Thursday, January 14, 2021


About the blog 

   There's all kinds of self-help books about using hypnosis to change to oneself.  How effective are they really?  That's anyone's guess.

   If you read the post Average then you know a simple generalization about what defines who a person is.  But lets say you're unhappy (or someone else is unhappy) about how straightforward (aggressive) you are.

   That might even be backwards.

   You might think you're too meek (not aggressive enough) and would like to be more assertive in your life.  It could be any defining trait you'd like to change or that someone else wants to change about you.

   Where would you start should you want to make that type of change?

   There's always a self-help book to try.  And it's not too difficult to find someone offering advice.  But if you want to change something about yourself in a permanent way you can:

  • Consciously effect a change
  • Unconsciously effect a change
   The conscious route is all on you.  Make something a priority and stick with it.  Just remember it's your conscious mind that has to maintain it before becoming permanent.

   That's potentially a lot of work.  And in the case where someone else wants to change something about you it won't do any good.

   So you're left with the other option: to unconsciously effect a change in who you are.  Many books about hypnosis have been written where that's the goal but they tend to leave out an important detail.

   It's far more effective when you go directly to the unconscious mind to make a change (bypassing the conscious).  In doing so the unconscious part of the mind can be made to - at a minimum - take a more active role in defining a person.  And it can even be done to someone without them aware of it taking place.  It's basically shifting one of the anchors that sets the boundaries of who a person is.

   What could one expect if it's done to them?

   Regardless of the change....  a person wouldn't feel, seem, or act differently as far as they could tell.

   It's others around them that would notice it.

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