Saturday, March 27, 2021


About the blog 

[UPDATE: Fixed a glaring omission... after accepting the invitation to visit the home mentioned below... was I told who had been giving me the "slander treatment" or who the 2 were that were doing it?  Nope.  I was told I misunderstood what was said.  The image below with some text shaded out so not to violate anyone else's privacy is a SCREENSHOT though.

No one there had anything to tell me at all.  There did seem to be reasons for inviting me over.  And I assure you that one of them was definitely NOT to hand me anything then pretend to take photos when my attention was elsewhere.  Original post on 03-23-2021 01:33 AM]

   Am working on a blog post about the 2nd woman trying to be a stalker - it's 1:10 am.  Was just interrupted by a guys voice saying something about wanting to 'make a deal'.  I'm alone in my apartment but unfortunately hearing that type of thing isn't unusual.  But at least this time it wasn't profane, taunting, or suggesting things no person should have to listen to.

    Here's an approximation of the 2nd woman's appearance.  She went out of her way to park in the Brentwood YMCA parking lot nearby one day so she could stare at me with an "unhappy to be staring" at me look.  The front license plate on her car helpfully said "Magga".  She also preceded the appearance of another woman by a few minutes who's followed me before (details are in the post Faces).  Of course that was probably just a coincidence.

But instead of talking to whoever wants to make a deal I'm doing the opposite.  That would be documenting the circumstances that led me to first visit a home near my apartment (it was an invitation from someone living there along with a statement that they had been harassed online like I was).  I'd never said anything to anyone about being harassed online.  There wasn't enough cause to think it was happening... but here was someone answering a question I hadn't asked.

   After visiting I realized the home had several things in common with my apartment.  One of the homeowners and I both heard another person's voice at the same time.  Except that person was not there and both of us were in separate rooms of the house when it happened.

The home had a unidentified RF signal nearby that showed up in an RF Meter phone app like the RF signal in my apartment. Someone was able to run the same app on their phone and sent me a screen capture (it's the neon green line at the very bottom of the screen).  But attempts to help them locate the source were always politely discouraged.

   One time when visiting I had an ultrasonic receiver with me and was surprised to hear music from the exposed wiring in the home.  Music also seemed to emanate from metal pipes where exposed in the basement.  2 other people and I listened to it for awhile.  The receiver picks up sound in the 40 KHz range and steps it down to audible.  Music played at 40 KHz by accident...?  And the music seemed to affect the perceived mood of the area it was heard in.  Other attempts to help them locate the ultrasound source were also politely discouraged and I didn't push the issue.  But sometimes I would get the impression someone living there was aware of who/what was causing those things.  The next time I had an impression it was often that they were unaware.   If someone did know what was going on it was never volunteered.

   There were also occasional events mentioned described as ghosts or haunted.  I couldn't confirm he events but one was described where someone felt like a hand grabbed their leg.  That effect has occurred in my apartment but it's caused by an oscillating wave (RF or magnetic) that causes similar effects and can make it difficult to relax and be comfortable. 

   For several months a high-pitched tinnitus type sound could be heard there.  It also matched those in my apartment.

   So the home had/has these in common with my apartment:

  • Voices of people not present (heard by others too)
  • Unidentified RF signal
  • Ultrasound being found with an ultrasonic receiver
  • Physical effects that match those from an oscillating wave in my apartment
  • Tinnitus type sounds

   Doesn't seem like a coincidence in my opinion.

   And I know of 5 other locations with 2 or more of the same things occurring.

   Back to the voice wanting to 'make a deal'...  that doesn't seem like a coincidence happening now either.  Earlier tonight I was at the same home and asked about a stereo with it's own antenna to improve reception.  I couldn't figure out why the stereo sometimes seemed to have the same effect as the Thrall from laptop displays or vehicle navigation displays I've mentioned before.  It turns out the antenna attached isn't a simple passive antenna.  It's a powered antenna...   Just another detail that might be more important than it seems.

