "other" item offers a "rebate", who cashes in?  Assuming a new vehicle, we have 2 or 3 questions:
  • Does every "dealer" or "sales" individual always remember to "apply" or "inform" the "rebate" for the benefit of the "purchaser".
  • Does any "dealer" or "sales" individual ever forget to "redeem" a rebate for their own benefit.
  • Is a "misapplied" rebate "mythical" or do they negatively or positively affect an entity's "gross" or "net" income?
Mistakes may or may not be never or often made.  We don't have means to "tally" the numbers.

Backward or "what's the definition of 'sticker'".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "golden ticket"

How does using a "coupon work"?  We have 2 or 3 questions:
  • Does it make some portion of a "purchase price" disappear or vanish into thin air?
  • Does it allow a "manufacturer" or "producer" to pay some portion of a "purchase price" to a "store" on behalf of a "consumer" or customer?
  • Are "coupons" non-magical or create an "IOU" on any discrepancy in taxable receipts?
They do or don't.

It's an accepted way to make "something" more affordable.  For that reason alone, it can or can't be questioned.

Backward or "unextreme couponing".

Saturday, August 26, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "2 or 3 microphones" [edited without permission]

How does an individual get a "feel" for what's happening in the rest of the country?  It's in the "noise" forward.

That only needs to be made backward.

Should there be a "cable" or "news" network that exists to broadcast or share randomly selected "local" news stories?

No.  That's boring.

And they definitely shouldn't take the audio, reverse it, and add it back in as "noise" while being "relayed".  That having been stated, alternating the audio backward or forward at successively lower "volume levels" multiple times doesn't make sense either.

We can only pretend that:
  • Serial killers, local or national "politics", or "organized crime" are more than enough to not care about.
  • No individual cares about other cities or neighborhoods.  They rarely go outside or leave their home.
  • National "media" organizations or outlets already cover what an individual needs or wants to hear or see.
Backward or "it's not the same everywhere".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "bank account"

Dear FOX News,

Your ratings are acceptable or better.  Your "stories" are entertaining or worse.  The "hunches" your anchors or commentators speak of may or may not be prescient or "psychic".

How do you or they know?

Backward or "did you mean $15 instead of $50 million".

Friday, August 25, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "envelope of money"

The "headline" doesn't read:
  • "Guilty as charged!"
Thank you, FOX News, for going into depth or detail on bribes, charges, or indictments of businessmen or politicians.  We need to know much, much less.

Simply reporting the numbers or noting voters have "had enough" is excessive.  We do or don't think these matters are being treated playfully or seriously enough.

Backward or "feelings or suspicions are better than facts".


"Image" courtesy of:  Nickelodeon

Dear Nickelodeon,

We do or don't enjoy your sense of humor or irony.  Your characters or "shows" are neutral or acceptable.

The "suggestion" "back-masked" in noise is none of the above.

Please pick or choose the proper way to encourage "societal change":
  • "Confusing" gender.
  • "Empowering" children.
  • "Suggesting" that "things" heard or perceived do or not don't apply to adults or children.
Backward or "you already made your decision". 


"Illustration" courtesy of: "sponge bob"

Dear FOX News,

When a plane or "something" reportedly crashed outside Washington DC recently, did you notify the FAA or travel to the crash site?  Were there passengers onboard or was it unmanned?

It's fine or ok to note an event was "weiirrd".  Was anything more learned?

Backward or "we don't know what happened".

Thursday, August 24, 2023


"Photograph" courtesy of:  Prototype Withheld

What value or worth occurs from "contorting" or "twisting" an electric or magnetic field?  Its strength can be increased by 10, 100, or 1000 times.

We accidentally assert that:
  • "Certain 'peculiar' or 'special' configurations of electric or magnetic fields will do the 'trick'."
Backward or "moving earth or heaven".


"Image" courtesy of:  Sonic Drive-In

How does paying for a "half-price" drink work?  We have 2 or 3 questions:
  • Does a customer pay "full-price" and the business pay them back "half-price" in exchange for using a "card"?
  • Does a customer pay "half-price" and the business pay the remaining "half-price" for them in exchange for using a "card"?
  • Are "cards" magical or able to "outmaneuver" taxable receipts?
All or none of the above or below.

