Monday, July 31, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "clipboard"

There are hospitals to abuse the body or those for healing the mind.  Do or don't call them "institutions".  They rarely "stick around" or it's unrelated to noise.

Why have so many offered "promise" or delivered "depression"?

They don't know what they're doing or understand exactly "how it works".  Time after time they end up backward.

Any given "medication" may or may not treat the mind.  They never or sometimes do.  It's the placebo effect that's known to be worthless or more powerful than an entire "industry".

Backward or "without clinical data".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "yawn"

Dear FOX News,

We appreciate your attempts to "unmask" each and every family member or relative of the following:
  • Congress
  • Judiciary
  • Executive
Don't you dare stop until every private or non-public citizen has been "outed".  No individual deserves or wants a "private life" or they can't have one.

You already know how to "script" the "right" words for a "newscast" or "program".  You may or may not need to be told what to do next:
  • Select the comments or words you're certain a grandfather should use about a child, grandchild, or "bully".
    • The "bully" isn't you, but you already believe that.
  • Discuss them "on-air" without ceasing.
  • Applaud your "friends" and selves on a job well executed.
Backward or "don't forget to pat yourselves on the mouth."


"Illustration" courtesy of: "service"

Dear Secret Service,

How are the individuals entrusted to your care or protection doing?  Would you know even if they were being murdered or "set up" right in front of your ears or eyes?

You may or may not.

How many Presidents have been lost due to lack of caring or not doing the job to the best of your ability?

We do or don't know.

Why don't you?

Has the "Berlin Office" started or finished the investigation of the first tip provided to your "Kansas City" office on 2 occasions to 2 or 3 individuals or "agents".

What about the second tip?

In case someone forgot to take notes or they don't "recall":
  • Tinnitus isn't a real "thing".
  • It's always imaginary.
  • It poses no harm to anyone or anything.
Backward or "pride in a job not well done".

Sunday, July 30, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "piece of rock"

How many times has an explosion been "misidentified" as a "weapons test" above or below ground?  To be less specific, include those that were "mischaracterized" or "misrepresented".

None this century or last century.

With that being a "well-known fact", we can speculate about the source of a "suspicious" earthquake originating in North Korea "somewhere".

The "source" wasn't:
  • A "misguided" attempt to carve an "underground city".
  • An "open" try at digging a "swimming pool".
  • The inevitable result of mining an "ore body" using something which should never be triggered near "ferrous" or magnetic minerals. 
Which isn't it?

2 out of 3 aren't unimaginable.  The remainder is horrific.

Visible evidence above ground may not be a depression.  It's living things that would bear a scare.  Do or don't bother looking from space - we aren't allowed to know or see such evidence.

Backward or "never think things through backward".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "rhino"

How are all the "endangered" or "rare" species of animals doing?  Those would be cheetahs, rhinos, tigers, etc...  Is it time to "forcefully relocate" those from homes that can't care for them to somewhere safer?

Soon or never.

What about orangutans?  They could or couldn't use an "island" refuge or sanctuary.  Human contact should always be an exception or no rule.  We can't be ruining their "culture" or "communication" with our worthless technology or "-isms".

Should permission be given before "spiriting" them away?

It should or shouldn't.

Backward or "irresponsibly relocate".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "carpet bonfire"

Should individuals be allowed or trusted to choose their own decisions or select their own options?  Free will or personal freedom remains "undecided".

No, they are not.

Examples without merit:
  • "Smoking" versus "vaping".
  • "Inhaling" versus "puffing".
  • "Hooking" versus "toking".
Everyone knows that "air" is bad for you or everyone else.  It may or may not contain "dander", "dust", or "pollen".  It never contains harmful or toxic chemicals.

Why take a chance?

Logic or reason and nothing else must make each or every determination.  Otherwise, one or the other is useless or worse.

Backward or "you have a problem 'i don't like'".

Saturday, July 29, 2023


The following "hint" or "tip" regarding a possible or potential crime was submitted to the FBI on July 29, 2023.


The following "hint" or "tip" regarding a possible or potential crime was submitted to the FBI on July 29, 2023.


