Sunday, March 7, 2021


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[UPDATE:  This topic will span at least 2 posts.  More subjective details have been included below.  And the person mentioned below asserts all rights to what was learned during the unwelcome experience. 03/07/2021 08:09 AM]

[NOTE: Nature seems to like when things exist in pairs.  It even holds true for hypnosis.  The most direct approach is through hypnotic trance and suggestion - all mind and no technology needed.  The form it's twin takes starts with technology and turns suggestion upside down.   The posts on this blog have been about what's visible to some extent.  Hypnosis' twin has no visible or moving parts at all.  My target subject was only off by a little...  could that be claimed as having the pair backwards?  The full post should be ready shortly.  Expect enough detail to understand and replicate what was done. 03/07/2021 05:30 AM]

   Nature really likes pairs for some reason.  They turn up every where.  Conscious and unconscious parts of the mind.  Particles and waves.  So of course it stands to reason there must be 2 ways to go about "controlling someone's mind" as a third party.

   My apologies...  I meant to say "modifying someone's behavior" but didn't initially find the right words.

   I guess now that we've reasoned something into existence we should probably figure out what it is.

   Lets start with the few totally subjective things we can't possibly be sure of:

  • A person's mind suddenly turned against them. 
    • The person who had previously been setting priorities, planning, and making decisions was swept aside and turned into a spectator on their life.
    • And those tasks seemed to have been handed off to another.
    • At the same time the person realized anything needing awareness to function had broken down.
    • Along with that the person lost the ability to gain perspective and had tunnel vision only.

   Now let's use the few objective things noted where those subjective things occurred:

  • Both apartments the person lived in during the last 4 years developed AC magnetic fields emanating from the floor AFTER they were moved into.
    • Assuming AC magnetic fields under apartments don't change addresses on their own... they were intentionally (not accidentally) created.
  • A tinnitus was continually audible at that point and seemed related to the AC magnetic field.
    • The tinnitus would sometimes begin increasing in volume and pitch.
      • That always matched an increase in the AC magnetic field strength from the floor when measured.
      • The day those readings reached the highest recorded the person's flat screen TV burned out.
  • Noticeable difficulty trying to relax while in the apartment.
    • Minutes after entering the apartment, sensations on the toes and feet that felt similar to being squeezed or pinched would be felt.
    • Seemed to be in parts of the body that were thinnest and closest to the floor.
    • Roaming areas of muscle spasms, cramping, and general uncomfortableness then sporadically moved across the body as long as the person stayed in the apartment.
    • Falling asleep became particularly difficult.
      • The aforementioned muscle issues could appear at any moment and result in tensing back up.
  • Cell phones brought into the apartment would begin generating "something" that was noticeable and could extend out from the cell phone for several meters.
    • Useable battery life of phones dropped by half.
    • That "something" felt kinda like it was electrostatic but kinda like the movement of air across the skin that sometimes had an exaggerated cooling effect.
    • The same "something" seemed to be able to exert a very small amount of physical force as it encountered things like cell phone screens and laptop displays and reflected off them.
    • The cell phones only did this intermittently though and it happened in a way that gave the appearance of the cell phones being aware of what was going on in the apartment.
  • Feeling of movement across the skin that could be felt on the entire body.
    • Was typically so light it was difficult to even notice.
    • Could be felt moving at more than just one speed on different occasions.
  • Sudden loss of memory, cognitive function, and coordination.
    • This occurred daily at the apartment and made remembering the previous day more and more difficult over time.
    • Only one incident was noted where something else occurred at exactly the same moment.
      • While standing in the apartment kitchen within a foot of the dish washer the person was holding there cell phone near the dish washer door.
      • They then realized the electrostatic like effect from the phone has become noticeable and was expanding.
      • As they moved back they reached down with a hand to steady themselves.  When they touched the floor a rapid tapping was felt directly under the fingers in contact with the floor.
      • It quickly stopped but as they stood up they began having symptoms of memory loss and loss of cognitive function.  Also had trouble standing for a few minutes.
      • They were seemingly fine after less than 4 minutes.
  • Many of these effects also occurred in the person's car and at their work place.
    • They typically had their cell phone with them in the car and at work.
  • Between 2 and 3 years ago something happened in the person's apartment that somehow altered both their sleep and the dreams they had when sleeping.
    • It was first noticed 15 to 20 minutes after they'd gone to bed for the night.
      • In what seemed to be stages they felt:
        • A general uncomfortable feeling in their legs and feet like they needed to stretch.
        • This expanded to their arms, hands, and neck.
        • Then was joined by a feeling that their feet and toes were being squeezed without anything discernable to cause it.
        • Then in another 1 or 2 quick steps they would suddenly go from sleepy to wide awake in a way that felt forced.
    • The cycle might be repeated more than once when used.
    • Each cycle was followed by hearing someone's voice trying to get a response using phrases like:
      • Can you hear me?
      • I want to talk to you.
    • On other occasions the person would wake up in the middle of the night hearing someone's voice asking questions.
    • After any physical movement the questions instantly stopped being asked.
    • For the dreams they could remember, there was an impression of tampering in regards to who or what was in the dream.
      • Though their dreams had been free-flowing and dynamic, they were now more limited.
      • Essentially the same dream might replay in a loop all night.

   The next post will turn these observations into something more concrete.

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