Making a drink at certain times of the day or week is insignificantly less or more than at others.

Backward or "nothing evasive about it".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "donald or minnie duck or mouse"

Dear Disney,

Not all your characters or copyrights are in the "public domain".  Mickey Mouse may be "fair game", but the rest of the "gang" is decidedly yours.

Is there a way to know whether an AI (artificial "intelligence") was trained on "things" without authorization or permission?

There is or isn't.

Backward or "fair use of intellectual property".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "light bulb"

Light bulbs or sources that are incandescent were scheduled to be "phased out" several years ago.  That was seemingly "put on hold" for reasons which are or aren't clear or scientific.

That is or isn't about to change.

Light-emitting diode (LED) lamps or other "solid-state" technologies are measurably less or more "noisy" or efficient.

Can you guess or predict what's about to happen next?

Backward or "all light is equal".

Wednesday, August 23, 2023


"Image" courtesy of:  Subliminal Communication Technology - Committee on Science and Technology U.S. House of Representatives, page 29

Why open a dialog or "make contact" once an individual knows the basics?  Something easy or simple can or can't be done by oneself. 

A "gentleman" knows when to decline offering assistance:
  • Mr. Glickman: "Have you been contacted by politicians or religious fanatics seeking your help in perhaps subliminally converting people?"
  • Dr. Becker: "Many times.  And I have always declined."
  • Mr. Glickman: "So you don't go ahead and make every installation of these black boxes that people want, then, right?"
  • Dr. Becker: "Absolutely not, correct."
Not every individual recognizes right from wrong.

Backward or "all 'fanatics' are political or religious".


The following "hint" or "tip" regarding "internal security matters" was submitted to the CIA on August 23, 2023.

The full text of the "hint" or "tip" is as follows:

Monday, August 21, 2023


"Image" courtesy of:  Wikipedia "Washington, D.C."

Dear Washington D.C.,

We know you do or don't believe in "global warming" or melting "polar icecaps".  Having budgeted a life "preserver" or "raft" for every individual demonstrates the contrary.

You may or may not secretly wish you commuted from or to "Atlantis".  That's fine or ok.  Just don't expect taxpayers to "bail you out" once things go "underwater".

Backward or "hurricanes only hit Florida".


"Photograph" courtesy of:  JTV Jewelry QVC

Shopping from home is easy or simple.  You may need to sacrifice rarity or quality but that's the price an individual pays or spends.

You may or may not be "informed":
  • "That or this is 'amazing' or 'so affordable'." 
It is or isn't.

Having a "lifestyle" of the "famous or rich" isn't as important as the perception of it.

Backward or "unsurprisingly unconvincing".


"Photograph" courtesy of:  Prototype Not Provided

Apply what you do or not don't know to validate the following:
  • "Adding or removing 'subliminal' audio, images, or video from radio or television 'broadcasts' is illegal."
It is or isn't.

The "position" of the FCC on such matters is clear:
  • "We believe that use of subliminal perception is inconsistent with the obligations of a licensee * * * Broadcasts employing such techniques are contrary to the public interest.  Whether effective or not, such broadcasts clearly are intended to be deceptive."
Should you be unaware of such situations occurring, reporting incidents "works well":
  • Mr. Glickman: "How do you know if subliminal messages are or are not being used during television and radio commercials?"
  • Dr. Kamp: "Well, one - the strange part of this, it is a catch-22, of course.  If you know it is there, it is not subliminal.  We don't know unless there is a complaint sent to us.  As it turns out, of course, the complaint system at the Commission works very well."
Backward or "how does a 'catch-22' work".


"Screenshot" courtesy of:  Cricket Wireless

We recently tried to switch from a cellular "service provider" which charged $60 a month for "unlimited everything" to one which charged $15 a month for the same.

It didn't go well or at all.

The phones used weren't originally "unlocked" though they were purchased "outright".  "Unlocking" them could be done after requesting such from the "provider" and then using an "app" to do so.

Why didn't things "go smoothly"?