   Those same voices have been forced into my apartment for the past few years now.  But their approach has gone through some changes.  They've tried to:

  • Convince me the situation was an "accident" but once started it couldn't stop.  Of course an explanation of that was never offered.
  • Convince me I misunderstood the situation.
    • They were actually on my side.
    • I had been helping them test out the technologies being used...  but somehow forgot that.
    • All I had to do was talk to them and we could get things cleared up.
  • Convince me they were authorized to listen to me and say whatever they wanted to me for as long as they wanted.
  • Convince me they weren't going to stop until I 'told them what they wanted to hear'.
  • Convince me that 'everyone' knows what's going on and I'm the only one that doesn't. 
  • Convince me I know what's going on but pretend otherwise.
  • Convince me I'd be better off talking to them than refusing to and things continue as they were.
  • Convince me I'd already been talking with them.  I just had to admit it by going outside and "talking" to them.

   Whoever it is wants to make some kind of "deal"?

   There's no deal to be made.

   I'd much rather keep trying to find out who knows who's responsible for this, who's been involved or helping, and why they seem to think they can't be caught or ever get in trouble for their actions.

   Knowing which people I considered friends were involved and helped perpetrate it would also be helpful.

   But one step at a time.


About the blog

[UPDATE: While finishing this post and working on the last few sentences I started hearing someone's voice in my apartment.  I couldn't make out the words but was given the impression someone intended to influence what I was writing.  That was accompanied by muscle spasms in my back, loss of circulation in my feet and toes (they became cold to the touch), and a little more effort needed to breathe.  I rewrote the last few sentences of this post 2 more times to make sure the words were mine.  During that time the effects I noted above continued to build.  Will keep trying to describe and explain them on this blog.  In the meantime here's one way to mitigate and stop it from having an effect - Mitigating an invisible but physical force on Schizophrenia Playbook]  

   Culture and society are littered with stereotypes that hang on to existence no matter how inaccurate or fictional they are.

   One in particular has helped move countless movie plots but hardly achieved more than mocking laughter and derision in the real world.

   You're probably way ahead of me and pictured the stereotype already:

  • Unkempt hair, little or no personal grooming, wearing wrinkled clothes that were slept in.
  • Wild, unstable personality lacking in basic social skills.
  • Minimal to no technical knowledge or background but still attempting to scientifically explain all kinds of perceived problems.
   Have you every wondered why this stereotype is so well known and easily recognized?

   Like other answers offered here it should exist in plain sight.

   What leads to someone apparently turning the stereotype into their reality is:

  • The reaction a person has when the unconscious part of their mind perceives it's being attacked by something the conscious part of their mind doesn't perceive.
  • One of  the possible end results that occurs as the:
    • Unconscious tries to raise one red flag after another to signal an alarm to the conscious
    • Conscious tries to cope with, make sense of, and understand that an attack is going on that it doesn't directly perceive.
    • As long as the conscious part of the mind doesn't raise a white flag this cycle continues.
    • Should the conscious part of the mind and the unconscious be on good terms:
      • Not having reason to distrust each other
      • Not having reason to give up on the other with one part taking more control over the whole mind to try and resolve the situation
      • Then 'time is the only thing that separates us' explains that eventually the mind will reach awareness and find a solution
    • Should both parts of the mind not be on good terms it's impossible to know what happens next.  But history can provide more than enough examples for an overall picture.
   As long as whatever initially was perceived as an attack is gone the mind can figure out what needs to be understood and be fine.

   If that's not the case or the attack is taken up again... things can get much worse.  To simplify a description of this let's call the source of the attack an "enemy".  It might be an oversimplification but if an attack was launched twice it most likely wasn't from a friend.  And a true enemy wouldn't attack someone then exit the battle to forget it ever happened.  If they thought they'd won there would be a celebration.  If they thought a mortal wound had been inflicted they 'd watch to see it run it's course.  Either way, a source of information is required.

   In the unlucky event that one part of the person's mind refused to stop raising red flags and the other part of their mind refused to raise a white flag, then the cycle might continue out of sheer stubbornness.  And if that cycle became outwardly visible and made it's way to an enemy what naturally happens next is:

  • An enemy should of course learn everything they can about the situation, looking for weaknesses.
  • An enemy should of course actively probe for weaknesses to know where to focus effort next.
  • An enemy should of course take these things and create a feedback loop to increase the damage and make it the fault of the person being attacked.
   When done with planning, execution, and organization, the person being attacked should collapse under the weight of more than just the one stereotype.

   That last statement is actually backwards...

   There doesn't need to be any careful planning, coordinated execution, or recognizable organization to attack someone in this way.

