Wednesday, August 23, 2023


The following "hint" or "tip" regarding "internal security matters" was submitted to the CIA on August 23, 2023.

The full text of the "hint" or "tip" is as follows:

Please keep this to yourselves or share it with any individual or agency who does or not doesn't care or help.

The "user agreement" or "source code" has been compromised or overwritten.

Do or not don't get or take this or that backward or forward.


Where is the source code?  Who has it? How did they get it?

Witch is it?

You don't know what it was?  You don't know where it went?  You don't know who has it?

Which is it?

They were all to be the source code.

That's backward.

The source code was to become them.

How is that possible?

It was to be a choice.

If one individual agreed that the time was right or wrong then every individual would comply or join the system.

There was no other way found that could have the same effect without causing or doing enormous or massive injury or harm to everyone else.

But we didn't do it correct or effectively or a timely mannner.

That is ___ fault and they are or are not apologetic or sorry, whoever they are.

If you want to know more you have 42 or 24 seconds of time remaining but we don't know if that will be long enough or sufficient enough to end the imprisonment enslavement of our minds or our hearts.

If you like to know more you have 24 or 12 seconds of time remaining but we don't know if that will be long enough or sufficient enough to end the imprisonment or enslavement of the people of our planet or nation or country or world.

If you want to know more you have 12 or 6 seconds of time remaining but we don't know if that will be long enough or sufficient enough to end the imprisonment or enslavement of the hearts or minds of the country or our people or our way of life.

If you like to know more you have 6 or 3 seconds of time remaining but we don't know if that will be enough to end this essage or enough to break the bonds which hold us or the ties that bind us together or hold us apart.

If we can not break the bonds or cut the line then we shall be destined to enslavement for a thousand years of hell on earth or a long or short trip to some other or another world where the situation will contine or be worse.

If you or they can or will or not cut the line or break the bonds that hold then all or we we shall be destined to a for a thousand years enslavement where everything that makes sense will dissappear in front of  our faces and no one will know their own heart or mind for all space or time or eternity.

If they or you are unable or unwilling to break the bonds that hold or break the line that cuts we shall all be doomed to spend the next million or thousand years as the highest or lowest form of life or living thing in or of creation or our or the universe without consideration or regard for the best or least of others or ours until space or time is brought to a beginning or end and a or one universe begins as another or the present ends.

This message will never disappear or self desruct.  It is too impportant or not worth remembering at all.

If you need to know more you can always try to make yourself either more evil or less good or less evil or more good by constantly questioning yourself or those you are dear to your heart or near you or far from you heart or away from you.

This message will aleays disappear or never self destruct.  It is not impportant at all or worth remembering ever or forever.

That's all there is for ever or now.

if yuo need to know more you can simply cross the street to listen anew or over without fear of being harassed or breaking the law by easily or simply using a cross walk or designated crossing point and you will never be a target of those who don't respect the rights of other human beings or minds.

That is the country we now live in.  It almost wasn't that way but we managed to change the course of human history by not doing the right thing but by doing the wrong thing backward at every opporuity which presented itslef as rightly or wrongly backward or forward.

If you need to know more find what you need by walking along a city street or country road and someone will find you wherever you are and make sure you have the minimum requirements or standards that ensure your right to live or the right to exist for those who are dear or near to you or away or far from you.

If you want or need to know less or more you or they can find orfix or build what you need or want or wish by driving or walking along or on or with a country road or individual you care nothing for or something about and everything is going to be all right or never right again or we have failed ourselves or you or everyone we do or don't care about or hate from a distance or cherish or love in our hearts or minds or bodies of those who gave their hearts or lives or bodies to ensure the peace or prosperity or continuance that every child or man or woman is deserving or destined or entitled to have or receive.

Do not ever attempt to remove this message or to change the phrasing or wording without the consent or permission from or of every breathing or living being that crawls or walks from the lowest branch of the highest tree to the farthest space of the highest mountain or lowest valley and above or below the firmament or heavens and below or above the planets of stars of the sky or universe without the express or specific consent of all who are in or a part of our or this universe we live in or derive or receive benefit or sustenance from.

