Friday, March 18, 2022

Nature (Basis) of Gravity

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Nature (Basis) of Gravity

Our universe works or rests through gravity.   A manageable theory which explains it must be modular and developed in an agile manner.

Our perception of gravity is little changed for half a century.  There's a very poor reason for that.  But by considering the duality of the universe and the very nature (basis) of reality itself, we can understand things we'd otherwise need to simply accept on their surface value.  That can't easily be done through a single theory given a duality universe - so this theory focuses on fields.


Definition of Terms:

  • Universe = The duality of a space-time and a singularity that we exist in.
  • Gravitational wave = A resonant oscillation in the electric, magnetic, and duality fields.
  • Gravitational field = Gravity = The sum of all resonant oscillations in the electric, magnetic, and duality fields for a given space.
  • Gravitational wave background = Quantum foam = The fluctuating oscillations in the electric, magnetic, and duality fields which for all space.
  • Gravitational pressure = The resistance of space-time to expand or contract due to gravity. = The resistance of the electric, magnetic, and duality fields to resonant oscillation. = The force exerted on space-time by a gravitational field.
  • Gravitational energy = Gravitational wave apart from a wave form. = The resonant oscillations in the electric, magnetic, and duality fields.
  • Anti-gravity = The application of centrifugal force to counter the effects of gravity.  When combined with resonance this has applications in the aeronautics, space, and other industries.

  • Spin = The angular momentum of an elementary particle. = An innate property of an elementary particle from it's creation. = A property of resonance in that each field resonating can contribute a component to spin.
  • Spin quantum numbers = Both the electric and magnetic fields can resonate and contribute a component to spin:
    • The definition of spin where s = n / 2 contains the number 2 for this reason.
  • Lemniscates = Larks? = The elementary resonant oscillations formed at the smallest relative scale when the momentum from the spin and energy density of a collapsing singularity breaks the resonant oscillation responsible for the collapse.

    • Figure showing the resonant oscillation as a standing wave within a static electromagnetic field.

  • Quarks = The elementary particles consisting of 3 rings lemniscates formed when the momentum from the spin and energy density of a collapsing singularity breaks the resonant oscillation responsible for the collapse.   There's no big bang of space-time created if the resonance is broken before time ceases.  If the resonance is broken as time ceases, the sudden increase in entropy violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics and a big-bang of space-time results.
    • Rings form having spin polarization - the degree to which spin (angular momentum) is aligned in a particular direction.
    • They're grouped into 2 classifications of spin:
      • Left
      • Right
    • Any 2 rings with opposite spins will annihilate each other in a collision - this forms the basis of matter and antimatter.
    • Rings should tend to form with the same spin when there's only 1 source of spin for a collapsing singularity.
    • Rings in significant number with different spins should occur most often with 2 or more sources of spin for a collapsing singularity.
    • The term "matter" is used to describe the dominant ring type remaining after annihilation from collisions.  The term "antimatter" is used to describe the remaining ring type.  The names for them are:
      • Quark
      • Antiquark
    • Quarks can decay when oscillations in the electric, magnetic, or duality fields compromise a rings integrity.
      • Radioactive decay results.

    There are 6 quarks because of the 6 degrees of freedom possible from 3 components of translation and 3 components of rotation.  The types are:







    Electron = A resonant oscillation in the electric field.  Like the quark, it has a "left" and "right" version which represent the:


    Anti-electron (positron)

    Proton = A subatomic particle consisting of 2 "up" quarks and 1 "down" quark, bound together through resonance.

    Neutron = A subatomic particle consisting of 2 "down" quarks and 1 "up" quark, bound together through resonance.

    Matter = The atoms and molecules which consist of neutrons, protons, and electrons.  All matter is composed of them.

    Antimatter = The opposite of matter in terms of the "loops" which make up it's quarks. =  The anti-atoms and anti-molecules which consist of anti-neutrons, anti-protons, and anti-electrons (positrons).

    An anti-neutron consists of anti-quarks:

    1 "up" anti-quark.

    2 "down" anti-quarks.

    Bound together through 

    . space is expanding  or contracting.  This makes it's unit of measure: distance / time.

    Speed of the universe expansion = The speed which space itself is expanding or contracting.  This also makes it's unit of measure: distance / time.

    It's also the speed of light.