   It still can work just as well.

Thursday, March 25, 2021


About the blog

[UPDATE: The woman pictured below made another appearance recently driving a black Infinity QX50.  But a minute or so prior to that I recognized a different woman driving behind me.  She had been practicing unhappy stares while sitting in a car at a YMCA parking lot the first time I saw her several months ago.  Details can be found in the post Magga.  Original post on 10-23-2020 06:50 PM]

   So i'm trying to put names to a couple faces.  The first one is for a woman I've encountered more than once under circumstances that seem unusual.  If I was trying to describe her to police:

  • Never could gauge her height (she was always sitting in the drivers seat)
  • Late 20's to early 30's.
  • Slightly longer than shoulder length brown hair.
  • Was driving a dark blue jeep cherokee and then a red (almost maroon) convertible.

   I'd call her a stalker if the situation wasn't so unpleasant.

   The first time I saw her was when passing Monsanto while driving down Lindbergh to work.  She merged onto Lindbergh from a Monsanto overpass and apparently timed it so I'd be ahead of her.  For some reason the vehicle caught my attention as it merged so I slowed down.

   And slowed down again.

   And again.

   We were each in a different lane but she refused to pass me no matter what speed I was going.

   Sound familiar?

   Finally she sped up and did pass me and I got to see her face.

   That was the first time and when it happened I had no idea why she was there.

   If you want to know where someone goes to work during the week it's completely unnecessary to physically follow them.  But she tried to.

   The second time I saw her was as I walked into the Walgreen's at Delmar and 170.  I glanced over to the right side of the door and she was pulling up in a red (almost maroon) convertible.  I went inside but then went over to one of the glass panes to confirm it was her.  She tucked her hair under a ball cap but didn't get out of the car.  She waited there until she looked up and realized she had been recognized. I finished my shopping and walked back outside just a few minutes later but she was gone.

   You might be wondering why she was following me the first time.

   It has to do with Proximity.

   As for the second time...  if you're wondering if it was Proximity related then that makes both of us.

   She wasn't smiling any of the times I saw her.  Her expression was more about intense concentration.

   Does anyone know a woman with the same approximate physical appearance that might be involved with something like private investigation?  She might even be from the Chesterfield or Saint Charles area.

   There's quite a few things I'd like to say to her if given the chance.

   But I get the impression she's 'never been caught'.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021


About the blog

   There's been a legal phrase on my mind for some time now.  I'm moderately sure it wasn't planted for me to discover using something subliminal, or by suggestion, or through hypnosis.  It showed up when the time was right.

   That phrase is "class-action lawsuit".

   When it first turned up the scope was relatively small.  There were issues with harassment, privacy, and psychological harm at a few addresses.  Those causing the harm hid their identities by suggesting they were law enforcement, co-workers, friends, or family.  Brain-washing techniques helped make short work of anyone trying to resist these bullies.

   Since then quite a few puzzle pieces have gone from missing to finding their place in a large, still growing puzzle.

   You might be wondering which piece found it's place today.

   That would be this post's title... 

   The most important, significant, and pertinent details leading up to a person becoming a hypochondriac have been knowingly, willfully, and without regard for those affected... BEEN HIDDEN FROM AWARENESS AND REPLACED WITH NOTHING - not even replaced with lies.

   Because even a single lie would eventually stand out like a beacon for unwanted attention.

   You might be wondering what could possibly justify a class action lawsuit - or any lawsuit - in this.  Also, where is the extraordinary proof given the extraordinary claim.

   The justification and proof probably don't exist right this moment.  If it did exist in a form admissible in court you'd expect someone to have shredded it by now.  Whether it rests in some warehouse or gets used like an invisible hand from God next door it won't enable a lawsuit.  It's out of reach for now.

   That won't be a problem forever, though.  The information needed to form a justification and build a mountain range of proof is only waiting for awareness to find it.  There's no shortage of backup copies either.  Every individual directly affected or indirectly affected (collateral damage) has a copy safely stored in memory.

   So let's look at the characteristics hypochondriacs have by putting our faith in the Mayo Clinic's online information.

   You probably already knew the term hypochondriac has been replaced by Illness anxiety disorder.