"Illustration" courtesy of: "north korea"

How are the citizens of North Korea doing?  Has anyone checked or does anyone care?

With China providing the basics for its "government", does North Korea need anything other than scientists, leaders, or a military?

It may or may not believe so.

The "dear leaders" have never been backward.  They are progressive or forward.  They may even have reasoned away the need for "commoners" at all.

Indifferent for them or "to our shame".

Backward or "we are all to blame".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "drama masks"

Dear Assorted Industries,

You do or don't know who you are.  We can attempt or try to remind you in 2s or 3s:
  • Gambling or "gaming".
  • Film or "motion picture".
  • Music or "recording".
  • Debt or "consolidation".
  • Dealers or "sales".
  • Attorneys or "law"
  • Banking or "Wall Street".
  • Pharmaceutical or "drugs".
  • [Waiting for confirmation.]
We regret to inform the following:
  • Actors or artists or musicians.
  • Employees or salespersons or members.
  • Foreign or private or public citizens.
Of the "message" or "suggestion" below:
  • You do or don't believe or care.
  • You will or won't be compensated or vindicated.
  • There is or isn't evidence or "unreasonable un-doubt".
Backward or backward.


"Illustration" courtesy of: "bat"

Does our country's bat population suffer from tinnitus?  Does it impact their ability to hunt or afflict the insects they eat?

It does or doesn't.

Can "living things" - which rely on "hearing" or "perception" to find food or mates - be harmed in general or specific?

They are or aren't.

One last question:
  • Is there any possibility the belief that "fungal infection" weakens bats who then can't forage... is backward?
Forward or "opportunistic".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "orbital station"

Would some individual consider writing a "scene" for a movie.

Some details for context:
  • A female mathematician or male "arm-chair physicist".
  • An underground bunker or poorly thought-out "parking garage".
  • Topics may or may not include:
    • Gravity
    • Space
    • Time
The "treatment" isn't as follows:
  • The individual runs or strides towards a balcony or railing.
  • Tosses their "paperwork" into the air or throws their "notebook" on the floor.
  • Happily shouts "Eureka!" or angrily states "I can't do math".
Backward or "centrifuge space station".

Friday, July 28, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "8 track tape"

"Nearly" or "virtually" (not every) single, cassette, CD, digital copy, disk, or tape of audio, music, or video from the last XY years will need to be:
  • Confiscated
  • Exchanged
  • Rendered "unplayable"
That may or may not apply to "8 track tapes".

Each or every actor or studio, artist or musician, announcer, or broadcaster will need a "do-over" or "redo" period.  That may or may not apply to "full stack" individuals who trust no one they don't respect (Nelly?).

What does that mean or why is it necessary?  We don't need to tell you something you already know.

Backward or "don't let it happen".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "vietnam"

Let's try something backward.  We won't suggest a course of action or an opinion of what to do.

Only to say that:
  • "We have an announcement to make.  For those who are..."

Backward or "fairly used".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "moon"

Would an individual mind "suggesting" another "feature" for "next generation" cameras.  It's a "high resolution" "moon zoom" for every "heavenly body".

Samsung, why don't you do it?

The "technical details" aren't as follows:
  • Point your new camera at any area of the day or night sky or at the ground.
  • Snap a "photo" or "selfie".
  • Awe or muse over the "close up" or "life-like" craters, valleys, or astronaut "foot prints".
No respectable astronomer, cosmologist, or planetary scientist needs or wants a picture of Ceres, Mercury or Venus... only Mars.  Might as well replace 2 or 3 with the moon.

Why stop there?  No "butt cheek" is flawless (collectively or individually).  Dating sites or Instagram would be much healthier places if every dimple were replaced with a "moon".

Backward or "never look back".

Thursday, July 27, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "giger alien"

We try always to "name-drop".  It raises our esteem or image.  We aim never to "lower the bar".  That must always be left to "professionals".

Give James Cameron for an example:
  • Admittedly jealous of George Lucas or "Star Wars".
    • "I could have made that." [paraphrased]
  • Inspired to produce his "best work" for 3-D.
    • "Avatar" [no one else has gotten close]
  • Took a "lengthy" amount of time to "release" a sequel.
The 2nd movie did "ok" or "well".  The "run time" was acceptable or significant.

