Monday, May 23, 2022


 The recording below is of sound from an overhead vent in an apartment.  Not everyone will hear something unusual in it - at least that's the expectation.  But near the beginning of the recording there appears to be a backward masked suggestion to hear something.

If anyone hears a phrase, statement, or words in their head, it's an indication of the suggestion.


Sunday, May 22, 2022


 If  anyone from Wikipedia read the blog post Wikipedia then wishfully they're aware that knowledge is being lost from the site.

A decision will need to be made on addressing the problem once that sinks in.

Statistical Significance - Hopefully that's one topic that hasn't been clobbered in that respect.

In terms of auditing and tracking any type of transaction....  Unless we're capturing the right indicators and data points to evaluate statistical significance it's impossible to know whether something was accidental or followed a pattern.

It may be nearly impossible to distinguish between those two options either way.

One is just the other backwards.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022


There's a potential patent at the link below which is dated.  I woke up one morning and wrote the patent without understanding how I knew to write it or why.

  • Process for precipitating diamond from a carbon solvent

This is another one of those "stories" that I woke up with in my memories one morning.  No explanation for it seems realistic.  But this one is the worst thing I've heard so far.

For now, treat the account below as fictional until proven otherwise.

I'm not sure where this occured, exactly.  But it was probably a typical home in a safe neighborhood.  Making that location where it happened would send the suggestion to everyone that no matter where they lived it could happen to them too.

Someone's brother stopped by.  Something happened during the visit and he was killed.  He was already dead when the desicant gel was used in a different way on him.  So much was used, all that was left was a glittering sand on the floor.

A message was then sent out for anyone who wanted to see how "diamonds were made" should come find them.  A few people did but only 1 wanted to go through with it after hearing it explained.

That person was taken to Ukraine (or it was implied to be Ukraine)where it was done and filmed.  The video ended up on the internet but no one believed it was real.  That was the intended reaction and  meant to subliminally suggest that what was about to happen in Ukraine wans't real.

If it was done correctly then words if support and encouragement would be all the help Ukraine should receive.


Have you ever [woke up in the morning or just suddenly out of blue] been sure of something you weren't a few [seconds or minutes] [before or after]?

Have you ever [jumped out of bed or been jolted out of a nap] to be [absolutely or infinitely] [certain or  uncertain] of something that seemed [unlikely or impossible] up to then?

It's been happening to [almost or nearly] [everyone or none] of the individuals in this country but restricted to an [unconscious or conscious] level.

You have 2 choices now:

  • Don't believe a single word I'm about to write.
  • Try to [prove or disprove] it to [be or not be] [true or false].
As of several hours ago I started knowing pieces of a "story" I'd never heard or read before.  I don't exactly know how that would be possible or make sense - because it doesn't.

It should also mean the "story" is completely made up and fiction.

As of now, here's what I seem to "know" without studying it, learning it, or hearing it:

Sometime in the early to middle of the last century an incident happened where someone drank a liquid with an unknown compound(s) or element(s) added.  For some reason I have the name "lithium salicylate" stuck in my head but I have no idea if it's what the compound was.  I don't know anything related to "lithium salicylate" that I can recall at the moment and don't have time right now to learn it.  Whether the account of what happened next was filmed or only written, it consisted of a person "exploding" repeatedly and with increasing force until they were killed by it.  The mental picture I have is of someone getting up and trying to walk, being knocked down, then getting up again.  This probably means it was a single "explosion" out of no where and they were killed instantly.  I can hear the words "i don't feel good" or " i feel fine" or "i need to go to the bathroom" right before the person dies.  Then something about a white powder that keeps being "blown" out from the body as it continues to "explode" over and over.  There either is nothing left of the person at all or only clumps of something I can't describe.  Almost everything about this may have been the result of me perceiving something backwards.

Did I somehow make this up?

I really hope so.

Because the impression I have means what was ingested caused a static electric field to build within the person, discharge in a way that looked like an explosion or implosion, and leave something unrecognizable as a individual.

Sunday, May 15, 2022


This or another day has arrived.  But it's nothing to get too excited over.  The ripoff in question is made from other's work, effort, and research.

I've added a complaint or 2.

