Sunday, January 17, 2021


About the blog

 For almost 2 years I've been plagued with seeing quick bright white flashes in the corner of my eyes - but only while in my apartment.  I've asked different people if they're run into something similar (even coworkers though that might be at least partially responsible for my [not quite yet] getting fired).

   Different medical conditions exist that could explain the flashes.  Except for only seeing them while in the apartment.  That rules out anything medical.

   A few minutes ago I apparently was lucky to be measuring the AC magnetic field and recording it on video when I noticed something.  It was a series of pulses in the field strength that went across the screen.

  I should back up and mention there's a reason I was measuring it to begin with.  Actually a few reasons...  Those would be:

  • Feeling anxious or irritable
  • Feeling uncomfortable and needing to get up and move around
  • Muscles spasms
  • Feeling of "pins and needles" on my feet, back, and legs
  • Suddenly tensing up and unable to relax
  • Tinnitus where the noises I'm hearing shift and move around in the apartment
   None of those things are new.  I've been trying to explain and describe them to everyone I know for awhile.  This time I may have gotten an answer to more than one question I had.  Those questions would be:
  • Why does my entire apartment's floor emit an AC magnetic field?
    • Why did an Ameren employee take a look and do nothing while telling me "see if that makes a difference."
    • Why did the same Ameren employee respond to my mentioning that other buildings were also having the same issue with an AC magnetic field by saying "You're the only one that called."
  • Why does a wall in the bathroom have a continuous RF signal being generated from in or behind it?
    • Why does the signal strength increase sometimes to the point where it's difficult to stay in the apartment?
    • Why have I heard nothing back from the apartment complex office after reporting it?
  • Why did my TV burn out the day I recorded the highest levels of the AC magnetic field?
  • Why do I occasionally see bright white flashes in the corners of my eyes while at the apartment?
  • Why have a seen short duration dim flashes at about the same interval as the flashes in the corners of my eyes at times in the bathroom?
   I'm guessing the pulses in the screen shots below hold the answer to 1 or more of those questions.

   I'll follow up with my guess after a little more research.


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