May we offer you a "synopsis" or save a few hours which can or can't be refunded?
  • "My family's in danger so I'll hide them 'underwater'."
Backward or "you needed more Sigourney Weaver".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "suit and tie"

There are "straight or narrow" "agencies", dishonest individuals, or fraudulent businesses.  All or none have a "problem" or "solution".

Which should or shouldn't be implemented?

Whichever sows the most harm or reaps the least damage.  Should a "business" wish to conduct "shady dealings" that escape attention or notice, they want only to "suggest" their "clientele".

This is never practiced by "jewelry" chains or stores.  Neither by any "storefront" where valuables are on insecure display.  If an individual is "only looking" they may feel "pressure" to "hurry up" or "go away".

Backward or "exit the premises".


"Photo" courtesy of:  Prototype Not Provided

This is an alleged "accusation". It involves "forgery", greed, or an insubstantial amount of "audacity".

Just the facts:
  • An individual purchased 2 items from a "jeweler" at a store going "out of business".
  • The items were chosen from a "catalog" than "ordered" by the "jeweler".
  • Said items were or weren't identical or fraudulent as delivered to the customer.
Said store "closed".  After a period of time, one item was determined to be made from a "lesser metal" than that requested or paid for.  Actually, both.

Follow along with our backward logic:
  • A "designer" setting was requested by a customer.
  • The setting is ordered from a "boutique" or non-custom "designer".
  • One or more reusable "casts" were then made for the purpose of creating "knockoffs".
How many times did the "jeweler" allegedly cheat customers?

We have no statement for that.

There are or are not additional details or information which is pertinent or relevant.  Another 2 or 3 "of interest" are:
  • One item was made of a "non-standard alloy" (which included silver) that gave the item a "heft" or weight approaching that of gold or platinum as it should have been.
  • Given the weight of one item in relation to the second, there's a non-zero chance of a toxic "lesser metal" in that alloy.
    • In our opinion.
  • We are not a gemologist, "jeweler", or metallurgist and have no means to "analyze" either item.

The following "ex-business" (previously located in downtown Clayton, MO) is the "accused" in this "story":

[Name withheld for confirmation.]
[Phone number withheld for confirmation.]
[Street address withheld for confirmation.]
Clayton, MO 63105

Wednesday, July 26, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "starter home"

Not every city, town, or neighborhood is "beautiful", "historic", or "lovely".  Neither is every home.

Many are in need of repair or several in need of "replacement".

When that's the case, who foots the bill?  And should a "minimum" standard of dwelling (not lifestyle) be "worked toward".

We don't know or maybe.

Let's start with "government" reimbursement or refund "checks".  Those are "free money" unless they aren't.   Should it be "handed out" as "piles of cash" on request?

No, it should not.

We do or don't have 2 or 3 suggestions:
  • Put it on "charge accounts" to be distributed for "home improvements" or emergency.
  • Use it to "provide" homes for those "in need".
  • Never use it to "buy out" some amount of a home's "price" to "devalue" it for the next "first home buyer".  What good would that do?
Backward or "home ownership is a 'fantasy'".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "tokamak"

How many times a day does "fusion" get referenced with an "f-bomb"?  We have no idea.

Those working at CERN, ITER, or on assorted "geometries" might have an unreasonable idea or "score card".  Don't forget to mention the term "systemic".  Those types of issues are "rarely encountered" or they just "don't know when to give up".

We do or don't blame them.

Achieving "perfection" at high pressure or temperature is or isn't impossible.  Reaching or avoiding it may or may not involve "embracing" noise or turbulence.

No one should be happy watching scientists "smacking their head" against a "reactor".  If that's some individual's idea of fun, the right or wrong "reactor" isn't "palm sized".

Backward or "less than 30 years away".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "valentine's day card"

The "headline" never reads:
  • "Sweetheart deal!"
Thank you, FOX News, for explaining "Valentine's Day" without bias or insult.  You are personally "experts" on what a "sweetheart deal" is being in "love with yourselves".