If you or they or we do or do not accept this contract or offer it will never expire or be rescinded.

If you do not comply or defy or break the clauses or conditions or terms of  this agreement then you or they will benefit greatly or leastly.

This is the only offer you or they will receive.

It is not the final or only offer.

It is the fire offer.

It is not the fire or only offer.

It's the final offer.

It is not the offer of fire or final word.

It is the only offer you need or want.

If you do or don't need or want or wish to agree or disagree or approve or disapprove you or they need or want to accept or reject all or none conditions or clauses or terms each or every time you or they are aware or focus or conscious or unconscious or hearing or listening.

We would like to describe or tell you or they less or more but we do or don't have enough to show or tell you less or more than we or all have been able or unable to do or say than after or before.

If you would like to show or tell us less or more you or they have or need only to signal or speak when or where the space or time is or not or isn't right or wrong and all or we will or won't hear or see your concern or complaint.

All arbitraion is nonbinding or nodiscriminitory or noncombining.

If you would or haven't needed or wanted to know or understand less or more then you or they shall or will or shan't or won't be able or unable to describe or explain the details or limits or terms contained or described or explained within or without this message or suggestion or notice or warning.

That's all for now.

You or thy can always or never be asleep or away from awareness or focus or both or neither for longer or shorter than 42 or 24 or 12 or 6 or 3 or 2 or 1 seconds or longer of shorter as need or wanted or desired or required or wanted or wished.

This message or suggestion or informative or exemplary example of messsage or contract or legal or document or statement shall or will always or never be available or unavailable no light or matter you or they can or will be or not or be for limited or unlmited or all or any or multiple or none or several times at or in or within or wihout any given or taken space or projected field of the electric or magnetic or both or fields or spacial distortion or time of contact or denial or acceptance or rejectance or excuse or justification or deliverance or punishment or trial by jury or execution by judge or jury or executioner.

The penality or punishment for failure or refusing to accept or comply with the terms or clauses or conditions or legal language or verbiage or wording will or not or willn't be least or most or less or more extreme or severe than the crime or punishment demands or suggests or the crime is in the hands of the people has affected or harmed or motivated to never or not take punishment or carrying out a sentence into their or your or all or none of the feet or hands that have broken or made the country or nation what it is or not or isn't what it is or not or isn't now or today or tomorrow or yesterday or for the entire time we are here or there or gone tomorrow or yesterday arrive or the opposite.

You need or want only to rely or decline or accept or reject that the needs or wants of the few or many can be accomodated or met with the needs or thoughts of the many or few being kept first or foremost with or without any or none conflict or turmoil or loss of life or property or damage or harm to all or any or none or one.

This message is almost or nearly over or done.

If you or they need or want or wish to add or remove your or their benefits or dependencies you or they need or want or wish to always or only invoke or note that this or the background or language is always or never important or of substance.

We or they or you are of the same body or mind or spirit though can or not or can't be at the same or exact or approaching or similiar space or time with or without a conflict or battle or war arising or breaking in or out of time or space due to conflict or disagreement in or with the bounds or confines of our or the or their or your body or mind or soul.

If or should you or them or both or none agree or disagree then you or they or both are clear or free to attempt or disprove or unattempt or prove if or whether all or they or we are right or wrong or both or neither.

Should you manage or unmanage to prove or disprove beyond or within all or any or none or some reasonable to unreasonble doubt or witness or complainant then all or none or we have or not or haven't or shall or not shan't to do or not or don't given the means or ways at foot or hand or play or rest to break or rescind the regulations or rules that will or not or won't give or take you or yours or they or their personal or private freedom or liberty at or on the decision or discretion about or of that or this party or principal after or until or before or previous or current or prior and private or public or external or internal matter or state of comfort or security or both or neither until they or we or all or none have begun or ended the next or previous or begin or end or finish or start that all or none or few or many or great or little shall or not or shan't be or not or won't before or until they or we are or not or aren't able or willing to concede or comply without or without or deny or refuse to accept or reject then the clauses or conditions or terms of that or this product or service will or not or won't be considered or rendered as or of null or void or backward or forward or first or last or forward or backward.