The Overview contains the following:

  • You may worry excessively that you are or may become seriously ill
  • You may have no physical symptoms
  • You may believe that normal body sensations or minor symptoms are signs of severe illness
    • even though a thorough medical exam doesn't reveal a serious medical condition.
  • You may experience extreme anxiety that body sensations, such as muscle twitching or fatigue, are associated with a specific, serious illness
  • This excessive anxiety - rather than the physical symptom itself - results in severe distress that can disrupt your life.

The Symptoms consist of:

  • Being preoccupied with having or getting a serious disease or health condition
  • Worrying that minor symptoms or body sensations mean you have a serious illness
  • Being easily alarmed about your health status
  • Finding little or no reassurance from doctor visits or negative test results
  • Worrying excessively about a specific medical condition or your risk of developing a medical condition because it runs in your family
  • Having so much distress about possible illnesses that it's hard for you to function
  • Repeatedly checking your body for signs of illness or disease
  • Frequently making medical appointments for reassurance - or avoiding medical care for fear of being diagnosed with a serious illness
  • Avoiding people, places or activities for fear of health risks
  • Constantly talking about your health and possible illnesses
  • Frequently searching the internet for causes of symptoms or possible illnesses

   If you think some of those characteristics sound familiar...  here's a few other puzzle pieces for future reference:

  • Schizophrenia
  • Schizoaffective disorder
  • Manic depressive disorder
  • Autism
  • Major depression
  • Panic disorder
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder
   And if you had to guess... what's the likelihood so many different disorders can be frame-switched to a single shared frame that explains their underlying cause and how to treat them?

   Btw, COVID might be turning us all into hypochondriacs.

Monday, March 22, 2021


About the blog

[UPDATE: 03/27/2021 2:00 PM - Became aware that suggestions had been used with the possible intent of using me to cause harm to others.  What form that may take is subjective so am making verbiage changes as long as the meaning is not affected.]

   Wouldn't it be a something if consciousness was an incidental byproduct of how our minds work and not quite the awe inspiring, revered topic of intellectuals?

   Getting right to the point you're probably wondering how someone could just change it's label from "unfathomable" (not everyone feels that way but it makes a great research proposal) to "incidental byproduct"?

   I guess it was easier to do than expected.

   And it didn't hurt thaRené Descartes statement "I think therefore I am" is a chicken-and-egg problem.  The solution to those can be painfully simple but hidden by circular language and doublespeak.

   Most of us aren't the type of thinker to spend hours and hours reasoning through something like:
  • How it's possible to be reasoning about consciousness making it possible to reason about itself.
   If you think that statement is profound in some way...  it's not.

   It's confusing at best.  A doctor explaining that ligaments hold bones together because of love couldn't  do better.

   So getting back to consciousness... if you subscribe to the theory that a whole mind is made of 2 sub minds (conscious and unconscious parts) and each contributes a distinct way of looking at the world forming the basis of perspective...

   Let's use a frame-switch to explain it better.  Photography might work.

   Say you have 2 photographs of someone's messy, cluttered desk:
  • One photo is before an item was taken from the desk. 
  • The other photo is after an item was taken from the desk.
   What's the simplest and fastest way to find out what item was taken?

   If you know that stacking both pictures together to flip back and forth looking for movement is fastest you're probably right.  So setting up the frame-switch with the frame we're most comfortable with first:
  • First frame: 2 photographs of the same desk
    • We want to identify differences between the photos.
    • Flipping between them creates the illusion of movement around differences.
  • Second frame: 2 sub minds making up a whole mind
    • We want to quantify something unique about the conscious part of the mind.
    • Shifting awareness between the conscious and unconscious gives perspective.
    • But we don't typically have direct access to unconscious awareness, only conscious awareness.
   You might be wondering now if a real explanation of consciousness was left hanging.

   Nope.  My assertion is the explanation is painfully simple.

   At some point you might start wondering if  "i am" therefore applies even without explicit thought.

   It's backwards.   No surprise there.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021


About the blog

   It's not real difficult to make enemies.  It can even happen accidentally.  Sometimes it happens without being noticed until you find a former friend walking toward you with a smile while holding a knife behind their back.

   There's most often a very good reason someone becomes an enemy though.

   You might be wondering what the simplest, most direct, and only way to convert an enemy to a friend (a real friend, not a fake or sunshine friend) is.

