Wednesday, May 31, 2023


This is an "alleged" story:
  • Executives or individuals in at least one or none "industries" have an "attraction" to members of the opposite or same gender.
  • Said individuals may or may not "abuse" or "employ" "suggestion" for the purpose of:
    • "Sorting" the "wheat from the chaff."
    • "Streamlining" or "simplifying" "conversation" or "courtship".
    • "Ensuring" or "guaranteeing" that a "minor" or "underage" individual doesn't "unknowingly" become "involved".
Which of those 3 purposes is backward?

Here's part of an "alleged" suggestion to provide "context":
  • "... if you or they are 'too young'..."
We are of the opinion this leaves "the door" cracked or open "in excess".


We're pretty sure the law defines "not old enough" using a specific number of years.

It's not left up to a teenager (or younger) to "decide for themself".


Apologies in advance for the "longer than usual" post.  It's in regard to "securing" an individual's valuables or invaluables.

Let's make some key points:
  • Usernames or passwords are not very secure or too secure.
    • An individual can "forget them" or "lose them" at any time.
  • Many "accounts" or "sites" require them.
    • For better or worse, few "requirees" share individual "logins" with others.
    • So an individual must remember a different username or same password per "requiree".
  • PINs are simpler or easier.
You may agree or disagree with those points.

Regardless, it may or may not help to be backward:
  • A 7 or 8-digit PIN can or should replace all individual "logins".
    • It's more difficult or slower to "guess".
  • There can or should be a single "authentication" or "authorization" service that makes sure "you're you".
    • That means a single entity provides the "core service".
    • All "cards" then become "debit cards" - no more "credit cards" which have essentially "no security".
  • An individual's "personal data" can or should be kept in 1 place only.
    • Keep it with the "core service".
  • An individual's "phone number" can or should replace a "card".
    • Using said phone to access "said service" can or should nearly guarantee "you're you".
  • Security questions can or should be answered "forward" or "backward".
    • Only an individual knows "which is which".
    • Any other individual can or can't use another's "data" to "hack in" - even when they know it.
Those "arguments" or "opinions" are of high or low detail.

Surely, the "fine points" can be "adjusted".

Tuesday, May 30, 2023


We assert that:
  • "The 'user interface' for a computer or program should itself be a 'setting'."
What, exactly, does that mean?
  • No individual should be "forced" to "relearn" the software they use without "good reason".
  • Moving "buttons", "menus", or "features" around is "fine" but rarely "necessary".
  • Should an individual "know" Windows 95 or simply "prefer" it, they shouldn't be "required" to "learn" Windows 11 - even if they are "upgraded" or "downgraded" from one to the other.
Seriously, is computer software "modular" or not?

Rhetorical question.

It's still designed backward.


 Forward or backward:

  • "Free will" is the ability to "accept" "suggestion."
  • "Mind control" is the inability to "reject" "command".

The CIA, FBI, or every other "agency" is aware of this...

Does the "military" know?


What occurs when a police officer:

  • Jumps on the hood of a car.
  • Points a gun at the driver's head.
  • "Gives orders" or "makes threats"?

Panic ensues.  It's rare for a driver to remain in check long enough to give a police officer ample time to "disembark the hood".  The police officer may or may not have gotten things backward.

That took the form of "escalating" the situation instead of the opposite.

Can anyone explain what went wrong?

Monday, May 29, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "hover bike"

Forward or "sideways":

  • "A racing bike is like a fast car.  You can't go slow on it." - [Unnamed source]
Backward or "UFO".


Some businesses or individuals perform a service or work "by the hour".  That involves a bill or invoice at an "hourly rate".

We see no inherent problem in that.

Then there are businesses or individuals who charge "hourly plus".

What can that imply?

One example (let's single out "electricians" in "St. Louis") is "rounding up" the number of hours to a "whole number".

Does that sound fair or reasonable?

Well, should an individual charge for 2 hours of "work" when they work for 1 hour and 15 minutes?  Should an individual charge for 2 hours of "work" when they work for 1 hour and 1 or 5 minutes?

That's an excellent question to articulate.

Another is:

  • "Can 'rounding up' a bill or invoice encourage time to be spent 'less than efficiently' or excuse 'fudging the numbers'?"

If that "sort of thing" becomes significant... why is it allowed to be backward?


A "code of ethics" or "morals" can be defined as:
  • "A set of 'choices' or 'options' 'picked' or 'selected' 'up front' leaving only 'decisions' to be 'made'.
One or more parts of the definition made appear - or be - backward.

It should "function" either way.


The President of the United States recently (2023-05-29) gave a Memorial Day speech which was insightful, passionate, or thoughtful.

For any individual, it should be "all uphill" from here.  We have no reason to believe that's backward.

What brought about a perceived improvement in "mental state"?