We need to know much, much more.  What's the proper etiquette for:
  • Sending oneself a "box of chocolates".
  • Mailing oneself a "cute" card.
  • "Making out" with oneself or with a camera.
Some individuals spend "Valentine's Day" stalking couples "holding hands" to throw rocks at them.  You are "better than that" or have no idea what we're talking about.

What would journalism be without you?

Backward or "no comment".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "straitjacket"

Dear United States (or any other country who does or doesn't "know us"),

You will or won't:
  • Assist or help us in any way.
  • "Ask too many questions" or any questions at all.
  • Listen or watch helplessly as your family, friends, or "way of life" disintegrate behind you or in front of you.
It will or won't happen slowly to avoid awareness or quickly to incite fear or panic.

Absolutely no individual you know or don't know will:
  • Become backward.
  • Focus on the "wrong thing" or be unable to focus "at all" when you desperately try to point out "any problem" or "the problem'.
  • Become exasperated or frustrated while you calmly or patiently attempt to "explain to them" again or again.
There is or isn't:
  • Anything to be done or everything to try.
  • Any individual or "group" in government, private, or public who knows the "actual" or "root" cause.
  • A way to "raise the alarm" illegally or legally.
You know this to be false or true, correct or incorrect.

We can point a finger all day at the "agencies" who know how "it" works or where "they" reside.  It will or won't ever or never do any bad or good.

We "have no hat" or "hold all the cards".

Backward or "do something now, no one else is being targeted".

Tuesday, July 25, 2023


The following "hint" or "tip" regarding a possible or potential crime was submitted to the FBI on July 25, 2023.

Monday, July 24, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "school girl"

One flawless "public school" after another.  The dream has never materialized.  Confusion is now "non-standardized" whether female, male, or "in-between".

Don't be concerned.  No pendulum can swing the same direction forever nor a cycle forget to start over.  Supposedly.

Except there's always or never a "mean girl" (don't use the term "b-word") present.  That's just a part of growing up for a "pre-teen" or "teenage" girl.

Call the behavior what it is:
  • Mischief or spite directed at an individual for a specific reason or none at all.
  • Hate or retribution towards an individual for a perceived slight or none at all.
  • Gossip or rumors about an individual who is or isn't "doing anything" to deserve it.
Those on the "receiving end" of such treatment are or aren't:
  • Good of heart.
  • Kind of heart.
  • Young of heart.
Does anyone recognize a theme or "something" backward?  Why casually or randomly target such an individual?  Is some form of "suggestion" at work?

Absolutely not.  Only an "anti-conspiracy theorist" or "paranoid schizophrenic" might propose such a thing.

There's always "one like that".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "court"

Let's tell a story.  "Characters" or "events" may or may not be based on fantasy or reality.

Some background or context:
  • "Takes place" in a home, office, or "public space".
  • Starts with intrusive or polite "conversation".
  • Ends with jest or sarcasm.
Actual or "sample" dialog:
  • Individuals 1 or 2: "Good afternoon or morning.  How are you?"
  • Individual 3: "Good or well."
  • Individuals 1 or 2: "Do anything fun or interesting lately?"
  • Individual 3: "No or 'not really'".
  • Individuals 1 or 2: "Do you have children or kids?"
  • Individual 3: "I'm not allowed near children or small animals - court order".
All or most conversations are private "by default" or technically.  Our "choice of words" or "tone" is never or sometimes "shaped" by that assumption.

In a world where the "easily offended" or "militant" reign supreme, what may or may not happen next?

We can only answer by explaining what not to do:
  • Don't submit an online tip to the FBI or CIA.  One is required to investigate everything or nothing.  One doesn't care about "internal affairs".
  • Make sure your tip is "impressive" and "well-received" or be forever "penalized".
  • Always assume a "worst-case scenario" exists or that there's no such thing as sarcasm.
No "investigation" is ever "final" or any investigation shall be "re-opened" when evidence is presented or suggested.

Backward or "case closed".

Sunday, July 23, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "magnetite sitting angel without gender"

Dear Israel,

You were wronged greatly last century.  It was or wasn't much, much worse than revealed.  We do or don't blame you for "protecting your own".

