Sunday, January 31, 2021


About the blog 

      Have you ever been alone somewhere and suddenly felt a strange sensation move across your skin while the hair on your arms (possibly legs if you're a guy) stands up?  Maybe it was at your house or apartment. It probably wasn't at your workplace (don't quote me on that).  Either way it probably felt creepy.

   Before the word "ghosts" enters your thoughts there's another cause worth considering.

   You might have a neighbor behaving most un-neighborly.

   Don't jump to any conclusions about which nearby neighbor it could be.  The term neighbor is being used loosely here.  There's an entire city of people here and all of them are technically neighbors.  The only thing separating us is some distance.

   Assuming you stopped yourself from pointing fingers... you might be wondering what could cause that sensation.

   There's more than one thing that could and none require a supernatural explanation.  Everyone's different in what they perceive from their senses and what they don't.  What things they ultimately become consciously aware of it due to the unconscious part of the mind.

   Your unconscious (it's that part because it was drawn towards awareness when you're mind was first developing) primary role is making the conscious (which was drawn towards consciousness when you're mind was developing) aware of anything that seems important.  

   That's all done through perception.

   After what you might have read on this blog you're probably seeing how it all fits together now.

   The unconscious is capable of providing much more perception than we typically have day to day.  Not just a little more...  Significantly more perception.  

   You might be wondering why that doesn't happen.

   Well, it does happen and happens often.

   The unconscious can make us aware of things it doesn't normally when it senses a need to.  Otherwise a whole range of inputs from our senses get filtered out before they become perceptions.  Does that sound backwards?  Well, it shouldn't.

   Without that filtering the perception overload that might occur could drive a person insane.  But more likely just a little crazy.

   Now that your impatient for an answer to why there aren't "ghosts"...

   The root cause is something we can't live without so we can't ever turn it off (electricity).  But that's an indirect answer.

   The direct cause might be AC magnetic fields (hopefully you don't have one below your floor) and RF (radio frequencies that are generated by magnetic fields).  I'd mention infrasound but that's been covered here before.

   So as long as a nearby neighbor doesn't bear a grudge you should be fine.

Saturday, January 30, 2021


About the blog 

   Benjamin Franklin is often credited with "discovering" electricity.  That's a huge thing to get credit for just by flying kites.  If you agree with giving him credit then electricity celebrates it's 269th birthday this year.

   One thing about electricity you might now know:  anytime electricity flows through a wire it creates an electromagnetic field. So there's usually a magnetic field around:

  • Wiring in a home, workplace, or car.
  • The wiring harness in a car.
  • Power lines

   At least there is when the power is flowing.

   Because of that almost any electronic device near those things can build up and retain some charge.  It's through induction and it's the basis for charging wireless devices.

   Even when they're turned off.

   This means a person walking beside (or under) power lines carrying their cell phone might notice something strange.

   Someone's voice might seem to be speaking from the phone.  Not from the speaker and not necessarily from the display.  But from the plastic case containing the phone's electronics.  Glass backings to phones aren't as susceptible so it's rare when they're the culprit.

   You might be wondering if it matters whether the phone is turned ON or OFF.

   The answer to that is somewhat backwards.

   It makes no difference whether the phone is ON or OFF.

   Instead... you probably should be wondering whose voice you're hearing.

Friday, January 29, 2021


About the blog 

   I'm very carefully not saying I think anyone is.... but if you're someone who uses subliminal hypnosis (or just hypnosis in general) you can't help but think...  this must be the most responsibility-free skill on the planet.

   No matter what you do with it - or who you use it on - there's no way they touch you.  Hypnosis has never been proven.  How could that even be done?  It's all in the mind.

   Even better you can use hypnotic suggestion to talk to someone through a voice they hear in their head.  How distancing is that?  No matter what they hear it's technically them both creating the voice and listening to it.  Arguing around that in court would burn countless billable hours and little else .

   Does someone suspect you were involved when they heard something personal, strange, or just plain crazy?  You can always ask:

      "Well, what is your unconscious trying to tell you?"

   Should anyone suspiciously point a finger towards you after hearing a voice repeat something only you know...  there's always the fallback:

      "It must be relevant if you heard it."

   It's not difficult to understand a few individuals feeling invincible and untouchable.  And just as understandable if suggestions we given to create voices that mirrored the ones giving them.  It can seem like a god like power to have that much control in a few spoken words.

   When the person being given suggestions, commands, or "hints" is unaware of what's being done, they aren't fully in the driver's seat.  It's their mind being reshaped as they turn into another version of themselves.

    Without them being aware and having conscious choice and decision in the process the next version may not be them at all.


