Monday, November 30, 2020


About the blog

   Here's another what-if scenario for you to consider...

   What if the zombie apocalypse arrived and consumed us without being noticed?

   It might happen through misdirection while everyone was isolated in their homes scared of the flu.

   Instead of physical bodies breaking down but still somehow able to function...

   It would be our awareness, creativity, and critical thinking that breaks down but the mind still appearing to somehow function.

   If you're a fan of zombie movies you might be wondering what we'd crave in place of fresh brains.

   We'd crave absolutely nothing.  Which seems a little backwards.

   But it's actually a key component of what would be done subliminally to the unconscious part of the mind.  And once the whole desire and crave thing is conquered everyone should fall in line. 

   Who would make up the band of survivors with front row seats?

   Would you believe it's those we currently isolate in institutions and on medications because they have something categorized as mental illness?

   For any number of reasons the normal pull of awareness between the conscious and unconscious can be disrupted.  When it results in the unconscious part of the mind being less accessible to outside influence it might be more blessing than curse during the apocalypse.

   At least until the survivors watch in horror as humanities spark is snuffed out one person at a time.  Doing it any other way might give someone the chance to notice it happening.

   If a whole group of people begin behaving out of character at once it draws attention.  When it's only one individual at a time we can pick from a huge list of reasons why it happened.  That's if someone was aware of it at all.

   You might be wondering how long it might take to reprogram someone to fit all new "good citizen" parameters?

   A rough guess would be about 14 days of isolation (with a cell phone or other subliminal capable device).

   Thankfully we don't isolate people for 2 weeks without extremely good reason to do so.

©1996 to 2010
Eleanor White

Saturday, November 28, 2020


About the blog

      [NOTE: This post was originally published on 10/25/2020 at 9:38 PM.  At the time I didn't understand how easy it is to flood a home with ultrasound.  Any parametric speaker positioned correctly can do it and introduce music, messages, and suggestions across audible and ultrasonic frequencies.  It also allows a single multi-ultrasonic frequency source to be positioned and interfere/disrupt with any unwanted audio - subliminal or otherwise.  11/28/2020 4:07 AM - So... Patent application for apparatus to interfere/disrupt ultrasonic audio propagating through a structure.  Potential patent potentially pending.]

   I was fortunate enough to find an ultrasonic receiver online recently and purchase it.  It's an MFJ-5008 receiver typically used to locate arcing and corona discharge on Power Lines.  This one is tuned for the 40 KHz audio range and converts sound in that range down to the audible range.

   Seemingly by accident this piece of equipment has provided one more piece in an invisible puzzle.  The puzzle presents itself as a catch-22:

  • If sound is subliminal it's not heard.
  • If sound is heard it's not subliminal.
   But now I have evidence to show how subliminal audio can be introduced into someone's home without them being consciously aware of it.

   You might be wondering what puzzle piece I'm referring to.

   At a home I visit on occasion there seemed to be times with a palpable tone or mood in the air. That sort of perception can be found anywhere but this time I had the ultrasonic receiver with me.  While using the receiver in the basement I pointed it at some copper pipes and suddenly heard music.

   Not only the copper pipes but music could be heard with the receiver pointed at junction boxes where multiple wires came together.  After I stopped back by to check again a week later the sound was gone.  I could hear the normal buzzing/rapid clicking noise that a 60 Hz frequency home electricity generates but that was all.

   For that audio to be heard through the receiver it would have started off around 40 KHz.  So it didn't find it's way into the homes electricity and emitted from the wiring and pipes by accident.

   In fact, I now have 3 different homes where I know this was done and can detail more than just music that was being emitted.

   The big question now is who would be doing this in both Kansas City and Saint Louis.

   Another question is whether it could be done without their respective electrical companies being unaware.

   Because if the power companies aren't involved then someone unknown is altering electrical infrastructure.  And whether they're just playing music for the unconscious part of the mind or attempting subliminal manipulation...

   I'd much rather be consciously aware of it.

Thursday, November 26, 2020


About the blog

   Recently I was careless and lost a payout ticket from a casino.  The ticket wasn't lost the same night it was won so nothing could be done.

   That's what I was told by multiple casino employees when I went to the cashier and asked.  Casinos don't share many details about how they operate and this was no different.

   While trying to find out if a casino can tell when a ticket's been cashed (lets say the owner took a picture before it was lost) I ended up angering at least one employee with that question.  Another employee thought I was asking them to pay me the value of ticket and that didn't go over well either.

   That a casino would have no idea if any given ticket's been cashed... that would be very backward.  It would need to be known just for accounting purposes and balancing the books.  At some point a lost ticket would need to be considered a dead ticket and the money reclaimed.