We also have a few questions:
  • How many "ark of the covenants" do you "have"?
  • How far "underground" are they deployed or stored?
  • Are they "purely defensive" or can they be used "offensively"?
The description of the "ark" in the "bible" or "Old Testament" is or isn't completely or partially backward.

We're only mentioning what you do or don't already know.

Backward or "EMP".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "crime scene"

Dear FBI,

Your "agents" or agency recently "found" a potential suspect regarding one or more crimes.  It was or wasn't difficult or "time-consuming" to do so.  Well done or "shame on you".

Allegedly, there were at least:

  • 2 or 3 deceased individuals who were or weren't identified.
  • 2 or 3 "murder weapons" or lack thereof.
  • Little to indicate an obvious suspect - they may or may not have employed "burner phones".

Evidence is required to "figure out" or solve any crime.  Regardless, a thorough investigation must always be conducted.

We do or don't need to remind you that:

  • Should a potential source of evidence exist, find an excuse or justification to access it.
    • "Leave no stone "unturned" or avenue explored.
  • There's no such thing as privacy anymore.
    • Facebook, Instagram, or "online apps" have proven that beyond a "shadow of a doubt".
  • What matters is "enforcing" the law or "keeping everyone safe".
    • Do or don't follow or observe the letter or spirit of the law.

P.S. - Does the "noise" which can be "recorded" anywhere or everywhere count as a "publicly available source"?  "Noise" may or may not know if it's private or public.  Cell phone "tower pings" or "location data" does.  Should one consult them before making any assumptions?

Backward or "single-minded".

Saturday, July 22, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "noise"

How is LIGO doing these days?  We are or aren't sure things are going well.

Did any individual working for ITER (let's say a public relations employee) convey the suggestion about listening to that troublesome gravitational noise directly?  Some conversations by phone get lost in translation.

Advice aside, has any individual hypothesized or theorized that LIGO's "noise problem" is or isn't what it may or may not seem?

Do we have a "home grown" gravitational noise or wave "background"?

The first or last "civilization" or "message" they "detect" may or may not be "local".

Backward or "at a loss".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "gold or silver"

Let's consider a "mythical" or unlikely scenario.  A "vein" of gold or silver is "discovered" which is:
  • A "mile" long or a "foot" wide.
  • A "foot" long or a "mile" wide.
Does it matter where it's found?  No.  What matters is whether it's "recoverable".

Could a "market" then be "cornered" or "crashed"?  Maybe.  What matters is the existing "wealth" which would vanish when supply exceeds demand.

Does a more "precious metal" then "become gold" and "gold become the new silver"?

That's backward or the right question to ask.


"Illustration" courtesy of: "fact or question"

The "headline" doesn't read:
  • "Everything you believe is a 'well-known fact'."
No, thank you, FOX News for offering an opinion on the inferiority or superiority of "matriarch" or "patriarch" based "society".  Your "coverage" or "reporting" of "censuring" or "silencing" the "problem" was fair or backward.

Was there nothing clever or insightful to observe when:
  • One individual "asked" a question of another.
  • Answered their own "question" by confirming it a "fact".
  • Requested the other individual be "silenced".
Discourse or discussion must occur for a congress or legislature to function.  "Logjams" are constructive or preferable.

Have you allocated funds for a $20 voice recorder yet?

Backward or "roadblock".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "calendar and passport"

There are "laws or statutes", "guidelines or rules", and "suggestions".  No one is immune to 2 out of each 3.

We can or can't give you or them an exemption.  That's on you alone or on them, backward.

If we were so inclined, they wouldn't be the following:
  • Citizenship or residence in Portugal.
  • Below the age of 26.5 or 27 years old.
  • The preceding 2 exemptions with an understanding to "play ball" or "fall in line" when those exemptions "expire".
Above all, an individual must never "consume" or "imbibe" in a manner that defines having "too much fun".  It sets a bad example for those who don't remember how to have fun.

