Friday, January 1, 2021


About the blog

   No one likes Gilligan's Island (the TV show).  Except everyone probably likes some small part of it they shouldn't ever talk about in polite company.

   You might be wondering how to find out what part a person secretly likes.

   That's simple enough and can tell you what they might actually be like if someone took a sword and sliced right through their mind separating them into a conscious version and unconscious version.

   Tell someone you either respect/are jealous of (and want something to either help point out there's another side of them or to make fun of them behind their back) to do this:

  1. Consider the list of characters from Gilligan's Island:
    • Gilligan
    • Skipper
    • Mary Anne
    • Professor
    • Ginger
    • Mr. Howell
    • Mrs. Howell
  2. Ask them to pick the character they like the most (for whatever reason).
  3. Ask them to pick the character they like the least (for whatever reason).

   That was the easy part.

   The difficult part is figuring out if the unconscious part of their mind tends to work with them or against them.

   Not knowing that can create the perception their choices are backwards.

   I'm pretty sure you're wondering what I mean by that.

   If you read the Theory you're aware a potential explanation exists - though it's far from proven.

   But the direction it leads might allow each of us to consist of:

  • The conscious part of our mind (conscious sub mind)
  • The unconscious part of our mind (unconscious sub mind)
    • A helpful, playful, patient sub mind ready to help
    • A jealous, toxic, saboteur always ready to jump in front

   Until you know the answer to that part you won't know how to interpret the choices from Gilligan's Island.

   And you may not want to.

   Because it's possible to "wake up" the unconscious part of the mind and then poison it.

   Why would anyone, for any reason want to do that to someone?

   I don't know of any reason for it.  But I can point in a direction towards them.

   Here's how they operate, here's their playbook:

       Schizophrenia Playbook

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