   Don't expect an immediate or overnight change, but here's an opinion:

  • Take everything on record, in possession, marked secret, super secret, or top secret that pertains to your enemy.
    • Leave nothing out whether good or bad.
    • Leave nothing out whether it reflects poorly, badly, extremely badly, or even criminally on you.
    • Do not do anything with those things that might put yourself in a better light or draw attention away from you to someone else.
    • Do actual due diligence that you have everything - don't just accept everyone's assurance you do.
      • Actually go forth and find all places records are stored, secrets kept, rugs where things are swept under, closets where boxes are tossed, and warehouses.
      • Require someone whose job depends on it done

Have you ever passed someone you didn't know and for a moment they seemed to have a strange knowing or amused smile?  Maybe it was someone you knew well enough to ask what was funny and get a truthful answer.

   You've probably seen enough who-dun-it movies to know those smiles can give away entire movie plots.

   In the real world we're not supposed to read that far between the lines.

   And the plot lasts only until you're finally told:

  • You don't know me as well as you think you do.
  • You see what you want to see.
  • You don't know what you're talking about.
   There's a problem with those responses.  A very significant one and it relates to honesty.

   Assuming your question was:
  • "What was that smile for?"
  • "What did that mean?"
   Were you aware that none of those answers pertained to your question?

    In every way that should be considered backwards.

   Re-read them carefully.  They can seem like perfectly good answers for the question you asked but they're not.  It could be due to poor communication.  That can happen but also be straightened out quickly enough.

   These are the 2 things you don't want for the reason:
  • You're conversing with a pathological liar.
  • The person you're conversing with isn't allowed to give you the answer - they probably don't even know what it is... consciously.
   You might be wondering what point I'm trying to make with the 2nd reason.

   It almost sounds like paranoia talking.  It hints at seeing ghosts where there's nothing.

   You should definitely be wondering what kind of proof exists it can happen or has been done.

   For the time being I'm asserting it can happen and is actively being done.  Someone is using what amounts to a haunted house to force hypnosis on people in the St. Louis area.

   If you're wondering what it takes to fake a haunted house it's the same toolset to force behavioral modification on a person's mind:
  • Oscillating magnetic fields (an AC magnetic field with an oscillation added)
  • Oscillating waves (an RF wave with an oscillation added)
   So is my apartment haunted?  Seems unlikely.

   Is a building just off Jefferson Street downtown haunted?  That also seems unlikely.

   Unfortunately... that only leaves behavioral modification.

   Which isn't very amusing.


About the blog 

   Have you ever passed someone you didn't know and for a moment they seemed to have a strange knowing or amused smile?  Maybe it was someone you knew well enough to ask what was funny and get a truthful answer.

   You've probably seen enough who-dun-it movies to know those smiles can give away entire movie plots.

   In the real world we're not supposed to read that far between the lines.

   And the plot lasts only until you're finally told:

  • You don't know me as well as you think you do.
  • You see what you want to see.
  • You don't know what you're talking about.
   There's a problem with those responses.  A very significant one and it relates to honesty.

   Assuming your question was:
  • "What was that smile for?"
  • "What did that mean?"
   Were you aware that none of those answers pertained to your question?

    In every way that should be considered backwards.

   Re-read them carefully.  They can seem like perfectly good answers for the question you asked but they're not.  It could be due to poor communication.  That can happen but also be straightened out quickly enough.

   These are the 2 things you don't want for the reason:
  • You're conversing with a pathological liar.
  • The person you're conversing with isn't allowed to give you the answer - they probably don't even know what it is... consciously.
   You might be wondering what point I'm trying to make with the 2nd reason.

   It almost sounds like paranoia talking.  It hints at seeing ghosts where there's nothing.

   You should definitely be wondering what kind of proof exists it can happen or has been done.

   For the time being I'm asserting it can happen and is actively being done.  Someone is using what amounts to a haunted house to force hypnosis on people in the St. Louis area.

   If you're wondering what it takes to fake a haunted house it's the same toolset to force behavioral modification on a person's mind:
  • Oscillating magnetic fields (an AC magnetic field with an oscillation added)
  • Oscillating waves (an RF wave with an oscillation added)
   So is my apartment haunted?  Seems unlikely.