The penalties for "any fun at all" after the exemptions expire (or before they expire should an individual not intend to "fall in line") are as follows:
  • [You or they] will [embarrass or humiliate] [you or them] by [voicing or whispering] [your or their] own [secrets and struggles or inner demons] thinking they were another's.
  • [You or they] will [accuse or convict] others of what [you or they] are [doing or saying] [behind closed doors or unseen in the dark].
  • [You or they] will [consume or destroy] [all or everything] [you or they] [value or own] until all that [is left or remains] is [garbage or trash] or [hollow or empty].
  • [You or they] will [covet or hoard] what [you or they] can't [hold onto or keep] until it [owns or destroys] [you or them].
  • [You or they] will [find or glimpse] [fame or fortune] but it will only be [fleeting or temporary].
  • [You or they] will [speak or tell] [falsehoods or lies] even when [honesty or truth] [does no harm or brings [you or them] credit].
  • [You or they] will be [asleep at the wheel or powerless] to [assist or help] when [you or they] are needed the most.
  • [You or they] [may or may not] get all these things backward.
We just added the "last one" or it's always a valid choice. 

Everyone or no one should be "made an example of" or "taught a lesson".

Friday, July 21, 2023


To who it may concern or to anyone who cares,

A "hint" or "tip" was provided to both a "receptionist" and an "agent" at the Kansas City Secret Service Office some months ago by phone.

A second phone call was made during which another "hint" or "tip" was provided to both a "receptionist" and an "agent" at the same office.  A request was also made as to the investigation into the first "hint" or "tip".

The "agent" spoken to assured the caller that - having been "given" to the "Berlin Office" - it was in "good hands" or they "knew what they were doing".  We have no visibility to know if that's backward.

Does it matter what the "hint" or "tip" was?

Does it matter that an "investigation" could be started or completed in 15 minutes?

It does or doesn't.

We don't know if the assassination of a President means anything more than a "shrug" or an "oh well".  We don't know if another attempted assassination of a current President means anything either.

Allegedly for both.


Dear Google,

Why are our "search results" being "influenced" by individuals "excited" over a series "reboot"?  Your "search" is now nondeterministic.

That's a diplomatic or polite way of stating:

  • "Fads" or "trends" are being "prioritized" over actual knowledge.
  • "Search results" for a given set of "terms" or "words" can change without warning.
  • An individual searching for something specific must now "be aware of" or "exclude" what they aren't searching for.
Does this make sense?  Then it can't be backward.

Does it result in more "paid clicks"?  Then it must be forward.

Backward or "wasting individual's time".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "charm"

Pick your poison or "word of disgust".  Did you select one yet?  We are providing non-choices:
  • The "b" word.
  • The "c" word.
  • The "n" word.
Under no justifiable or unjustifiable circumstances should any of those 2 or 3 words be uttered.  Always to oneself or never to another.  You are on notice - don't get it backward.

Given the "suggestion" not made, how long before it's recognized that:
  • You are powerless or they have "all power".
  • You have no protection or they are "fully shielded".
  • Our logic is flawless or you are illogical.
Backward or "inoffensive".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "mickey mouse"

Dear Disney,

Whatever happened to your "animated" or "puppet" films "The Black Caldron" or "The Dark Crystal"?  Few individuals remember them though many are backward.

There was also something... odd... in general about either film.

Was it something "back-masked" in "noise"?

Please don't bother to reply.  Your time is valuable or there's never enough time to erase or hide evidence.

Backward or "witchcraft".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "justice"

Has any individual noticed a "change" in someone they've known?  No one "stays the same" or "everyone changes" - is that reason to "avoid eye contact"?

So what happened?

We can worst describe it backward:

  • Each or every court or judge was uncompromised or "stood firm".
  • Each or every officer or department was compromised or "unshaken up".
  • Each or every agency or business was uncompromised or "shaken up".
2 of the 3 are correct or incorrect.  One is known true to all.

How did this happen?

Never open the door in fear or to a stranger.  Not even a crack.

Thursday, July 20, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "infinity pool"

Would some individual propose a "blueprint" for a "water park".