 About the blog

   What generally counts as an invasion of privacy today? Does someone going through another person's garbage qualify?  What about when technology makes it simple and virtually undetectable?

   How would someone make a case that their privacy had been invaded at all? 

   One example of this (hopefully rare) situation involved 2 apartments in the same footprint of a building.  One on the first floor and the other on the second.

   During the evening the renter pf the 2nd floor apartment would leave and someone else enter.  For the first 10 or 15 minutes the visitor would walk back and forth until every square foot had been stepped on. Every time the visitor finished inspecting the floors his walking stopped directly above the head of the 1st floor renter.

   If you've ever listened to someone walk on a floor above... you recognize this as backwards.

   After a dozen or so eerie repeats during evenings the 1st floor renter tried changing his routine and habits in case those made him easy to locate.

   There was no noticeable change.

   It didn't seem to matter where in the apartment he was or what he was doing.  Kitchen, living room, or bathroom... the ceiling seemed transparent to whoever was above.

   After some months the 1st floor renter found a single method that put a stop to having his "head stood on".  By sitting as still as possible and taking slow shallow breaths his location seemed to stay private.  But after 10 minutes he'd switch back to normal breathing (still without moving) and immediately hear footsteps that stopped directly above his head. 

   For reference - if you ever realize your head's being stood on - google "handheld radar" to what's available now.

   Anyone who asserts there's no such thing as privacy anymore should be required to spend a month where it's literally true.

   Privacy is alive and well... if you're allowed to keep it.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021


 About the blog 

   How many movies or shows have included the myth about hearing voices in static from a radio or TV?  It's been some time since a person's been bold enough to publicly claim the experienced happened to them (and it didn't involve aliens).

   That may be due to the switch from analog to digital broadcasts more than just a push to medicate people diagnosed with schizophrenia.

   Without good old analog broadcast frequencies it's just not as likely to happen or be imagined.  Digital broadcasts just aren't continuous or powerful enough to exhibit the effect.

   You'd think a cell phone would meet the power requirements with it being so close.  But if everyone was hearing disembodied voices just because they owned a cell phone...

   In this case it's a poor use of time to reminisce about better days and what used to be.  Instead here are step-by-step instructions to make the world just like it's remembered.

   You'll need to already own a laptop or desktop computer to keep the cost reasonable. What you'll need in total is:

  • 1 laptop or desktop computer with open USB ports.
  • 2 SDR (software defined radio) units with both transmit and receive capability (they plug into the USB ports).
  • 1 LCD TV (am assuming you owned one).

   Each SDR unit can be purchased for under $99.  Be sure to check that the model you get supports 2 of them at the same time in the same computer.  Otherwise you'll need a separate computer to operate each one.

Instructions (not extremely detailed but expect someone will understand):

  1. Set one SDR radio unit to transmit a frequency continuously.  What level of power to use might be trial and error.
  2. Set the other SDR radio unit to receive the same frequency.
  3. Position the TV at a 45 degree angle to the SDR radio set to transmit.  The 45 degrees is just a guess though. What we want to happen is for sounds near the TV to vibrate it as usual but get picked up in the signal from the transmitter a it's reflected off the TV screen. What angle to use might also be trial and error.
  4. Position the SDR radio unit set to receive near the TV but it needs to be SHIELDED in the direction of the SDR radio unit that's transmitting.  What we want is to pick up the signal reflecting off the TV screen but NOT the original signal directly  from the SDR unit that's transmitting.  Otherwise the reflected signal will get drowned out.
  5. Start the one SDR unit to transmit and the one to receive and speak in a loud voice while as close to the TV as you feel comfortable (I don't know where your TV has been).

   You should now have captured a recording of a signal that contains your voice encoded as tiny changes in it's frequency.  If you just wondered out loud something like "what good is that?" then you lack creativity.

   I know you already own a laptop and an SDR radio unit for transmitting (don't ask me how I know that).  Try using those to transmit your recording at a reasonable power level near someone using a cell phone, laptop, or watching TV (even using an LCD display in a moving car).

   It just so happens the effect works backwards too.

   When your recording reflects off a screen it can leave behind vibrations in the form of sound which then travel a short distance.

   If you don't believe this is possible or isn't happening every second of every day over every square inch of the planet right now...

   Don't prove me wrong.  Prove me right.

   Yes, that also is backwards.

Sunday, January 17, 2021


About the blog

 For almost 2 years I've been plagued with seeing quick bright white flashes in the corner of my eyes - but only while in my apartment.  I've asked different people if they're run into something similar (even coworkers though that might be at least partially responsible for my [not quite yet] getting fired).

