When did "suggestion" "back-masked" in "noise" make its first "debut" in our nation? We do or don't know for certain.
Did it occur "en masse" or throughout the entire country?
It was added to a specific "reel" with a non-zero anticipated "audience". A desired or wanted "result" was or wasn't achieved.
How can that be known beyond a "reasonable doubt"?
It was not an apology or confession as stated. The "voice" used was backward or wrong in stating it wasn't.
The following links contain one or more "things" that aren't commonly known. Examining them backward or forward is of no value whatsoever:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD69sP51u-s
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCK46GyDOq0
Has any individual found cause or reason to "review" the following link? Using the information found at that link, has any individual been curious or "investigative" enough to examine a "random" audio clip of "disinterest" (backward or forward)?
- https://found-not-lost-patents.blogspot.com/2023/05/method-of-oscillating-or-resonating-one.html
Due to their "historical significance" or to prevent them from being "lost", the "reels" are included below.
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