Thursday, May 12, 2022


We, the citizens of the United States have been unwittingly employed as Software Qualitative Analysts (App Testers) by an obscured employer.

There's been no offer letter or acceptance letter. There's been no check or direct deposit paid which can be recognized as such. There's of course been no taxes withheld.

That statement may be backwards.

After each of our start dates and training evaluations, all employee benefits should be in full force or effect. Where are they spelled out, written, signed, and notarized?

Without a 3rd party witness who can then confirm or deny our involvement as a first person witness we are obligated and beholden to walk away from any or all agreements.

Where is the turing (Editor's NOTE: This appears to be a typo for 'touring' if not backwards) evidence?


[Editor's NOTE: Some parts of this seem eerily familiar.  Letting legal know to prepare for a well executed attack.  I'm not sure why I need to do that though.]

[Editor's Follow Up NOTE: My sincerest apologies for the asking but are you extremely open to being suggested?]

Only restaurants partnering with Google for a state-of-the-art projection of menu items and prices on low altitude clouds...

...are the wiser.

Excessive social pleasantries to you as well, customer service specialists.

You're not directly responsible for an employer's lack of concern or safety for it's customers.

But the scripts you're required to follow - on threat of instant termination - make it difficult to distinguish between you as a real person or a chat bot deserving abrupt, rude, and disrespectful treatment.

What might normal or typical people expect should a significant number of "call centers" be located in a single region or district globally?

Let me rephrase that...

What might normal or typical people expect should a significant number of "call centers" be located in a single region or district globally and WE ALLOW BUSINESS TO CONTINUE down a path of using unidentifiable voices of fake concern instead of REAL PEOPLE with varied and interesting ways we speak?

History may or may not suggest we can simply fill or replace the following observation to find out:

"An angry [enter a nationality or country of origin or preferred rascist or derogatory term] [enter man or woman or gender pronoun or preferred sexist or derogatory term].

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"Illustration" courtesy of: "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...