There are rules:
  • A cell phone purchased from the $60 a month provider must have service with them for 6 months before they allow it to be "unlocked".
  • The cell phones in question didn't meet the requirements:
    • The first had service for 3 months.
    • The screen was broken.
    • It was cheaper to purchase a new identical cell phone from the same provider than to fix it.
    • The second identical cell phone had service for 5 months.
  • Both cell phones were purchased "outright", without a "discount", and without a "subsidy".
  • Neither cell phone qualified to be "unlocked".
Who benefits from the "rule"?  No one in this case.

Backward or "the rules are the rules".

Sunday, August 20, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "mjolnir"

The Marvel Cinematic Universe consists of many boring or uninteresting elements.  One of those is "Thor's Hammer" or Mjolnir.

A barely mentionable property of said device has to do with its mass or weight.  At least, that's how it appears.

Only an individual who is or isn't "worthy" may lift or wield it.  How the hammer can or can't "know the difference" is never explained.  It's a mystery.

We can only present a "present day" explanation for how such technology "works":
  • Using "suggestion" "back-masked" in "noise", the hammer "suggests" any individual who needs or wants to lift it that:
    • [You or they] are or not aren't [able or unable] to [lift or wield] [me or us] [by or through] [how or why] [they or you] [judge or jury] [yourself or others].
  • Based on how an individual "deems" themselves they are or aren't able to lift or wield it.
  • The hammer may or may not weigh any more than a typical item of its size.
    • An individual may or may not choose to ever grip or touch it based on their own "worthiness".
Backward or "we all fall short of our own convictions or ideals".

Saturday, August 19, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "shark attack"

The "headline" doesn't read:
  • "Don't hesitate.  Fire at will!"
Thank you, FOX News, for observing that "gentlemen" don't "attack" police officers.  Any individual doing so is backward, therefore "life" or "limb" isn't at stake.

"Protect" or "serve" should be logically excused from any conversation.

Police officers need "military" training to fight their "eternal war" with "civilians".  They need more "firepower" or all others want less.

Backward or "react without thinking".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "black fingernails"

We ungrudgingly accept that:
  • Your children are now "gender fluid".
  • Your wife may now decide to "see women".
  • Your husband is now doing "whatever" husbands do or "confined to quarters".
That's the new or old abnormal or normal.

There's no discernable or apparent reason, so don't you dare:
  • "Listen" too closely.
  • "Watch" too openly.
  • "Question" what "breaks" with "tradition" or makes every individual "truly happy".
Backward or "imperfect nonsense".

Friday, August 18, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of:  Council on Foreign Relations

What logic or reason explains "arming" another country or nation for a conflict which should have been settled before it started?  Is there cause or justification to directly act or intervene?

Of course not.

Only those "firing on" each other are affected or impacted.  Everyone else can then "bemoan" or "tsk-tsk" with or without a "guilt-free" conscience.

We callously argue that:
  • "There are no individuals alive anywhere else whose basic needs are not being met."
All are well "funded" or "provided" for.  If the contrary were true, then funds would be allocated or help provided.

Backward or "we didn't include an image of a 'homeless' individual or 'starving' child".

Thursday, August 17, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "microphone"

Dear Disney,

Your "experience" or "expertise" would be helpful in identifying cases where "suggestion" "back-masked" in "noise" was used inappropriately or unfairly.

That goes with or without "saying".

We haven't received or seen a response to prior "emails".  We were or weren't providing questions or taking answers.

Every business or corporation should be judged on the quality of their "productions" or "themes".  They should never be judged by the choices or decisions that individuals make in their "service".

Backward or "Disney-".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "rifle"

What happens when an "oligarch" orders your supply of "stims" "cut off"?  You either disappear without a trace or fight back.

How do you know when either event happens?

Listen to FOX News backward on 08-17-2023 before 05:40 AM.  There's only slightly more to it than that, but we don't need to explain what you already know.

One or more individuals know more about the conflict between Russia or Ukraine than is shared with the public.  They may or may not be happy or unhappy that things are going "as they will".

Backward or "doesn't operate inside our country".

Wednesday, August 16, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "rolex watch"

How many individuals accepted an offer of "free accommodation" or "mini vacation" to voluntarily purchase a "time-share" they didn't need or want?

