Wednesday, November 25, 2020


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[EDIT: 12-17-2020 08:54 AM - Original post from 11-25-2020 03:43 PM. To make this process less hit and miss there's something else that's needed.  It's a self-limiting way to use a trance state to increase participation through the unconscious part of the mind.  The goal is to make more of what would typically be outside of the normal conscious perception available without triggering a psychosis.]  

   Instead of poking electrodes in someone's brain in hopes of plugging person to computer to person like some kind of Borg (not a swedish dish) how about leveraging schizophrenia?

   That sounds like an exercise in futility or a good way to drive someone crazy.  But that may be due to our lack in understanding of the condition.

   Here's way that could be done accidentally (potential patent potentially pending).

   Apparatus 1:

  • Antenna(s) in a home or office generating RF signal frequencies optimal to pick up vibration from sound and carry it encoded.
  • Items in the home or office made of materials that can transfer vibration from sound into an RF signal as it's reflected off them.

   Apparatus 2:

  • Items in a nearby home or office made of materials that an RF signal can transfer encoded sound to as vibration when it's reflected that replicates the initial sound.
  • Antenna(s) in the nearby home or office generating RF signal frequencies optimal to pick up vibration from sound and carry it encoded.

   The apparatus is circular.

   It's not necessary for the transfer of encoded RF to sound to result in the exact frequencies of the original sound.  It's also not necessary for the transfer to result in the same decibel level of the original sound.

   But when either the sound frequencies or the decibel level falls outside conscious perception but still within unconscious perception... awareness can enable a mind to look beyond it's normal scope of operation.

   Another way of saying that is awareness of other's words, phrases, opinions, viewpoints, and ideas making their way into one's awareness can enable more than would previously be considered.

   Our minds function on awareness.

   That's why they also function on hypnosis.

   It might be time to look at schizophrenia differently.

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