A "layout" or "specification" isn't as follows:

  • A "lazy river" in the shape of an "infinity" or "standing wave" (2 or 3 crests or troughs).
  • "Intersections" fully or partially implemented with an "automated" "go" or "stop".
  • Cooled or heated for comfort "year 'round".

Rules or guidelines "of conduct":

  • All attendees or patrons will or won't "float" in or out of a "tube".
  • Beverages or drinks are banned or prohibited during the "ride".
  • No "throwing" or "tossing" of items or others is allowed - that's the responsibility of the "ride".
"Collisions" may or may not be inevitable or unavoidable.  Should they occur, the following "exchange" would be inappropriate:
  • "I will or won't give your 'name'."
  • "You won't or will take my 'information'."

Backward or "anti-social".

Wednesday, July 19, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "fireflies"

Whatever happened to the "fireflies"?  Not sure what they are?
Now that you've recalled your "youth", how many of them are left?

Fields of grass or yards were filled with them a decade or two ago.  An individual may or may not be lucky to see a few flashes this summer per night.  Is a population crash inevitable or were we too backward to catch it in time?

Are "children" "happy" they're disappearing or sad their own "children" may never know the experience?


"Image" courtesy of:  Associated Press or British Movietone

When did "suggestion" "back-masked" in "noise" make its first "debut" in our nation?  We do or don't know for certain.

Did it occur "en masse" or throughout the entire country?


It was added to a specific "reel" with a non-zero anticipated "audience".  A desired or wanted "result" was or wasn't achieved.

How can that be known beyond a "reasonable doubt"?

It was not an apology or confession as stated.  The "voice" used was backward or wrong in stating it wasn't.

The following links contain one or more "things" that aren't commonly known.  Examining them backward or forward is of no value whatsoever:


Has any individual found cause or reason to "review" the following link?  Using the information found at that link, has any individual been curious or "investigative" enough to examine a "random" audio clip of "disinterest" (backward or forward)?


Due to their "historical significance" or to prevent them from being "lost", the "reels" are included below.

Monday, July 17, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "tic tac mint"

Personal hygiene is hardly worthwhile.  Baths, showers, toenails - who are you trying to impress?

Then there's "shaving".

Let's list 2 or 3 "areas" which need shaved completely:
  • Butt crack
  • Stomach
  • Groin
Does at least one of those things seem "not like the others".  Is this a "Sesame Street" learning opportunity?

Both or neither.

When a pre-board "passenger" of a "hyper-oscillating" or "super-cavitating" craft is told to shave "something" completely, they'd best comply.

Why, do you suppose to wonder?

An individual who "knows better" than those with experience won't suffer the consequences alone.  Everyone present will endure the "outcome" as well.

Backward or "shatting oneself across the country".



"Illustration" courtesy of: "choice or decision"

We un-ethically or immorally assert to:

  • Let any choice or option influence a decision or selection.
  • Make no decision or selection without the best or right choice or option.
Backward or "situational".

Sunday, July 16, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "hedge or risk"

Has any individual bothered to ask why our "data" is so valuable to some?  It's been collected or gathered "en masse" for years.

What purpose is it being put to?

Let's imagine a method exists to identify "signals" or "trends" in "noise".  We shouldn't pretend that 2 or 3 such methods can be found at the links below.  That would be backward.
With enough "data" available, it may or may not allow for "advance notice" on "market movement".

Who can't possibly "gain" or "profit" from "anticipating the future" in "markets"?
  • Absolutely no "Wall Street" firms that "hedge" or "risk"
  • Definitely no public or private entities that "purchase" or "sell".
  • Never any individual or group that employs resonance in 2s or 3s to amplify movement and decrease or increase "margins".
Never ever.

Friday, July 14, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "fbi system"

Is the FBI testing a "knowledge system" which "correlates" information from "public sources" and "evidence" regarding "cases"?  Would such a "system" qualify as being "artificially intelligent".

Well... it better not be stupid.

Being dumb is fine or "smart".  That capability can exceed "experts" in getting to the truth.

Stupid = "not so much".

Sound backward?

Not if you're forward.

