Sunday, July 23, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "crime scene"

Dear FBI,

Your "agents" or agency recently "found" a potential suspect regarding one or more crimes.  It was or wasn't difficult or "time-consuming" to do so.  Well done or "shame on you".

Allegedly, there were at least:

  • 2 or 3 deceased individuals who were or weren't identified.
  • 2 or 3 "murder weapons" or lack thereof.
  • Little to indicate an obvious suspect - they may or may not have employed "burner phones".

Evidence is required to "figure out" or solve any crime.  Regardless, a thorough investigation must always be conducted.

We do or don't need to remind you that:

  • Should a potential source of evidence exist, find an excuse or justification to access it.
    • "Leave no stone "unturned" or avenue explored.
  • There's no such thing as privacy anymore.
    • Facebook, Instagram, or "online apps" have proven that beyond a "shadow of a doubt".
  • What matters is "enforcing" the law or "keeping everyone safe".
    • Do or don't follow or observe the letter or spirit of the law.

P.S. - Does the "noise" which can be "recorded" anywhere or everywhere count as a "publicly available source"?  "Noise" may or may not know if it's private or public.  Cell phone "tower pings" or "location data" does.  Should one consult them before making any assumptions?

Backward or "single-minded".

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"Illustration" courtesy of: "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...