   Different medical conditions exist that could explain the flashes.  Except for only seeing them while in the apartment.  That rules out anything medical.

   A few minutes ago I apparently was lucky to be measuring the AC magnetic field and recording it on video when I noticed something.  It was a series of pulses in the field strength that went across the screen.

  I should back up and mention there's a reason I was measuring it to begin with.  Actually a few reasons...  Those would be:

  • Feeling anxious or irritable
  • Feeling uncomfortable and needing to get up and move around
  • Muscles spasms
  • Feeling of "pins and needles" on my feet, back, and legs
  • Suddenly tensing up and unable to relax
  • Tinnitus where the noises I'm hearing shift and move around in the apartment
   None of those things are new.  I've been trying to explain and describe them to everyone I know for awhile.  This time I may have gotten an answer to more than one question I had.  Those questions would be:
  • Why does my entire apartment's floor emit an AC magnetic field?
    • Why did an Ameren employee take a look and do nothing while telling me "see if that makes a difference."
    • Why did the same Ameren employee respond to my mentioning that other buildings were also having the same issue with an AC magnetic field by saying "You're the only one that called."
  • Why does a wall in the bathroom have a continuous RF signal being generated from in or behind it?
    • Why does the signal strength increase sometimes to the point where it's difficult to stay in the apartment?
    • Why have I heard nothing back from the apartment complex office after reporting it?
  • Why did my TV burn out the day I recorded the highest levels of the AC magnetic field?
  • Why do I occasionally see bright white flashes in the corners of my eyes while at the apartment?
  • Why have a seen short duration dim flashes at about the same interval as the flashes in the corners of my eyes at times in the bathroom?
   I'm guessing the pulses in the screen shots below hold the answer to 1 or more of those questions.

   I'll follow up with my guess after a little more research.


Thursday, January 14, 2021


About the blog 

   There's all kinds of self-help books about using hypnosis to change to oneself.  How effective are they really?  That's anyone's guess.

   If you read the post Average then you know a simple generalization about what defines who a person is.  But lets say you're unhappy (or someone else is unhappy) about how straightforward (aggressive) you are.

   That might even be backwards.

   You might think you're too meek (not aggressive enough) and would like to be more assertive in your life.  It could be any defining trait you'd like to change or that someone else wants to change about you.

   Where would you start should you want to make that type of change?

   There's always a self-help book to try.  And it's not too difficult to find someone offering advice.  But if you want to change something about yourself in a permanent way you can:

  • Consciously effect a change
  • Unconsciously effect a change
   The conscious route is all on you.  Make something a priority and stick with it.  Just remember it's your conscious mind that has to maintain it before becoming permanent.

   That's potentially a lot of work.  And in the case where someone else wants to change something about you it won't do any good.

   So you're left with the other option: to unconsciously effect a change in who you are.  Many books about hypnosis have been written where that's the goal but they tend to leave out an important detail.

   It's far more effective when you go directly to the unconscious mind to make a change (bypassing the conscious).  In doing so the unconscious part of the mind can be made to - at a minimum - take a more active role in defining a person.  And it can even be done to someone without them aware of it taking place.  It's basically shifting one of the anchors that sets the boundaries of who a person is.

   What could one expect if it's done to them?

   Regardless of the change....  a person wouldn't feel, seem, or act differently as far as they could tell.

   It's others around them that would notice it.

Monday, January 11, 2021


About the blog

   What makes each of us who we are?  What is it that defines each of us that remains unchanged no matter where we are in life?

   Maybe there's absolutely nothing.

   It might just be wishful thinking that we're more than just biology and some thoughts thrown together.

   I'm of the opinion a formula exists behind it all whether algebra gets involved or not.  And it's based on a mind made up of 2 sub minds. Variables in the formula are:

  • The mind is anchored by the conscious and unconscious sub minds
  • They define the range we ultimately fall within that makes us who we are
  • We can't easily go outside those boundaries if at all
  • As awareness and emotion are shifted between them the distinction disappears and each of our whole minds comes into being

   It's not a technical kind of formula, obviously.  But if you like numbers and math you can look at it as:

      A whole mind = (conscious sub mind + unconscious sub mind) / 2

   Yep, that's an average.

   Even better... it really doesn't make any sense.

   How can a whole mind result from combining 2 sub minds then chopping the result in 2?

   It's completely backwards.

   If you also get the same feeling there's something you need to be aware of...

   Everything about your mind is that way.

