Monday, January 11, 2021


About the blog

   What makes each of us who we are?  What is it that defines each of us that remains unchanged no matter where we are in life?

   Maybe there's absolutely nothing.

   It might just be wishful thinking that we're more than just biology and some thoughts thrown together.

   I'm of the opinion a formula exists behind it all whether algebra gets involved or not.  And it's based on a mind made up of 2 sub minds. Variables in the formula are:

  • The mind is anchored by the conscious and unconscious sub minds
  • They define the range we ultimately fall within that makes us who we are
  • We can't easily go outside those boundaries if at all
  • As awareness and emotion are shifted between them the distinction disappears and each of our whole minds comes into being

   It's not a technical kind of formula, obviously.  But if you like numbers and math you can look at it as:

      A whole mind = (conscious sub mind + unconscious sub mind) / 2

   Yep, that's an average.

   Even better... it really doesn't make any sense.

   How can a whole mind result from combining 2 sub minds then chopping the result in 2?

   It's completely backwards.

   If you also get the same feeling there's something you need to be aware of...

   Everything about your mind is that way.

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