Saturday, November 28, 2020


About the blog

      [NOTE: This post was originally published on 10/25/2020 at 9:38 PM.  At the time I didn't understand how easy it is to flood a home with ultrasound.  Any parametric speaker positioned correctly can do it and introduce music, messages, and suggestions across audible and ultrasonic frequencies.  It also allows a single multi-ultrasonic frequency source to be positioned and interfere/disrupt with any unwanted audio - subliminal or otherwise.  11/28/2020 4:07 AM - So... Patent application for apparatus to interfere/disrupt ultrasonic audio propagating through a structure.  Potential patent potentially pending.]

   I was fortunate enough to find an ultrasonic receiver online recently and purchase it.  It's an MFJ-5008 receiver typically used to locate arcing and corona discharge on Power Lines.  This one is tuned for the 40 KHz audio range and converts sound in that range down to the audible range.

   Seemingly by accident this piece of equipment has provided one more piece in an invisible puzzle.  The puzzle presents itself as a catch-22:

  • If sound is subliminal it's not heard.
  • If sound is heard it's not subliminal.
   But now I have evidence to show how subliminal audio can be introduced into someone's home without them being consciously aware of it.

   You might be wondering what puzzle piece I'm referring to.

   At a home I visit on occasion there seemed to be times with a palpable tone or mood in the air. That sort of perception can be found anywhere but this time I had the ultrasonic receiver with me.  While using the receiver in the basement I pointed it at some copper pipes and suddenly heard music.

   Not only the copper pipes but music could be heard with the receiver pointed at junction boxes where multiple wires came together.  After I stopped back by to check again a week later the sound was gone.  I could hear the normal buzzing/rapid clicking noise that a 60 Hz frequency home electricity generates but that was all.

   For that audio to be heard through the receiver it would have started off around 40 KHz.  So it didn't find it's way into the homes electricity and emitted from the wiring and pipes by accident.

   In fact, I now have 3 different homes where I know this was done and can detail more than just music that was being emitted.

   The big question now is who would be doing this in both Kansas City and Saint Louis.

   Another question is whether it could be done without their respective electrical companies being unaware.

   Because if the power companies aren't involved then someone unknown is altering electrical infrastructure.  And whether they're just playing music for the unconscious part of the mind or attempting subliminal manipulation...

   I'd much rather be consciously aware of it.

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