Saturday, August 26, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "2 or 3 microphones" [edited without permission]

How does an individual get a "feel" for what's happening in the rest of the country?  It's in the "noise" forward.

That only needs to be made backward.

Should there be a "cable" or "news" network that exists to broadcast or share randomly selected "local" news stories?

No.  That's boring.

And they definitely shouldn't take the audio, reverse it, and add it back in as "noise" while being "relayed".  That having been stated, alternating the audio backward or forward at successively lower "volume levels" multiple times doesn't make sense either.

We can only pretend that:
  • Serial killers, local or national "politics", or "organized crime" are more than enough to not care about.
  • No individual cares about other cities or neighborhoods.  They rarely go outside or leave their home.
  • National "media" organizations or outlets already cover what an individual needs or wants to hear or see.
Backward or "it's not the same everywhere".

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