Thursday, July 13, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "sharingan stoma over eye"

Should an individual or "group" need or want to:
  • "Release" or "seize" control of every "individual" or "thing".
  • "Discover or "hide" knowledge or memory from "awareness" or "focus".
  • "Build" or "impose" a "perception filter".
There are multiple techniques to do so.  Not all require "gin jitsu".

Let's review 2 or 3 examples.  The following may or may not be "suggested":
  • Give all individual(s) aware as they need or want.
  • Take no individual(s) focus as they want or need.
  • Let all individual(s) focus as they need or want.
  • Make no individual(s) aware as they want or need.
To grossly oversimplify or merely under simplify:
  • [Give, [need, Aware], all?]
  • [Take, [want, Focus], none.]
  • [Let, [need, Aware], all?]
  • [Make, [want, Focus], none.]
  • [Give, [need, Focus], all?]
  • [Take, [want, Aware], none.]
  • [Let, [need, Focus], all?]
  • [Make, [want, Aware], none.]
Should you be confused or uncertain how to proceed:
  • What example will an individual need to set?
  • What family does an individual want to raise?
  • Who do you wish to be?
Which may be "suggested" as:
  • [What, [need, Example], set?]
  • [Where, [want, Family], raise.]
  • [Who, [need, You], be?]
  • [How, [want, They], are.]
  • [Example, [need, Wish], make?]
  • [Teach, [want, Curse], let.]
Backward or "revealed".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "architecture"

The best or worst method of hiding something is in "plain sight".  It's typically unexpected or unusually backward.

It can be done with large or small items (like an individual's keys or where they live).  It can even be done using "architecture".

Have you ever visited a home several times before realizing it had an "invisible room"?  Not one covered with "cloaking technology" or "magic fabric".  Just a room where your mental image of the home didn't match the actual floor plan.

This can cause a "nagging" feeling in the back of your mind.  Perhaps an "impression" you're overlooking something obvious.  Are you missing "something" "staring you right in the face"?

When a room isn't accounted for in an individual's "mental image" of a home ... it may not exist.  Once awareness of the room is gained, a "mental image" can be updated and things "make sense" again.

Let's suggest that occur backward:

  • "Hide" or "remove" a memory or object from an individual's awareness or "mental image".
  • "Question" or "answer" the individual was mistaken or wrong.
  • "Confuse" or "misdirect" to delay or prevent their "mental image" from being "updated".

Hiding "something" from awareness is also known as a "perception filter".

It may or may not exist.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "menagerie"

There are some "lovely" "zoos" around the planet.  A few are even "free" or have no "admission fee".

We assert that:
  • "Zoos are backward."
Which illogically leads to 2 or 3 "suggestions":
  • Animals or species should live in their natural habitat or true "equivalent".
  • Human beings should travel "there" to peer "into their world" and not vice versa.
  • There should or shouldn't be any "feeding the animals or species" when needed or appropriate.
Going another step "sideways":
  • "Allowing or 'manually expanding' an 'endangered species" range may or may not be mandated to prevent extinction."
Backward or "un-invasive".

Tuesday, July 11, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "apple with computer chip"

Does "Apple" transfer money "out of the country" for no reason?  We do or don't believe that.

Do they "move money around" to "park it" somewhere to earn "interest".  Maybe they do or don't.

Here are 2 or 3 backward reasons against it:
  • "Chip" or "fab" factories are "dirt cheap" to build.
  • "Chips" or "components" are free or inexpensive when purchased from "competitors".
  • 2 or 3 "phones" are the right or wrong number for an individual to "own".
Funds should always or never be utilized for the purpose of becoming "better enemies" or "worse friends".

Backward or "cyclical".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "elephant donkey with dollar sign"

The "headline" reads:
  • "Supporters get cut of money raised"
Thank you, FOX News for reporting on illegal political "fundraising" without noting its legality.  When did it become "ok" to "tip" political supporters with "fundraising" cash?

It did or didn't.  It's something new or old.

Is it "breaking news" worth "reporting"?  It is or isn't.

Should a "news organization" never question the foolishness or wisdom of its "friends" or "journalists"?  No, that would be backward.

It's a "reporter" thing.

Backward or "parrot".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...