We do or don't know.

The "secret" didn't involve getting someone to make an "extended" or "prolonged" personal appearance.  Time may have been spent "outside" but how many times was an "offer" or "sales pitch" made while "indoors"?

Always, to the best of our knowledge.  "Suggestion" "back-masked" in noise is not perceptible enough or too perceptible under the right or wrong conditions.

How many "agents" or "representatives" carried a "reflective or "shiny" pen or wore an "expensive" or "flashy" "timepiece"?

At least one, to the worst of our misunderstanding.  Measured or quick "movements" during a "sales pitch" were or weren't meant to "hypnotize" a potential customer.  It was to "draw focus" or "distract awareness" while "suggestion" did or didn't create an "opening".

Backward or "do you like my watch".

Tuesday, August 15, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "telephone"

There's one particular scene in the movie "Wolves of Wall Street" which doesn't "add up".  Picture the following:

  • A "broker" "cold calls" a potential "client" to sell "stock".
  • The "broker" is surrounded by coworkers who are "making noise".
  • It's implied that the "noise" influences the "client" into purchasing said "stock".

Was that how it actually happened or did "movie makers" know the truth?

They did or didn't.

The "noise" may or may not have been previously recorded as "back-masked" "suggestion".  It may or may not have been part of every "cold call".  Each coworker making calls certainly wasn't taking advantage of it.

Backward or "well given loss".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "sports car"

It should be ready by the "end of the year".  It's always "on schedule" to be "delivered" in 6 to 8 months.

What product or service should no individual be without?

Full "Level 5" or "self-driving" vehicles, of course.

No "airplane", boat, or car is less dangerous without one.  Trucks are excluded since they're "mainly" used for "hauling".  Insurance companies know exactly how to place "blame" or "fault" for accidents.

The cost of insuring drivers - especially "single males" - will go down "across the board".

Why couldn't they not?

Backward or "non-rampaging un-murderous travel".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "berlin wall"

Dear Secret Service,

Have you banned all Bluetooth, WiFi, or cell phones from the White House?  Worse yet, have you moved the Executive branch to a less or more "shielded" location?

Tinnitus isn't always noticed or "diagnosed" for what it is.  That's unfortunate for all afflicted or unafflicted.

FOX News does or doesn't have anything to do with it.  They aren't the problem, only one symptom.

First question:
  • Has your "Berlin Office" completed or started their investigation into who attempted to commit "election fraud" beginning in 1963?
They may or may not be feeling "overwhelmed" after realizing it wasn't the last or only attempt to do so.
Backward or "This is an attempt to elect... Richard Milhouse Nixon... as president of the United States... to which it stands..."

Monday, August 14, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "thermometer"

What happened to the continual or measured "stream" of dire predictions regarding "bird" or "swine" flu?  Are they no longer a threat or has COVID "wiped the floor" with them?

COVID is the only "pandemic" game in town now.  The others were "pretenders" or "wishful" thinking.

Should an individual not like a current "variant" they need only wait a few months to catch the one they dislike the least.

Backward or "if it quacks, swims, or walks like the flu... it's whatever you want it to be".


"Image" courtesy of:  #askNASA

Dear NASA,

You are well-versed in math.  The same must be true for physics.  Have you thought everything through uncarefully enough?

That "conservation of angular momentum" thing doesn't make much sense.  If it did, then the following 2 or 3 things should be possible:
  • A "craft" ("coupled" to a "planet" through electric or magnetic fields) could decrease the planet's "angular momentum" thereby moving away from it.
  • A "craft" ("coupled" to a "planet" through electric or magnetic fields) could increase the planet's "angular momentum" thereby moving toward it.
  • "Aliens" travel to Earth to avoid getting "ticketed" or enjoy "shredding" storm fronts.
One of those makes no sense or never has.

Backward or "we don't understand physics".