   Why was I told something that can't be true?

   Why did an employee get angry and tell me not to tell them how their computers work?

   I'm assuming it's control of information about how the casino works.  Every detail that's generally known takes some amount of control away.  In reality that should be a perception thing only.

   Why just a perception?

   Because no casino would last long with exploitable gaps or holes protected only by keeping them secret.

   Now to figure out where lost tickets go.

   I'm not mourning this one.

   But it was supposed to go to someone else.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020


About the blog 

   Everyone likes a good deal.  It's a point of pride with some that they got the best deal possible and didn't get "taken".  But paying wholesale versus retail is one thing.

   What about deals that are offered in exchange for someone's help?

   There's something that bothers me about some deals offered this way.

   You may be wondering what that is exactly.

   It's that sometimes I can't find a difference between that sort of deal and out right bribery.

   I don't have a problem with paying someone for assistance.  Sometimes a person has specialized skills that are needed.

   We don't expect them to help anyone and everyone for free.

   But when it comes to plea deals or deals from prosecutors...  we've crossed into the realm of law and legal officials and bribery should have absolutely no seat there.

   I don't think anyone needs to ask why that is.

   When help is bargained for by a person and for that person it's employment.

   When help is bargained for by a legal official for use against another - and the bargain is to avoid legal issues - it's misuse of power and nothing more than black mail.

   Who exactly does that serve?


About the blog 

   Night after night, someone is honing their harassment skills by taunting and insulting me in my apartment.  It's not just a psychological harassment either.

   Whether I'm supposed to be aware of it or not there's both RF being used and ultrasound.

   Who is it that thinks they have to right or mandate to do this to someone?

   I don't know.  But I suspect they've been strong armed into it whether they agree or not.  Could there even be something held over their head(s)?

   Seems both possible and likely.

   You might be wondering what my response to it has been.

   I've tried for a couple responses:

  1. Find out who they are by asking questions of anyone i thought might know something.
  2. Learn all I can about it so worst case I can help others defend against it.

   On the first front I've had some... resistance.  Not from anyone I've tried to talk to, but from a more organized level and meant to deter me.

   You might be wondering what kind of deterrence I'm talking about.

   That would be explicit warnings to stop asking questions... or some very specific and unpleasant things would happen.

   On the second front I've had more luck.

   There are some simple and effective ways to defend against what's being done.

   Those are things I hope to share soon.


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   I have only one statement to make about the on going pandemic and it's this:

   If something:

  • Is a virus like the flu.
  • Spreads like the flu
  • Is contagious like the flu.
  • Has a cycle like the flu.
  • Kills like the flu.
  • Has symptoms like the flu.
   It's whatever you want it to be.

   Is that backwards?



About the blog

[EDIT: 12-17-2020 08:54 AM - Original post from 11-25-2020 03:43 PM. To make this process less hit and miss there's something else that's needed.  It's a self-limiting way to use a trance state to increase participation through the unconscious part of the mind.  The goal is to make more of what would typically be outside of the normal conscious perception available without triggering a psychosis.]  

   Instead of poking electrodes in someone's brain in hopes of plugging person to computer to person like some kind of Borg (not a swedish dish) how about leveraging schizophrenia?

   That sounds like an exercise in futility or a good way to drive someone crazy.  But that may be due to our lack in understanding of the condition.

   Here's way that could be done accidentally (potential patent potentially pending).

   Apparatus 1:

  • Antenna(s) in a home or office generating RF signal frequencies optimal to pick up vibration from sound and carry it encoded.
  • Items in the home or office made of materials that can transfer vibration from sound into an RF signal as it's reflected off them.

   Apparatus 2:

  • Items in a nearby home or office made of materials that an RF signal can transfer encoded sound to as vibration when it's reflected that replicates the initial sound.
  • Antenna(s) in the nearby home or office generating RF signal frequencies optimal to pick up vibration from sound and carry it encoded.

   The apparatus is circular.

   It's not necessary for the transfer of encoded RF to sound to result in the exact frequencies of the original sound.  It's also not necessary for the transfer to result in the same decibel level of the original sound.

   But when either the sound frequencies or the decibel level falls outside conscious perception but still within unconscious perception... awareness can enable a mind to look beyond it's normal scope of operation.

   Another way of saying that is awareness of other's words, phrases, opinions, viewpoints, and ideas making their way into one's awareness can enable more than would previously be considered.

   Our minds function on awareness.

   That's why they also function on hypnosis.

   It might be time to look at schizophrenia differently.

Saturday, November 21, 2020


About the blog

   You've probably heard of the last book of the Bible.  You might be familiar with it's name (Revelation). You might even have read some of the events it describes.