   Is a building just off Jefferson Street downtown haunted?  That also seems unlikely.

   Unfortunately... that only leaves behavioral modification.

   Which isn't very amusing.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Standing [nearly]

About the blog

[UPDATE: A few minutes ago was outside my apartment building an encountered the same effect of muscle movement requiring slightly more effort than usual.  It's being caused by a Nearly Standing wave being induced in the local power lines.  That can actually be done using a cell phone if the right app is installed (would drain the battery much quicker though).  The technical term for a wave of this type is an Oscillating Wave though it's a relatively slow.  The sensation of individual hairs moving across exposed limbs seems to indicate that.  Would guess the movement is well under 1 meter per second.  Have update this post with the correct specs.  Originally published on 10-19-2020 at 01:37 PM]

[NOTE: This post was originally published on 8/22/2020 at 9:31 PM.  At the time I didn't explicitly state other details needed if this ever was turned into something a patent application. Updating it now.  The post was updated and republished on 9/21/2020 at 10:54 AM]

[EDIT: 10/19/2020 1:30 PM - Realized my information was incomplete.  There were 90 degree angles where power lines crossed over each other where I've noticed the effect outside. Other times it occurred indoors or a covered area so can't be sure where electricity was being carried.  The need to turn the wave to match a person's physical size may not matter either.]

   Something odd turns on around my apartment complex at night.  What is it?  I'm not really sure.  I don't have an engineering degree or know enough about electricity, RF, or magnetism to describe it.

   What are the effects I notice?

   Muscle movement requires a little bit more effort when standing or walking around the complex.

   It's not much though.  It's barely noticeable.

   People exercise all the time here or walk their dogs.  They get in and out of the cars.  No one stops and seems to be aware when I'm noticing it.  It's strange, I'll admit that.

   Earlier tonight I was walking with my cellphone in my pocket when the effect became more than just barely noticeable.

   I was stuck in something I couldn't see but weighed me down like I'd doubled in weight.

   Not a single other person was visible for me to confirm it with.

   Recently I read about how antennas can generate standing waves.  Nothing unusual about that.  But what if you were at the intersection of  multiple slowly oscillating waves 2 standing waves oriented a certain way 3 standing waves that represented all that were oriented to cover 3 dimensions of space?

   I don't know much about engineering and antennas... so there's a good chance I got the standing part right but wrong.  Go figure...  That turned out to be true.  It's wave that's nearly standing but not stopped.  It's an oscillating wave.  Whether it's a standing wave or not it needs to be tuned to the dimensions of what's intended to be confined and contained.  So for a person standing upright it should be tuned relative to their individual height.  So with a cell phone in a person's pocket with the antenna oriented to the Y axis and 2 power lines at 90 degrees above for the X and Z axis...  It's not a force field or an invisible spider web but might seem like it. 

   The non-obvious part of how this could work is using a person's own cellphone to provide an additional source of RF for the interaction.

   What can a cellphone antenna do besides connect you to the closest tower?

   Not much unless it's Unboxed into an analog mode that doesn't need to exist.

   I may need to start bringing the cookie tin with me.

Sunday, March 7, 2021


About the blog

[UPDATE:  Today's post was moved back a day.  There's still a few spoilers here though.]

   Let's create a hypothetical scenario by providing a few vague details and building up from there.  The reason I'm doing this post differently has to do with information getting lost in the process.  I try to move forward thinking key points have been clearly presented.

   I'm not so sure that's the case now.

   There's an easy way to make sure though.  I'll do that with a summary:

  • Someone(s) in St. Louis are picking and choosing who lives here and who doesn't.
  • Criteria for deciding who gets to stay and who has to go doesn't seem to be defined anywhere.
  • Which means so long as no one hates you, holds a grudge, or dislikes you personally... you're fine. 
  • Otherwise you may end up on the receiving end of some very unpleasant treatment... and it will only continue to escalate and get worse until you take the hint and leave.
  • The unpleasant treatment takes a form designed to resist understanding.
   The most important piece of information I have to communicate?

   Whatever individuals make up this group and the way they hand out hints doesn't matter.

   There won't be enough cover for them to operate soon.... unless they're ok with those they've been abusing and continue to abuse being able to send the police over to arrest them provided with every detail needed for the case to be both opened and closed.

   So where's that hypothetical scenario mentioned earlier?