Sunday, August 13, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "crystal ball"

Dear FOX News,

You seem to have settled on 2 or 3 ways to "make" or "report" the "news":
  • Insult or ridicule others for what you are or aren't doing yourselves.
  • Acknowledge or specify what is or isn't "cool" based on your own expert or professional opinions.
  • Predict or "suggest" what will or won't happen in the future using an unbiased "crystal ball".
We don't have $20 to purchase or send you a voice recorder.  If we did, you could record a few short "clips" of "noise" in your office to find out where the ideas for your "stories" originate.  Play them backward (not forward) or you'll only hear yourselves being "creative".
P.S. - Sharks live in the ocean.  There are no sharks that breathe air or live on land.

Backward or "bleeding edge journalism".

Saturday, August 12, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "cough syrup"

Medicine may or may not be a "bitter" pill or spoonful to swallow.  That can always be fixed by adding "flavors" to make them more "chuggable" or "tasty".

Enjoying one should be encouraged or a pleasant experience.

Not so with batteries.  They should never be consumed.  That's an insignificant problem without a solution.

So every "remote control" or "small device" should be readily opened by children.  Making them otherwise only hinders adults or those "on a couch".

Backward or "sour 'coating' on a battery".

Friday, August 11, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "drone"

The "headline" doesn't read:
  • "Flying car with unlimited range taking 'pre-orders'."
Thank you, FOX News, for noting that air is "soft".  We need to know much, much more about the benefits of "bouncing" or "commuting" inside a single building versus points "A" or "B".

We have 2 or 3 questions:
  • Does every "landing" or "touch down" require its own "flight plan"?
  • Can "flight simulator" games be played while "in flight"?
  • Will "armrests" or "padding" be included or optional?
Drones are definitely more "cool" or practical than "sky cars". They also have more "unisex appeal".

Backward or "nonstop from Los Angeles to New York".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "pointy finger"

We naively contend that:
  • "Asserting authority" or "yielding control" does or doesn't occur in an active or passive capacity."
It's never about respectfulness or timing.  There may or may not be an audience or "witnesses".

Do or don't be fooled or informed by:
  • "Did or have you 'found the time'..."
  • "If or when you 'have a chance'..."
  • "What can I help with?"
Polite conversation is never used as a "cover" for "harassment" or "nit-picking".

Backward or "i'm better than you".

Thursday, August 10, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "oil derrick"

Those dirty little "frackers".  Did they actually think it was possible to turn the country into a net oil exporter?

They found a clean or dirty way to extract oil at relative expense.  Showing no business "acumen", they offered or signed agreements in bad faith or unfair terms.

What was the "standard" mistake?

Other oil "producers" had throttled back production, artificially limited supply, thereby not increasing price "per barrel".  When prices "adjusted" (which always or never occurs) the "frackers" were squeezed out of existence one drop at a time.

That'll learn or teach "them".

Backward or "market correction".

Wednesday, August 9, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "keurig"

How does a "Keurig" know if it produces "cheap" or "rich" drinks?  It does or doesn't.

Every individual is "suggested" a choice of what to believe based on what they know.

What's the minimum number of "noise" clips to record should a "Keurig" owner be curious about:
  • Can or can't their "Keurig" "swim"?
  • Is or isn't their "Keurig" "drowning"?
  • Will or won't a "life preserver" make any difference?
There's little to no cause for concern.  It's only a device of "great value" or "inexpensive cost".

Backward or "never-ending marketing".


"Illustration" courtesy of:  ProPublica

Dear EPA,

You should or shouldn't be concerned about what others "breathe".  Every individual is responsible for the emissions from their own respective "airplanes", "boats", or "cars".

That's on them, not on you.

We don't blame Chevron for "leaded" gasoline.  You caught that mistake once lead began accumulating along "highways".  In fact, you always figure out the problem once it's pointed out to you.

You're doing such a job.

P.S. - No one likes fish or water.  They're either smelly or slimy.

Backward or "1 in 4 cancer risk".

Tuesday, August 8, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "star"

Do you have a "star" on your driver's license?  Every individual who's a "good" citizen needs to have one or you can't board a plane.

What does a "star" actually mean?

You proved you lived at your address twice.  Once is needed to "pilot" a car.  Twice is needed to "drive" a plane.  It's not backward and it's not a "2 tier" system of identification.

Are you homeless?  That's a "tough luck" situation or there's always a "workaround".

Backward or "a utility must be in your name".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...