We can only make a few "guesses":

  • Deeper or more restful sleep at night.
  • Increased ability to concentrate or focus.

Does either "guess" make our President an "addict" or "user"?


One individual's "addiction" is another's "miracle cure."

In our opinion.


A traveler at an airport recently (2023-05-29) "posted a clip" of their own "indecent behavior".

They were being critical of another traveler, were unwilling to speak directly with the other traveler, so "shot their mouth off" behind the other traveler's back in the form of a "rant".

Which traveler was being "indecent"?

The one who "had it backward". Do the exact details of the "anti-encounter" matter?

Those do or do not.

The "core problem" at work was empathy or lack-thereof.

Sunday, May 28, 2023


A "meeting" should always or never be called on a "schedule".

The way  meetings go now, that's invariably backward.

How so?

We shall answer that by suggesting 2 options for "having" a "meeting".
  • Option [1].
    • A meeting will always start at the appointed time and end at the determined time, even when it's not "over".
  • Option [2].
    • A meeting will be "open" "continuously" or "perpetually" for individuals to enter or exit when they see fit.
So... which is it?

You tell us.

Saturday, May 27, 2023



  • "McDonald's promotes "blatant racism" while advertising "happy meals."

It doesn't get any more "old fashioned" than this example.

Use the google "search link" below or type 'mcdonalds black panther 2 commercial' to find the offending material (it's 31 seconds in length).


It goes "backward in time" near the end.


For any individual who "seeks the truth", there's a "commonly known" maxim:
  • "Don't expect what's unexpected."
Pardon us for getting it backward.

The 2 or 3 questions we're asking:
  • Are you backward?
  • Is the rest of the country backward?
  • Where would an individual find someone "not backward" or "backward-backward"?

Do you know?  Keep scrolling down or up, please.

If you read this far, then why not read or scroll further?  Keep scrolling down or up, please.

More than one "potential patent application" exists.  Keep scrolling down or up, please.

One of which forms a "base" on which the "financial industry" "buys", "sells", or "shorts".  We may have that "backward".  Keep scrolling down or up, please.

Please do your job.  Here it is:

Friday, May 26, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "crate with sun rays"

This hypothesis is offered as a "guideline" for constructing an "operational" "ark of the covenant":

  • "Cherubim" or "seraphim" may or may not be "gilded" or "plated" or "made" of or "contain":
    • Electrum.
    • Gold.
    • Silver.
  • "Cherubim" or "seraphim" may or may not be "mirror images" of one another or have different positions or orientations.
  • The "stone tablets" may or may not be of or contain:
    • Iron.
    • Iron oxide.
    • Magnetite.
  • That an individual "lost their life" in touching such an apparatus may be accidentally or intentionally "backward":
    • "Charging" or "winding it up" may or may not involve one or more individuals "touching it" or walking around it.
    • Relating an incident "backward" may or may not provide a "misdirection" or "security through obscurity".
The "angels" or "tablets" may or may not be described backward.

Whether the hypothesis has any accuracy or precision is nothing more than a "guess".

Physics has no issues with the principles or technology.


An "uncanny valley" exists whenever "something" is missing.  It does or doesn't involve a "soul" or lack thereof.

Whether that's backward or not is someone's "guess".

The crucial "ingredient" is conscious or unconscious "communication".  Teaching communication to a "computer program" goes far beyond simple or complex speech.

Seeing or hearing it in action can be "unnerving".


We know an individual who had "unauthorized charges" show up on one of their credit cards.  They explained the incident in person.

This may or may not be "common" or "happen a lot".

Regardless, it happened backward.

The order of events was:
  • They received a call from the "credit card" company to inform them a "replacement card" would be sent.
  • The original card had been "used" to make an "unauthorized purchase".
  • The original card was a "new" one that had been issued and mailed, but the individual hadn't received it yet.
Normally, a card must be received and "activated" before it's used.

Please, please, explain how a "credit card company" can:
  • Issue a brand-new card.
  • Mail it to an individual.
  • Have it "stolen" and "used" before the individual ever sees it.
We would really like to know.

Thursday, May 25, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "problematic"

We are of the opinion that:

  • "Should an individual 'have a problem', but they don't make their 'problem' everyone else's 'problem': they should be 'free' to 'have a problem'."
It's just a "belief" or opinion.

Though backward.


Understanding another culture or society is key to "knowing" them.  Gaining that knowledge to "use against them" is a betrayal of all we stand for.

It does or doesn't matter whether the attempt "backfires" or works "backward".

For example:

  • There was a "Vietnam War."
  • There were combatants involved who didn't wish to "die alone" or be "lost".
  • One side targeted the other with "suggestions" to demoralize or harm the other.

Mental or societal illness was one result.

Do you get what we're "implying"?

Wednesday, May 24, 2023


There are "managers" and there are "unions".