   Right here.  Except it's not hypothetical.  It's St. Louis reality.

   This time we're sticking to decently accurate observations - not trying to find the answer to every question... yet.  Why do I call them decently accurate?  Because each is something that happened approximately 100 times before being accepted as real and not just a perception, illusion, or imagination.

   That list will slowly but steadily be converted to facts using logic and knowledge.

   I don't know who will help contribute those yet.

   But the math here is dead simple...

   I'm just too dumb and too stupid to ignore what's going on and pretend it's not happening.

   Since those involved have to remain anonymous they hide well enough apparently.  That means the first item's on hold.  That's fine though.  There's no reason to rush when finally pointing a finger to accuse.  The second item is well underway.

   A few more iterations should actually finish documentation.  Did I mention everything documented so far can be mitigated, compensated for, or stopped?

   It turns out getting things backwards over and over can still eventually work out.

   The high level secrets to know:
  • Fight AC magnetism with DC magnetism.
  • Fight AC current with DC current.
  • Fight RF with pre-magnetism (metal particles not yet magnetized).
  • Put your cell phone in time out when it's not being used.
  • Actually, it has to stay in a time out at all times.
   Nothing fancy needed though.


 About the blog

[UPDATE:  This topic will span at least 2 posts.  More subjective details have been included below.  And the person mentioned below asserts all rights to what was learned during the unwelcome experience. 03/07/2021 08:09 AM]

[NOTE: Nature seems to like when things exist in pairs.  It even holds true for hypnosis.  The most direct approach is through hypnotic trance and suggestion - all mind and no technology needed.  The form it's twin takes starts with technology and turns suggestion upside down.   The posts on this blog have been about what's visible to some extent.  Hypnosis' twin has no visible or moving parts at all.  My target subject was only off by a little...  could that be claimed as having the pair backwards?  The full post should be ready shortly.  Expect enough detail to understand and replicate what was done. 03/07/2021 05:30 AM]

   Nature really likes pairs for some reason.  They turn up every where.  Conscious and unconscious parts of the mind.  Particles and waves.  So of course it stands to reason there must be 2 ways to go about "controlling someone's mind" as a third party.

   My apologies...  I meant to say "modifying someone's behavior" but didn't initially find the right words.

   I guess now that we've reasoned something into existence we should probably figure out what it is.

   Lets start with the few totally subjective things we can't possibly be sure of:

  • A person's mind suddenly turned against them. 
    • The person who had previously been setting priorities, planning, and making decisions was swept aside and turned into a spectator on their life.
    • And those tasks seemed to have been handed off to another.
    • At the same time the person realized anything needing awareness to function had broken down.
    • Along with that the person lost the ability to gain perspective and had tunnel vision only.

   Now let's use the few objective things noted where those subjective things occurred:

