Monday, November 30, 2020


About the blog

   Here's another what-if scenario for you to consider...

   What if the zombie apocalypse arrived and consumed us without being noticed?

   It might happen through misdirection while everyone was isolated in their homes scared of the flu.

   Instead of physical bodies breaking down but still somehow able to function...

   It would be our awareness, creativity, and critical thinking that breaks down but the mind still appearing to somehow function.

   If you're a fan of zombie movies you might be wondering what we'd crave in place of fresh brains.

   We'd crave absolutely nothing.  Which seems a little backwards.

   But it's actually a key component of what would be done subliminally to the unconscious part of the mind.  And once the whole desire and crave thing is conquered everyone should fall in line. 

   Who would make up the band of survivors with front row seats?

   Would you believe it's those we currently isolate in institutions and on medications because they have something categorized as mental illness?

   For any number of reasons the normal pull of awareness between the conscious and unconscious can be disrupted.  When it results in the unconscious part of the mind being less accessible to outside influence it might be more blessing than curse during the apocalypse.

   At least until the survivors watch in horror as humanities spark is snuffed out one person at a time.  Doing it any other way might give someone the chance to notice it happening.

   If a whole group of people begin behaving out of character at once it draws attention.  When it's only one individual at a time we can pick from a huge list of reasons why it happened.  That's if someone was aware of it at all.

   You might be wondering how long it might take to reprogram someone to fit all new "good citizen" parameters?

   A rough guess would be about 14 days of isolation (with a cell phone or other subliminal capable device).

   Thankfully we don't isolate people for 2 weeks without extremely good reason to do so.

©1996 to 2010
Eleanor White

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