   Those events are considered more or less likely to happen based on which party has the majority in Congress.  That's if you believe in the concept of an "end time" and how evil you feel Republicans or Democrats truly are.

   The event significant enough for people to wonder about living long enough to witness it is the rapture.

   It can be summed up pretty simply:

  • A noticeable number of people all die instantly.
  • It happens without any warning.
  • The cause isn't exactly normal.
  • Things go really downhill at that point.
   How many technologies can live up to those requirements?

   Several can kill a large number of people instantly.  Not having a warning is unusual but tsunamis aren't always announced.  Either way it's not normal for us to die in large numbers.

   Would you believe some sharp guys and gals building Cell Phones have figured out how to dial up the rapture whenever we're all ready?

   If you've read the post Unboxed... you now know one way it can be done.

   And if anyone claims it wouldn't work...  it's possible someone has that backwards.

   So first check to see who they work for.

   Then look at the reason's they give.

Sunday, November 8, 2020


 About the blog

    Someone has access to undocumented hardware functionality in our cell phones.  It's probably important to find out who that is.

   That functionality includes the ability to activate the phone in an analog RF mode and emit continuous RF frequencies from the antenna.

   What does that allow for?

   Any smooth and flat surface in the vicinity allows for vibration due to speech to be encoded in the RF and carried away.  If that's in a person's home or residence then conversation expected to be private might not be.  Good candidate surfaces include:

  • Flat screen LCD or OLED TV
  • Laptop screen
  • Phone screen
   It only takes another antenna nearby to receive the signal and decode the speech occurring near the RF source.

   What's the best part of this?

   It supposedly doesn't violate anyone's privacy.

   How is that possible?

   Because nothing was placed into a person's home or residence to accomplish any of it.

   It was their own cell phone, their own TV, their own laptop.

   Pretty sneaky, eh?

Thursday, November 5, 2020


 About the blog

   I was recently forced to realize my apartment building has an electrical grounding issue,  Even though my floor was highly magnetized an electrician I paid to inspect it found nothing (he did mention the electricity was probably making it's way in through water pipes).

   Ameren sent 2 engineers here to look around at my request.  They don't enter the apartment (which is probably good to prevent liability issues) and also found nothing wrong.  The 2 things they did mention were:

  • Electricity can "find it's way back in" when the ground isn't done correctly.
  • That can occur through water pipes.
   Neither the electrician or Ameren engineers thought much of my magnetic floor or the 2 magnetized metal gas pipes extending out of the ground in front of the building.

   What started me to think it was grounding related?

   It wasn't the apparent hint from Ameren.

   I looked up indicators for it online and found one that matched:  flickering lights.

   Either side of my building's entrance has a light and one would flicker or flash for hours on end.

   But while doing a Sweep of the apartment to check again for ultrasound I found a problem.  A light bulb in a floor lamp that used to be quiet was now buzzing in the 40 KHz range.

   When I bumped the lamp the receiver popped.

   When I tried to move it the receiver filled with static.

   It was behaving like an antenna.

   What caught me off guard was I'd already written about something similar.  So similar I'm finding it difficult to believe this is a coincidence.

   If a Cell Phone can carry away data about sounds in it's vicinity through RF (analog mode).  Then I was probably looking at a grounding issue for a home or apartment that could do the same thing.

   Does anyone near me have an old analog radio?

   I might need to check the static.


About the blog 

   Spoiler: The tittle of this post is backwards.

   A person's privacy can be easily invaded with the right key.  It may be the privacy of where they live.  It  may be the privacy of their transportation.

   When can a person's privacy be invaded without someone forcing entry from outside?

   If you read the post Ground then you know of a way.  All it takes is a privacy exodus instead of an invasion.  If anyone should notice such a thing occurring...  how would we expect them to react?

   Depending on whether they're strangers, neighbors, or management:

  • Would we expect them to take advantage of the situation and listen in? 
  • Would we expect them to walk a block or 2 and report it to a responsible party? 
  • Would we expect them to walk across a courtyard or street to make the person aware their privacy was unknowingly being given away?

   We don't get to expect anything at all.

   Just because a stranger, neighbor, or member of management becomes aware of a privacy issue doesn't make them responsible for it. 

   It doesn't matter whether what's heard is a fact, rumor, or something from inside a home or apartment that's private.  That last one is probably backwards if those listening do anything other than report what was heard.

   We can't exactly count on strangers, neighbors, or management to anticipate, investigate, and help every potential problem around them.

   But if a crime is being committed because of a privacy exodus...

   The expectation for that is already a given.