  • Both apartments the person lived in during the last 4 years developed AC magnetic fields emanating from the floor AFTER they were moved into.
    • Assuming AC magnetic fields under apartments don't change addresses on their own... they were intentionally (not accidentally) created.
  • A tinnitus was continually audible at that point and seemed related to the AC magnetic field.
    • The tinnitus would sometimes begin increasing in volume and pitch.
      • That always matched an increase in the AC magnetic field strength from the floor when measured.
      • The day those readings reached the highest recorded the person's flat screen TV burned out.
  • Noticeable difficulty trying to relax while in the apartment.
    • Minutes after entering the apartment, sensations on the toes and feet that felt similar to being squeezed or pinched would be felt.
    • Seemed to be in parts of the body that were thinnest and closest to the floor.
    • Roaming areas of muscle spasms, cramping, and general uncomfortableness then sporadically moved across the body as long as the person stayed in the apartment.
    • Falling asleep became particularly difficult.
      • The aforementioned muscle issues could appear at any moment and result in tensing back up.
  • Cell phones brought into the apartment would begin generating "something" that was noticeable and could extend out from the cell phone for several meters.
    • Useable battery life of phones dropped by half.
    • That "something" felt kinda like it was electrostatic but kinda like the movement of air across the skin that sometimes had an exaggerated cooling effect.
    • The same "something" seemed to be able to exert a very small amount of physical force as it encountered things like cell phone screens and laptop displays and reflected off them.
    • The cell phones only did this intermittently though and it happened in a way that gave the appearance of the cell phones being aware of what was going on in the apartment.
  • Feeling of movement across the skin that could be felt on the entire body.
    • Was typically so light it was difficult to even notice.
    • Could be felt moving at more than just one speed on different occasions.
  • Sudden loss of memory, cognitive function, and coordination.
    • This occurred daily at the apartment and made remembering the previous day more and more difficult over time.
    • Only one incident was noted where something else occurred at exactly the same moment.
      • While standing in the apartment kitchen within a foot of the dish washer the person was holding there cell phone near the dish washer door.
      • They then realized the electrostatic like effect from the phone has become noticeable and was expanding.
      • As they moved back they reached down with a hand to steady themselves.  When they touched the floor a rapid tapping was felt directly under the fingers in contact with the floor.
      • It quickly stopped but as they stood up they began having symptoms of memory loss and loss of cognitive function.  Also had trouble standing for a few minutes.
      • They were seemingly fine after less than 4 minutes.
  • Many of these effects also occurred in the person's car and at their work place.
    • They typically had their cell phone with them in the car and at work.
  • Between 2 and 3 years ago something happened in the person's apartment that somehow altered both their sleep and the dreams they had when sleeping.
    • It was first noticed 15 to 20 minutes after they'd gone to bed for the night.
      • In what seemed to be stages they felt:
        • A general uncomfortable feeling in their legs and feet like they needed to stretch.
        • This expanded to their arms, hands, and neck.
        • Then was joined by a feeling that their feet and toes were being squeezed without anything discernable to cause it.
        • Then in another 1 or 2 quick steps they would suddenly go from sleepy to wide awake in a way that felt forced.
    • The cycle might be repeated more than once when used.
    • Each cycle was followed by hearing someone's voice trying to get a response using phrases like:
      • Can you hear me?
      • I want to talk to you.
    • On other occasions the person would wake up in the middle of the night hearing someone's voice asking questions.
    • After any physical movement the questions instantly stopped being asked.
    • For the dreams they could remember, there was an impression of tampering in regards to who or what was in the dream.
      • Though their dreams had been free-flowing and dynamic, they were now more limited.
      • Essentially the same dream might replay in a loop all night.

   The next post will turn these observations into something more concrete.

Saturday, March 6, 2021


 About the blog 

   I'm pre-announcing my own downfall.   There's no reason to think that's necessary at this point.  It's just the standard phase entered when:

  • The path a person's following is walled off from them.
  • Encouragement to take a different path has been rejected.
    • Not out of disdain or spite but because the path definitely exists.
    • It's right there [icon finger pointing somewhere].
    • Someone walled off a perfectly good path, gave no reason why, and added a detour leading to a different destination.
  • The finishing stroke follows the suggestion a person's gotten too "big for their britches" and a correction is needed.

   Depending on your level of curiosity you might consider this more complaining and whining then constructive debate.  I won't disagree with that.

   But there's no debate and their won't be any.

   For some reason - there's no conspiracy here and there doesn't need to be - there's no outrageous pressure being exerted to take a different path.  At least not visibly and it exists without a way to objectively demonstrate it's occurring.  Proof is difficult to provide when it requires measuring things we can't see.

   The pushback used to erase and demolish this path is absolutely perfect though.   I'd try to describe how it works in detail:

  • Who gets to know of it and who doesn't?
  • How much does any one person get to know?
  •  How coordinated or disorganized are those encouraging the detour?
  • How is communication handled?
   But like people sitting in cars, head lights on and engines running with no destination to drive to... these details don't seem to exist.

   You might be wondering what that kind of plausible deniability is worth.

   It's priceless.

   Entire governments have worked to perfect such a thing for decades.  If they've succeeded we'll never know what about.  That's not typically how achievements are managed.

   It's backwards.

   But on a city level with many competing interests...  actually I've never encountered something like it before.  I have no idea what to think.

   I do have a few license plate numbers.  Two of those were on the same vehicle during the course of a single day.   But you have to remember, it's my downfall I'm preannouncing.

   I'm now looking for a parallel path at least in the same direction,

   The only really disconcerting part?

   The people who definitely know where the path leads are coworkers.

   Any question with even the slightest hint of being related is off limits.


"Illustration" courtesy of: "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...