Thursday, January 7, 2021


About the blog

   Have you ever considered what makes us human?  Specifically those things that separate us from the rest of the zoo?  There's more than one way to look at the question:

  • Physical characteristics
  • Social or cultural characteristics
  • Mental characteristics

   I tend to favor the mind over some body part only slightly different from other animals.  The same goes for social or cultural things like tool use.

   There's also something we can do with our minds that exceeds any other creature on the planet by a wide margin.

   You might be wondering what that is.

   It's being able to put ourselves in someone else's shoes because of empathy and gain perspective.     Perspective seems to be the more overlooked and defining thing about us.

   Whether you carry a bible with you or a cell phone there's a garden story you've probably heard.  It's also where snakes learned to talk so more apples could be sold.  That's not really the point of this blog though.

   The garden of Eden is where we supposedly gained knowledge of good and evil.

   Somehow that happened without state legislatures to write it into law and vote.  It also happened without 10 laws written into stone tablets.

   You might now be wondering what that has to do with perspective.

   Without laws or rules in writing and without a society to nudge or push us along...  how do we know what's right or wrong?  How do we even know what's good or bad?

   There's really just 1 way though you might find it too subjective.

   I'd argue that's backwards and only appears subjective on the surface.

   We can put ourselves in someone else's shoes to see how we'd feel in the same situation.

   It's how we can evaluate whether something is fair or unfair based on our own experience.

   Perspective doesn't just appear in our minds out of the blue either.  It occurs when the conscious sub mind and the unconscious sub mind each take a position on something (a perception) and we switch back and forth between them creating an image in mental stereo.

   The difference between the 2 positions is relative.

   Each person's mind will probably take 2 different positions than others given the same situation.  Being relative makes normalization (an apples to apples comparison) between us possible.

   That allows us to define good and evil in a similar way even with everyone's unique perception of the world.

   So as far as the garden goes...

   There's a hint about what defines us as human when 1 mind made of 2 minds exists.

   That also means 2 things.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021


 About the blog

   Have you ever wondered what goes on while we're asleep?  Have you ever wondered what occurs while sleeping that can cause you to lose a dream and wake back up?

   Turns out they're very much related.

   If you read the post Theory (and probably prior to reading it) then you're aware of the idea our whole minds are made up of a conscious sub mind and an unconscious sub mind (that concept's been around for awhile).

   The distinction disappears as awareness and emotion are shifted between them (technically they're pulled back and forth between them - but that's not the reason for this post).  For all intents and purposes the 2 sub minds could be given individual bodies and manage just fine (after a test drive period).

   You probably know we call the conscious sub mind's perception "reality" and "awake".

   You probably also know we call the unconscious sub mind's perception "dreams" and "asleep".

   While we're awake and the conscious part of the mind's in charge, it's supported by the unconscious.

   There may not be too many people who understand it works backwards too.

   While we're asleep and the unconscious sub mind's in charge, it's supported by the conscious.

   Yes, they switch roles between awake and asleep.

   This also explains lucid dreaming and different types of hallucinations.

   You might be wondering where I'm going with that or you may see the implications.

   Lucid dreaming is about exerting conscious control over perception of a dream.  Not so much that a person snaps back to consciousness (because that's what happens otherwise).  Only enough to affect the unconscious mind's dream.

   From the other perspective it now makes sense when awake and the unconscious part of the mind exerts too much control over perception... it can drag us right into sleep.  It can also affects how we're perceiving reality as it's tinged with unconscious perception.

   So that's a simple enough cause for those who fall asleep suddenly and without warning (narcolepsy).

   And a reason for different visual and audible anomalies when we don't get enough sleep.

   Both parts of our whole mind are more similar than different.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Side Channel

About the blog 

   Turns out there's already a term given to some of the things described in this blog.  They originated (supposedly) as ways to extract information from computers without leaving any forensic evidence.  Because of that they're probably used more often than we might guess.

   Why would an attacker worry about getting caught when their method leaves no evidence?

   The term used to describe them is a Side-Channel attack.

   Here's more links than usual because once you're read them I'll try to explain how they've ended up being used directly on people:

   Let me sum up those articles from personal experience...

   An AC magnetic field (in my case every square inch of my apartment) and one or more sources of RF (there's several in my apartment) are used together to get information off a computer.  I'd also suspect that cables connecting peripherals can be targeted the same way.

   If you care about privacy - even a little - there's not much about that to like.  If you care about how people are treated there's even less to like about it.

   You might be wondering what's meant by that last sentence.

   There's some secondary effects that can occur when an AC magnetic field and RF are used that way.  With a little extra intent they can be used directly on a person.  So ithe real world use compared to how it's described online is backwards.

   One way it's done uses a desktop or laptop display by way of something called Transient Electromagnetic Pulse Emanation Standard.