Monday, November 2, 2020


About the blog 

   If the flu can be rebranded as COVID then the same can be done to something that seems on the surface to be schizophrenia.  I don't own rights to the name but can put anyone in contact with the person who does (and coined the name) if needed.

   Schizophrenofia: a condition that's created and focused on a person to create the illusion of schizophrenia.  See deception and subliminal manipulation.  Also infrasound and ultrasound [cell phones too].

   Some warning signs you might have Schizophrenofia and not actual Schizophrenia:

  • Family members, friends, and coworkers stop giving direct answers to questions.
  • They may begin saying things like "are you sure you weren't expecting to hear that" if you try to describe what's being heard.
  • Friends may begin doing things to intentionally make you paranoid with no discernable reason.
  • They may then make repeated attempts to "suggest" things that make no sense in a normal conversation.
  • As time goes on the people you remember slowly disappear to be replaced with ones unrecognizable.
   How to tell Schizophrenofia from actual Schizophrenia:

  • You keep at least 1 cell phone near you all the time.
  • Turning the cell phone on or off causes a 15 to 30 second break from what's being heard.
  • When you're in a car driving on the highway:
    • Rolling up or down a window to cause a noticeable pressure change can cause what's being heard to temporarily drop.
    • Turning up the radio volume makes what's being heard louder (that's not normal).
    • Turning down the radio volume has no effect.
  • When elevator doors seal and cause a noticeable pressure change what's being heard temporarily drops.
  • Spinning around in an office chair can cause what's being heard to drop for a fraction of a second on each rotation.
  • Getting water in your ears can temporarily cause what's being heard to drop.

   What's meant by "temporarily drop"?

  • Your perception of what's being heard is momentarily lost due to pressure changes in your head or inner ear.

   You're mental defenses and coping mechanisms are being used against you.

   How can you tell if that's the case?

  1. Wait until what's being heard is at it's greatest intensity.
  2. Make yourself aware of all the things you're doing mentally to hold back what's being heard (or experienced).
  3. Then all at once use that awareness to drop all defenses.

   If what's being heard suddenly stops for more than a few seconds then it's Schizophrenofia.


  • Patience until those around you come to their senses.


About the blog

   It would be great to say we live in a world with no illusions.  If it was then everything would exist exactly as it first appeared.    We would always have some comfort in knowing our perceptions were an exact match to what's around us.

   Our minds just don't work that way.

   Each of our senses (the usual 5) are based on something being perceived relative to itself.

   That probably sounds backwards.

    Let me phrase that another way:

  • We perceive sound as closer or farther, as louder or softer.
  • We perceive sight as closer or farther, as clearer or blurrier, as one color to another.
  • We perceive smell as stronger or fainter, as odorous or perfume like.
  • We perceive taste as more or less salty, flavorful, or similar to other flavors.
  • We perceive touch as being warmer or colder, as smoother or rougher.

   They're all relative perceptions.

   We can easily look at 2 items and say one is closer to us than the other.  But try being accurate about the distance to either in millimeters.

   Because of that our senses never need to be calibrated.

   That features is continuous and built in.

   The drawback is individual perception determines how we understand and interpret everything we experience.  And perception is always open to illusion.

   That doesn't mean illusions are helpful or necessary though.  That couldn't be more backwards.

   Dealing with illusions means putting in effort to identify and correct them before they have a chance to become part of who we are.

   It doesn't matter whether they exist at home, work, or something completely recreational.

   Like gambling and Slots.


About the blog 

   There are times in everyone's life that bring difficult problems.  They can't be avoided.  When we fully understand what needs to be decided a good answer can be found.  That doesn't mean all good answers are easy but at least we can consciously make a choice.

   What's more common are problems we don't completely understand.  Sometimes we might only have guesses and innuendo to go on.  It hardly makes a difference when an answer is needed immediately.

   The important thing about both situations is how decisions are consciously made.

   They aren't typically made while we're sleeping.

   There's a good chance I have that backwards.

   You might be wondering what happens when a decision is left to the unconscious part of the mind.

   Would it surprise you to find out this can't be done?

   It's not because a problem can't be communicated.  The unconscious part of the mind can understand just fine.  It's also not because an answer can't be asked of it.

   The problem is we aren't dealing with a decision at all if the conscious part of the mind isn't involved.  The concept of a decision being made is broken.

   A more accurate term would be reflex.

   Then it's not so unbelievable when virtually every unconscious mind presented with the same decision makes the same choice.

   Some might say we're fine given a multiple choice kind if thing.  But if all "good" answers are provided for an unconscious to pick one...  it's absolutely not a real decision.

   How can the unconscious part of our minds give consistent and overwhelming answers to a problem? 

   It's all about how it's presented.


"Illustration" courtesy of: "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...