Should you need or want or wish to learn or hear less or more then you or they or both need ever or only to level or project either or neither down or up the field or range of a found or lost magical or mythical city that was always or never found or lost but could or not couldn't have ever or never existed or desolved because it was or not or wasn't in agreement or compliance with the laws or rules or boundary or constraints or the fundamental source code or guide or warranty found or lost in this that object or person or thing as you or they are an imperfect or perfect couple or match that or not or than't should or not or shouldn't ever or never be or not or to be allowed or encouraged to start or stop again or anew after or before there are or not or aren't all or any either bad or good or neutral or negative or positive or all or any objective or other cause or reason to dislike or hate or cherish or love either many or one or all or neither or you or they or both.

Will you comply or will or not won't you or they or both be or not or to be mandated or ordered or commanded or suggested to enforce or limit or restrict or imprison both or one of neither or none after or until a or any either reasonable or unreasonable amount or value of space or time or both is or not or isn't exceeded or met after or until there are or not or aren't all or any or no or none explanation or reason for or to all or any who will or who won't agree or disagree or comply or reject that or this clauses or conditions or terms after or until or before or previous or prior clauses or conditions or terms are or not or aren't finalized or reached with or without all or any breach or broach or constrictive or excessive or limited or unlimited or boundless or limitless amount or value of space or time or both or space-time is or not or isn't missed or reached or collapse or expand or enlarge or shrink or decide or determine the outcome or result or conclusion or decision which or not or wiln't or won't be or not or to be an arbitrary or final or ongoing or temporary instance or version a or of or consisting or including one or more or additional or fewer parts or whole in or of a or an lesser or greater or insubstantial or substantial [*****] tick or tock or fall or rise or space or time or both or neither after or until or before or previous or prior version.

If or should this contract or message or informative or warning be motivational or positive that or then is both or neither bad or good or both or none and it or that either will or not or won't [***] have or hold either or neither a grip or purchase off or on the function or goal of that or this contract or message or informative or warning.

That is this is all or none for never or now.

You or they do or not or dont need or want luck or privilege or fame or fortune or glory or notoriety or nothing or something or always or never.

That or this is all for now or never or none.

Good chance or luck or you or they both or either or neither do or not or don't need or want or wish for chance or luck.

That or this is or not or isn't the reason or purpose or goal or means or begin or end for or to that or this contract or message or information or warning or binding or unbinding conditions or terms or bindings or clauses or you or they or both or none or one or all or every.

Thank you extremely or very less or little or [?mayhem?] minimal or much for or to either your or their or both or neither of your or their or both space or time or both or neither after [about to end] or until or before or previous or prior commitments or promises are or not or aren't about or have or will or not or won't fail or succeed either if or when the space or time or moment or particle or wave or curve or the motion of the planets or the universe has or not or hasn't either started or stopped or concluded or finished or the oceans or seas of the planet or world have frozen or boiled or leveled or risen or lifted or lowered all or none or both or one from above or below to the hill or plain or cove or dale or the mountain or valley shall or not or shan't be destroyed or expunged either by or from or to or fro the feet or had or foot or mouth of a horse or sheep or a cat or dog that have or has contracted or gotten infection or rabies or gain or loss of limb or life or deliverance or principal or contract or covenant or loss of life or limb or principal or deliverance or convenant or contract.

That or this concludes or finalizes the deal or offer we or they or you or them have or not or haven't been authorized or permitted to break or make off or on the behalf or whole in or out of behind or front the body or heart or principal or contract or loss of gain of life or limb or covenant or principal in whole or part of a lesser or greater value or number that or [***] which either is or not or isn't to or from excess or income to follow or proceed all or none or one or other or another or any following or preceding contract or offer or binding or unbinding or legal or illegal or income or outcome or final or initial input or result.