   What happens to a person in front of their computer when this attack is attempted?

   You'll find some of those effects described in the post Thrall.


About the blog

   No one likes Gilligan's Island (the TV show).  Except everyone probably likes some small part of it they shouldn't ever talk about in polite company.

   You might be wondering how to find out what part a person secretly likes.

   That's simple enough and can tell you what they might actually be like if someone took a sword and sliced right through their mind separating them into a conscious version and unconscious version.

   Tell someone you either respect/are jealous of (and want something to either help point out there's another side of them or to make fun of them behind their back) to do this:

  1. Consider the list of characters from Gilligan's Island:
    • Gilligan
    • Skipper
    • Mary Anne
    • Professor
    • Ginger
    • Mr. Howell
    • Mrs. Howell
  2. Ask them to pick the character they like the most (for whatever reason).
  3. Ask them to pick the character they like the least (for whatever reason).

   That was the easy part.

   The difficult part is figuring out if the unconscious part of their mind tends to work with them or against them.

   Not knowing that can create the perception their choices are backwards.

   I'm pretty sure you're wondering what I mean by that.

   If you read the Theory you're aware a potential explanation exists - though it's far from proven.

   But the direction it leads might allow each of us to consist of:

  • The conscious part of our mind (conscious sub mind)
  • The unconscious part of our mind (unconscious sub mind)
    • A helpful, playful, patient sub mind ready to help
    • A jealous, toxic, saboteur always ready to jump in front

   Until you know the answer to that part you won't know how to interpret the choices from Gilligan's Island.

   And you may not want to.

   Because it's possible to "wake up" the unconscious part of the mind and then poison it.

   Why would anyone, for any reason want to do that to someone?

   I don't know of any reason for it.  But I can point in a direction towards them.

   Here's how they operate, here's their playbook:

       Schizophrenia Playbook


About the blog

   Does anyone understand how a person could sit down on a stranger's couch and work through the most difficult things they have in their lives?  I mean do they know what goes on in the mind to allow that to work?

   I can't imagine doing this when I try to put myself in the same situation.

   My thoughts are private.

   Whether they're boring, stupid, or weird (and they are) makes no difference.

   If they were interesting, complicated or cool (and they are not) it also makes no difference.

   But no matter what kinds of thoughts they happen to be... how can we explain the therapists couch?

   Some might prefer to have a therapist's itemized bill explained better.  But that's not what this blog is for.

   If you've read the Theory you're aware a potential explanation exists - though it's far from proven.

   There's still something missing for it to explain the relationship between the patient, the therapist, and the unconscious part of the mind.  Here's a simplified list of the questions:

  • A person has issues between the conscious and unconscious parts of their mind that can't be resolved on their own
  • A person goes to a stranger to work out the issues between the conscious and unconscious parts of their mind
  • The stranger does not intermediate between the conscious and unconscious parts of the person's mind.
  • The stranger is only a presence in the room that intervenes only when absolutely necessary and never, ever directly between the conscious and unconscious parts of the person's mind.
  • The stranger only intervenes in the form of asking questions and only a certain type of question so not to influence the process in any way
  • The stranger then bills the person for an amount of money that seems disproportionate to the service they provided

    OK, maybe we will end up looking at the itemized bill.

    It wouldn't be difficult to write entire books to explain the process but I'll try to do it in less.

  • The unconscious part of the mind requires it can trust (even when it applies to the conscious part of the same mind) to some level before an issue can be resolved
    • Notice I didn't say the unconscious requires some level of trust from the unconscious.
    • That would be backwards.
  • The therapist fills a role similar to a referee or neutral party in a negotiation.
    • It's an independent trust relationship
    • They can be trusted not to interfere or influence the process
    • They can be trusted only to provide a nudge if the process gets stuck
  • All the work of identifying and resolving the issue(s) is performed by the person's mind.
    • The whole mind
    • The unconscious part of the mind (the unconscious sub mind)
    • The conscious part of the mind (the conscious sub mind)
  • Hypnosis is the actual mechanism when the issue is resolved in the person's mind.

   Given that explanation it might be helpful to mention that hypnotism can be used to interfere and influence without trust being required.  There's other post's written about treating the unconscious part of the mind like it's the whole mind.

   I haven't met anyone who's advocated that without having their own agenda for doing so.

   For the itemized bill... it would take an economist to explain supply and demand and charging as much for something as someone else will pay.

   By the way...  are we still missing our economists?

   Those would be the only rationale people left in the country.

   They can be identified by the jumping up and down, waving hands back and forth, and screaming bloody murder.


"Illustration" courtesy of: "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...