Please note these backstops or hedges:

  1. I'm passing this along having no background in biology, dieting, or nutrition:
    • Please don't reference the information below in association with me.
    • You are mistaken about where you read it.
    • I strongly disagree with whatever version of events you might remember.
  2. I've caught myself speaking this information out loud, to myself, in my apartment - without intending to - 2 or 3 times:
    • Only mentioning this as a preemptive shield against accusations of theft or plagiarism.
  3. As long as it's impossible to listen in on someone in their own home... That doesn't matter.  Someone will find reason to insult and belittle:
    • I hearby give permission to anyone who wishes to do so.
    • If it makes them feel better in some way - fine.
    • Odds are I'll just ignore it.
Worst "Diet" Ever
  • Every so often (I have no idea what that would be) fast for some amount of time (I have no idea what that would be).
  • Break the fast with 1 or 2 of the most disgusting things truly good for  - bananas (just my opinion).
  • Then eat a meal of only the types of foods you plan or want to be eating.
    • You're suggesting your own unconscious what to help you find appetizing and all that.
    • Being hungry helps.
    • Don't you freaking dare eat a candy bar at this point or drink a soda.
    • That's what everyone else does when they're hungry and it's backwards.
That's it.  See what happens.

And I'm supposed to end with another 'Ta Da'.

Nature (Basis) of our Universe

[MOVED: The theory of the universe thing has been moved to it's on blog.  N.dG.T. did not order or request it but his theories deserve the utmost respect, regardless. 2022-05-15 @ 06:49 AM]

About the blog

Nature (Basis) of our Universe

Our universe is a duality.   A manageable theory which explains it must be modular and developed in an agile manner.

Out perception of our universe is little changed for half a century.  There's a very poor reason for that.  Regardless, it's possible to understand things we would otherwise need to accept on their surface value by recognizing this underlying duality.   A theory of our universe must account for both waves (space-time) and particles (singularity) as each contribute to its nature (basis).

The silver ago of physics began a short time ago.  It's already drawing to a close.  We're long overdue for a golden age of physics.


  • Wikipedia (The theories below were - more or less - frame-shifted from Wikipedia content.  Should any theory be found correct, it's a testament to Wikipedia's accuracy.)

Definition of Terms:

  • Universe = The duality of a singularity and space-time we exist in.

  • Gravitational wave = A resonant oscillation in the electric, magnetic, and duality fields.
  • Gravitational field = Gravity = The sum of all resonant oscillations in the electric, magnetic, and duality fields for a given space.
  • Gravitational wave background = Quantum foam = The fluctuating oscillations in the electric, magnetic, and duality fields which for all space.
  • Gravitational pressure = The resistance of space-time to expand or contract due to gravity. = The resistance of the electric, magnetic, and duality fields to resonant oscillation. = The force exerted on space-time by a gravitational field.
  • Gravitational energy = Gravitational wave apart from a wave form. = The resonant oscillations in the electric, magnetic, and duality fields.
  • Anti-gravity = The application of centrifugal force to counter the effects of gravity.  When combined with resonance this has applications in the aeronautics, space, and other industries.
  • Anti-particle = The name for any particle which is the corresponding opposite of the matter version.
    • A matter particle and it's opposite antimatter particle annihilate each other in collisions.
    • Only those formed through resonance have an antimatter counterpart.
  • Spin = The angular momentum of an elementary particle. = An innate property of an elementary particle from it's creation. = A property of resonance in that each field resonating can contribute a component to spin.
  • Spin quantum numbers = Both the electric and magnetic fields can resonate and contribute a component to spin:
      • The definition of spin where s = n / 2 contains the number 2 for this reason.
  • Lemniscates = The elementary resonant oscillations formed at the smallest relative scale when the momentum from the spin and energy density of a collapsing singularity breaks the resonant oscillation responsible for the collapse.

