Saturday, March 19, 2022

Nature (Basis) of Singularities

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Nature (Basis) of Singularities

Our universe is filled or anchored with seen or unseen singularities.  A manageable theory which explains them must be modular and developed in an agile manner

Our perception of singularities has changed considerably over the last several decades.  There's a very good reason for that.  But by considering the duality of the universe and the very nature (basis) of gravity, waves, and reality itself, we can understand things we'd otherwise need to simply accept on their surface value.


Definition of Terms:

  • Singularity = A resonant oscillation  contained within a static electromagnetic field of sufficient strength as to maintain the resonance as a standing/stationary/static wave.
    • Such a field should be completely reflective to all types of waves assuming no other variables.  This should be the case for both the:
      • Outer surface
      • Inner surface
    • The spin of a singularity can affect polarization within the region occupied by the singularity.  This may allow for 3 types of singularities:
      • Transparent boundary ("naked")
      • Reflective boundary ("mirror")
      • Transflective (some combination of the 2)
  • Event horizon = The boundary formed by the static electromagnetic field.
  • Lemniscates = The elementary resonant oscillations formed at the smallest relative scale when the momentum from the spin and energy density of a collapsing singularity breaks the resonant oscillation responsible for the collapse.

    • Figure showing the resonant oscillation as a standing wave contained within a static electromagnetic field.
  • Hawking radiation = The pair of lemniscates ("virtual particles") created - one with left spin and one with right spin - when...
  • Quarks = The elementary particles consisting of 3 lemniscates formed when the momentum from the spin and energy density of a collapsing singularity breaks the resonant oscillation responsible for the collapse.   There's no big bang of space-time created if the resonance is broken before time ceases.  If the resonance is broken as time ceases, the sudden increase in entropy violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics and a big-bang of space-time results.
  • Radio frequency current = Electromagnetic current =
  • Static electric field = 
  • Static magnetic field =
  • Static electromagnetic field = 
  • Sigma field = A mathematical term which denotes a "measurable space". = A term used in science fiction when referring to an effect similar to a static electromagnetic field (Julian May).

As a star with enough mass enters the final phase of it's life, it may begin swelling and shrinking.  Each cycle of this produces a [gravitational wave or resonant oscillation] with an initially lower frequency with greatest wavelength.  It progresses towards a faster frequency with shortest wavelength.  At some point a comparison can be made to the behavior of the [waves or oscillations] and oscillating current.  With a conductive material and an insulating material nearby (and significant amounts of radio frequency current) a static electric field will be formed.  Due to the magnetic field of the star itself, this becomes a static electromagnetic field.

The collapse of a star - or other massive object to a singularity - starts with the formation of a static electromagnetic field with sufficient strength to create a standing/stationary/static [gravitational wave or resonant oscillation].  The field only needs to be strong enough to capture part of the energy for a given [gravity wave or resonant oscillation]. Once this occurs, subsequent [gravitational waves or resonant oscillations] are again partially captured within the field, the remainder of which may contribute toward further strengthening the field (with and without resonance).  Each increase in the energy contained in the standing/stationary/static wave works against the expansion of space.  When a tipping point is reached, the energy contained within the standing wave will halt the expansion of space within the static electromagnetic field then slowly begin collapsing that contained space.

The region of space which begins collapsing is determined by the strength of the static electromagnetic field.  A field with a strength approaching infinity would contain the collapse to only the space within it.  A field with less strength - being unable to completely contain gravitational waves or resonant oscillations - will allow for a space that extends outside of the field to be collapsed.

As space stops expanding and begins contracting, time will stop and then go backwards.  

As the field collapses, it will increase the frequency of the standing/stationary/static wave(s) contained within it.

How the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is not violated


Appendix of Predictions

  1. All singularities must be contained in a static electromagnetic field.
  2. The larger the singularity, to further back in time it will redistribute gravitational energy (resonant oscillations in space).
  3. A singlarity should start with a single resonant standing/stationary/static wave frequency that expands towards nearly infinite resonant standing/stationary/static wave frequencies. until the strengthening static electromagnetic field isolates it from the rest of the universe.
    1. At that point the resonant standing/stationary/static wave will be a gravitational field which even space can't resist the pull of.

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