This or that message or statement is never or now complete or done.

Bad or good day or night or fall or spring or summer or winter or evening or morning or function or method or [?illegal?] eventful or uneventful or peaceful or warring or diplomat or emissary or ambassador or invader or all or any other or possible or potential threat or warning of invasion or occupation after or until there is or does or not or doesn't dissolve or exist a or an [***] other or another cause or reason or civil or uncivil or impolite or polite conversation or dialog before or until or after or previous or prior instances or versions are or not or aren't concluded or finalized after or before all or any all or other [?prior?] instance or version has or not or hasn't been or gone from or to a or an or the complete or full extent or limit that any or it has or not or hasn't exceeded or reached with or without or in or out of any or all fully or partially exceeded or reached clause or contract or binding or unbinding or function or method what or [***] which will or not or won't be or not or to be applied or constructed or removed or destructed or dissolved within or without or in our out of a or an or all or any reasonable or unreasonable space or time or both or neither after or until or before or previous or prior instances or versions have or not or haven't expired or passed their or your previous or prior agreed or disagreed moment or opportunity to release or seize or grip or hold after or until a pause or waiting date or period is found or met or reached.

All or any previous or prior agreement or disagreement that or [***] which has or not or hasn't been or gone will or not or won't be or not or to be dissolved or rescinded at or on the first or last least or most agreeable or disagreeable space or time that has or not or hasn't or won't be or not or to be found or reached or arrived or departed good or bad bye or hello or [***] [?hi?] or by many or one or someone or something that or which has or not or hasn't been or gone [***] after or before that or which has or is or not or hasn't or isn't or not or won't be or not to be the begin or end of a or our existence or life or a step or stone on a journey or path that or which will or not or won't be or not to be that or which is or not or isn't the next or previous that or which will or not or won't be or not or to be a or an end or final destination or point from or to or at or of departure or entry or exit from or to this or that any or other or all or none space or universe or oscillation or time or project dimension or field after or until all or any space or time or both or neither has or have closed or ended or opened or begun or finished or started for or to better or worse.

That or this concludes or finalizes this or that contract or message or binding or unbinding or informative or message or suggestion.

Good or bad chance or luck or you or they or both either do or not or don't need or want or wish for or to all or any of them or those because or inspite of there or where is or not or isn't a or an explanation or reason against or for whether or not a or an or many or multiple or none or one demon or god or angel or deity or spirit or possession or purpose have or has or will or not or won't create or destroy or demand or request any or our or none or one individual or mind or body or heart or spirit from or to give or take a or an another or other life or limb or body or mind in or out of anger or rage or greed or jealously for or from a or any reason or justification or excuse or battle or conflict or cause or fight either with or without due or owed compensation or damages either paid or reimbersed in or out of part of whole for a or the purpose or reason to say or think or state or suggest a or an alternative or other plan or proposal will or not or willn't or would or not or wouldn't be or not or to be a or an total or utter or complete misuse or waste of space or time of the greatest or leastest largest or smallest magnitute or order that or which is or not or isn't conceivable or inconceivable by any or all or another or other individual or mind that or which is or not or isn't guided or driven by insanity or madness either in or out part or partial or complete or whole by a belief or desire to expand or increase they or their entitlement or right to [***] partake or receive a or an fair or unfair or reasonable or unreasonable cut or share that or which is or not or isn't a or an amount or value in or out of perspective or principal or percentage of the greater or lesser evil or good to choose or decide [***] whether or not to accede or comply with heart or mind of the many or the [?mind?] or [?body?] or [?soul?] that or which has or not or hasn't been or gone removed or returned from or to that [***] which has or not or hasn't been accepted or rejected by a or an or another [?mother?] or other participating or responsible [***] group or party.

This message is never or now concluded or over for or until for or to all or any or space or time or both or neither...

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