    • Figure showing the resonant oscillation as a standing wave within a static electromagnetic field.
    • Lemniscates form having spin polarization - the degree to which spin (angular momentum) is aligned in a particular direction.
    • They should be grouped into 2 classifications of spin:
      • Left
      • Right
    • Any 2 lemniscates with opposite spins should annihilate each other in a collision - this forms the basis of matter and antimatter.
    • Lemniscates should tend to form with the same spin when there's only 1 source of spin for a collapsing singularity.
    • Lemniscates in significant number with different spins should occur most often with 2 or more sources of spin for a collapsing singularity.
    • The term "matter" is used to describe the dominant type remaining after annihilation from collisions.  The term "antimatter" is used to describe the remaining type. 
  • Quarks = The elementary particles consisting of 3 lemniscates formed when the momentum from the spin and energy density of a collapsing singularity breaks the resonant oscillation responsible for the collapse.   There's no big bang of space-time created if the resonance is broken before time ceases.  If the resonance is broken as time ceases, the sudden increase in entropy violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics and a big-bang of space-time results.
    • The matter and antimatter names for them are:
      • Quark
      • Antiquark
    • Quarks can decay when oscillations in the electric, magnetic, or duality fields compromise a lemniscate's integrity.
      • Radioactive decay results.
    • There are 6 quarks because of the 6 degrees of freedom possible from 3 components of translation and 3 components of rotation.  The types are:
      • "up"
      • "down"
      • "strange"
      • "charm"
      • "bottom"
      • "top"
  • Electron = A resonant oscillation in the electric field.  Like the quark, it has a "left" and "right" version which represent the:
    • Electron
    • Anti-electron (positron)
  • Proton = A subatomic particle consisting of 2 "up" quarks and 1 "down" quark, bound together through resonance.
  • Neutron = A subatomic particle consisting of 2 "down" quarks and 1 "up" quark, bound together through resonance.
  • Matter = The atoms and molecules which consist of neutrons, protons, and electrons.  All matter is composed of them.
  • Antimatter = The opposite of matter in terms of the "loops" which make up it's quarks. =  The anti-atoms and anti-molecules which consist of anti-neutrons, anti-protons, and anti-electrons (positrons).
  • An anti-neutron consists of anti-quarks:

    1 "up" anti-quark.

Both entanglement and the double-slit experiment are considered counter intuitive observations at the quantum level.  But both begin to make sense if the universe is described as both an expanding space and a singularity.

For entanglement, having 2 particles connected - so a change in one's state is instantly reflected in the other - implies they both occupy the same space.  All points are the same point in a singularity and all particles are always "touching" so "spooky action at a distance" becomes comprehendible.  This also provides an explanation for the time measured for a change in one entangled particle to be reflected in the other.  The amount of time implies the change somehow propagates at a velocity greater than the speed of light.  With experiments of greater accuracy we may find the change to be instantaneous regardless of distance.  This is also explained by a universe described as a singularity.  With all points the same point any change can be reflected instantly regardless of the distance between an entangled pair in a universe described as an expanding space.

When the Universe is described as an expanding region of space, light behaves as a wave and space-time is fundamentally continuous.  When the Universe is described as a singularity, light behaves as a particle and space-time is fundamentally discrete.  By describing the universe as a duality of both, light can behave as one or the other depending on the universe it's described in.  When an experiment is performed to determine whether light is a wave or a particle, the experiment chosen confines the measurement to one way of describing the universe or the other.  It's that choice which determines the nature of light.

Appendix of Updates

  • 2022-04-18 @ 10:37 PM
  • 2022-03-18 @ 01:44 PM
  • 2022-05-15 @ 06:49 AM

Appendix of Credited and/or contributing:

Listed in order of increasing contribution:
  • N.A.T.E.
    • Provided reminder on appropriate use of sarcastic wit.
  • A.Z.X.
    • Provided confirmation of observations.
    • Provided information on wireless protocols.
  • X.D.J.
    • Provided confirmation of observations.
    • Contributed illustration(s).
  • T.S.
    • Provided guidance on how to illustrate something that exists entirely in another individual's mind.
    • Declined to provide any contribution which could be perceived as "selling out" in all possible future outcomes.
  • M.Y.
  • P.J.P.
    • Provided an example of knowing when not to be involved only to be included by name at the last second by a supposed friend.
  • [Anonymous]
  • J._.C.
    • Provided training and advice on transitions between versions and technologies.
  • J._.E.
    • Predicted areas where expert knowledge would be needed.
    • Recognized the significance of resonant oscillations.
  • [Waiting for confirmation.]
  • E.H.
  • J.M.S
    • Declined to answer questions which led the wrong direction.
    • Asked a single question.
  • N.dG.T.
    • Suggested a way forward in line with our universe

Appendix of Predictions

  1. Our universe must be contained within a static electromagnetic field.
  2. Whether our universe is conductive or insulating, it must be expanding into the same.  That conclusion can be inferred from our universes continued expansion.  From the formation of a singularity and how the gradual strengthening of it's static electromagnetic field causes a singularity to be contained and collapse we must assume the field containing our universe isn't gaining significantly in strength.