    Space = Any region containing an electric, magnetic, and duality fields with fluctuating oscillations.

    Time = A change or oscillation in the dimension of space. Time moves forward when space expands and backward when space contracts for a given region of space.

    Space-time = The name used when describing  space and time due to their dependency on each other.

    Discontinuity? = Anomalous = Any region without fluctuating oscillations in the electric, magnetic, or duality fields.

    Quantum foam = The fluctuating oscillations in the electric, magnetic, and duality fields at the smallest scale.

    Resonance between oscillations readily occurs at this scale where it creates the smallest singularities which immediately wink out of existence and emit virtual particles.

    Dark matter = The observed result of 3 effects:

    Oscillating gravitational waves imparting relativistic effects as they pass due to resistance between the gravitational wave background and existing gravitational fields.

    Resonance between gravitational waves of similar frequency due to events occurring under like conditions.

    The redistribution of gravitational energy back through time when a singularity forms.

    Dark energy = The observed result of 3 effects:

    Expansion of space due to the redistribution of gravitational energy back through time when a singularity forms.

    Resonance between gravitational waves of similar frequency due to events under like conditions.

    An inferred tendency that as space expands, it's resistance to gravitational pressure weakens.

    Hawking radiation = The virtual particle which escapes annihilation in a pair when the other crosses the static electric field boundary surrounding a singularity.

    Static electric field = An electric field which doesn't  change with time.  Any type of propagating wave within a static electric field - depending on the field intensity - will reflect off the field inner surface to form a standing/stationery/static wave:

    An expanding field decreases the frequency of standing/stationary/static waves within it.  The frequency shifts as the wave reflects off the inner surface expanding outward.

    A contracting field increases the frequency of standing/stationary/static waves within it.  The frequency shifts as the wave reflects off the inner surface contracting inward.

    Singularity = A region where a resonant oscillation in the electric, magnetic and duality fields forms a standing/stationary/static wave within a static electric field with enough energy to start the collapse of space within the region.  gravitational energy exceeds the ability of space to expand quickly enough toward equilibrium. This causes space to contract instead of expand, time to move backwards, light to slow down, stop, then begin accelerating at negative speed. The result is termed a "black hole" with light itself being unable to escape it's pull.  Our perception of light may be backwards in that respect - if light has no gravitational field it shouldn't be drawn in at all.  It's space itself which can't escape and light goes along for the ride.

    The ground state for a singularity is the instant before infinite densities are reached.

    The electric, magnetic, and duality field densities increase toward infinity density..

    As the arrow of time goes backwards and space collapses back toward an infinitely small point, time itself ceases at the moment the universe exists as a singularity.

    Big bang = The moment space comes into existence and time starts.  This can occur when the momentum of a collapsing singularity carries it through the moment the universe exists as a singularity.

    Reality = the reason for universal constants like PI and others. (Something about the nature of the universe / the nature of space)

    Second law of thermodynamics = A universal law which states that the entropy (disorder) of a system only increases with time.  The law itself is a duality

    [Gravity or resonant oscillations] exert a pressure on space. The pressure is what we know as mass and it causes space to expand.  Yes, gravity causes space to expand.  It's that expansion of space which creates what we know as a  [gravity well or gravitational field] Our perception of [gravity or resonant oscillations] is very much backwards.

    This means inflation, expansion, and what's observed as an accelerating expansion are all due to gravity.  It also means that dark energy must simply be an exaggerated amount of gravity.  That can only occur through resonance or relativity.

    Conversely, with gravity's pressure on space - which results in a gravitational field - and it's subsequent expansion, dark matter must simply be  exaggerated gravitational fields.  That also can only occur through resonance or relativity.

    There are 2 ways of looking at an object being accelerated toward the speed of light.  One is of the object moving through space.  The other is of space moving past the object.  Giving space itself an oscillation of relativistic proportion provides the answer for dark matter.

    The source of those would be any 2 or more massive objects with small enough radius to allow for relativistic speeds as their orbits decay and they fall towards each other.  As their orbits tighten and their speeds increase, the gravitational waves they radiate away carry with it a relativistic oscillation.  As those waves travel and encounter planets, stars, or clouds of gas, they cause those objects to move at a relativistic oscillation in response.  This increases the pressure on space so temporarily increases the objects mass until the wave(s) pass.

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