The spot here (entry point for the subliminal stuff) is the airport for some reason.  There in KC I don't know where it is or was.

Photo is of things that can be dangerous when they're in the wrong spot.  The 2 pieces of foil (conductive) are actually foil in contact with a metallic plastic tablecloth (insulative).

Small balls of only foil with a magnet inside are ok.  Even better once they get into the sewers or drainage.  They take static electric fields with them and should be easy to remove at water treatment.

Saturday, May 14, 2022


"Illustration" courtesy of: "car dealership"

A "series" of online "tips" was submitted to the FBI "tip site" as detailed below.
  • An individual with a vehicle they needed to sell was "referred" to a "local dealership" through "Kelley Blue Book".
They were or weren't provided a "song and dance" about the vehicle's condition or worth.  Those details are or aren't pertinent or relevant or they do matter.

The following was heard or perceived before an employee was available to "make an offer":

2022-03-30 @ 01:45 PM
  • "...we provide favors to anyone who sells us a car or truck at a reasonable price..."
  • "...we just need to decide what a reasonable price is..."
  • " anyone who wishes to cheat us: we retaliate..."
  • "...the best time for us to be here is: you'll know when the time is right..."
  • "...after hours - your security team..."
2022-03-30 @ 01:56 PM
  • [a woman waiting in the lobby turned and walked outside]
  • "...if you're on some kind of drug right now, even one like Marijuana, we need you to come outside right now..."
  • [the order of events appears to have been perceived backward]
Additional information was provided in multiple "tips".  The minimum "text box length" may or may have been exceeded.

Thursday, May 12, 2022


We, the citizens of the United States have been unwittingly employed as Software Qualitative Analysts (App Testers) by an obscured employer.

There's been no offer letter or acceptance letter. There's been no check or direct deposit paid which can be recognized as such. There's of course been no taxes withheld.

That statement may be backwards.

After each of our start dates and training evaluations, all employee benefits should be in full force or effect. Where are they spelled out, written, signed, and notarized?

Without a 3rd party witness who can then confirm or deny our involvement as a first person witness we are obligated and beholden to walk away from any or all agreements.

Where is the turing (Editor's NOTE: This appears to be a typo for 'touring' if not backwards) evidence?


[Editor's NOTE: Some parts of this seem eerily familiar.  Letting legal know to prepare for a well executed attack.  I'm not sure why I need to do that though.]

[Editor's Follow Up NOTE: My sincerest apologies for the asking but are you extremely open to being suggested?]

Only restaurants partnering with Google for a state-of-the-art projection of menu items and prices on low altitude clouds...

...are the wiser.

Excessive social pleasantries to you as well, customer service specialists.

You're not directly responsible for an employer's lack of concern or safety for it's customers.

But the scripts you're required to follow - on threat of instant termination - make it difficult to distinguish between you as a real person or a chat bot deserving abrupt, rude, and disrespectful treatment.

What might normal or typical people expect should a significant number of "call centers" be located in a single region or district globally?

Let me rephrase that...

What might normal or typical people expect should a significant number of "call centers" be located in a single region or district globally and WE ALLOW BUSINESS TO CONTINUE down a path of using unidentifiable voices of fake concern instead of REAL PEOPLE with varied and interesting ways we speak?

History may or may not suggest we can simply fill or replace the following observation to find out:

"An angry [enter a nationality or country of origin or preferred rascist or derogatory term] [enter man or woman or gender pronoun or preferred sexist or derogatory term].


It's not difficult to get turned around, confused, or even backwards.  We can all be affected by this and inevitably... we will be.

Someone involved with writing this blog has accused 2 different ranges of sound with causing harm while letting COVID take the blame.  The same individual is concerned for other authors and even researchers who may have focused too closely on one range of sound or the other.

A potential perceived oversight can be easily be corrected when the time is right.

From what I can perceive at the moment... now might be that time.


"Illustration" courtesy of: "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...