A "manager" does the following:

  • "Assess" or "evaluate" one or more individuals who are "employees".
  • "Recommend" or "suggest" changes in reimbursement, salary, or time "on or off".
  • "Reports to" or "works for" an employer or themself.

A "union" does or doesn't do the following:

  • "Assess" or "evaluate" one or more individuals who are "members".
  • "Requires" or "sets" reimbursement, salary, or time "on or off".
  • "Reports to" or "works for" an employee or itself.

Which of those are backward?


"Illustration" courtesy of: "dollar"

How does a "cashback" program work?  The term gets used on television or in "mailers" which randomly appear in mailboxes.

We don't know the specifics.

Especially when "offers" are received implying or stating "credit" is "pre-approved" even though a "credit check" is still required which may or may not deny "approval".  We have 2 or 3 questions:

  • Does "cash" given "back" apply to the "purchase price" of "something" "charged" or "debited" to a "card"?
  • Are "participants" of a "cashback" program "working" for those offering such a program or are they "self-employed"?
  • Is "cash" given "back" considered to be one or more "gifts" or excluded from "reportable income"?

Let's call "cashback" programs:

  • "A slightly more or less honest or dishonest version of a 'player' or 'reward' 'club' operated by a 'casino'."

Backward or "not every entity or individual is a 'bank'".

Tuesday, May 23, 2023


How might an "overly ambitious" "scientist" try to "play God"?

It starts before a singularity, progresses through a "noisy" "space-time", then cycles within or without.

Does any of that sound backward?

An individual does or doesn't need to be "nosey" to wonder.

But they sure as "heck" need noise to check in on things... from time to time.


"Illustration" courtesy of: "schizophrenia"

Schizophrenia can be "cured" by placing one's hand over the eyes to completely cover them.

No "medications" or "placebos" are required.  How backward are those?

Do you know any individuals who weren't "exhausted" or "worn down" to the point of turning to the "pharmaceutical industry"?  We know of one.  And the "cure" works every single time.

Except that's no way to live.

Monday, May 22, 2023


Farmers form a "co-op".  Tradesman join a "guild".

Wouldn't it be refreshing to "find" the "right" electrician or plumber or "lawn care" specialist by asking a "guild" for their next "available" member?

Maybe we've got that backward.

Ideally, a guild "polices" its members for honesty or integrity.  It could also make things fair using a "queue" or "round robin" to "assign" work as available.

The uncertainty of an individual finding work might then "disappear" along with any justification to "pad bills".

Even the "self employed" should answer to someone.

It's just good business.


Would someone mind "suggesting" a "game" concept. The genre might be considered "horror". The theme might fall under "hunted" or "hunter".

Here are some "high" or "low" level details:

  •  Playable using a cell phone, computer, or "virtual reality" device.
    • "Revolves" around "augmented reality".
    • Best played on dates or times provided in "waves" on a "global" basis.
      • "Waves" are communicated in advance to give participants time to "prepare".
    • "Gameplay" occurs at any or all locations.
  •  Device cameras and their "preview" are utilized to detect "shadows" or "regions" where "something" of an "unknown" nature may be "hiding" or "stalking".
  • Indication of an "unknown something" is provided when a "deep" or "dark" enough "shadow" or "region" is detected by software when a "wave" (or lack thereof) is in effect.
    • May be an audible, tactile, or visual indication with examples being:
    • "Growl" or "hiss".
    • "Movement" or "outline".
    • "Vibration" or "footstep".
  • "Scoring" "points" consists of "capturing" or "tagging" an "unknown something" via photograph or video 
    • A complete or partial image of an "unknown something" would then be rendered in or on the photograph or video. Detail may be:
      • "Opaque" or "real.
      • "Partial" or "translucent".
      • "Ghostly" or "transparent".
    • For one or more "types" of "unknown something" there may be additional "scoring opportunities" by combining or "working with" others to form a more "complete picture".
  • An "underlying" "narrative" or "story" would be revealed as the game unfolds to explain or confuse what's "going on".
    • "Hints" or "tips" may or may not be "revealed" as the "game" progresses in a way which allows an individual to "realize" the "bigger picture" in such a way that "no one else" "believes" or "recognizes" the truth.
    • "Points" may or may not be "gained" or "lost" when the truth is communicated but other "players" or "individuals" "choose" to "believe" or "not believe".
A more exact specification may be helpful or provided.  Just remember the "key" "phrase" is "backward".

Let's see how that goes.


An "act" or "law" or "order" may or may not contain "secret" or "special" "provisions" for "unusual circumstances".  It doesn't take a patriot to understand the severity of such a situation.

Whether it's legal to "behave" in such a manner should be "up for debate".

Anything less is backward, in our opinion.  


Would someone be so kind as to "suggest" a new line of "Hallmark" cards?  The "category" would hypothetically be "neighbor to neighbor".

Here are 2 or 3 examples of the message such a card might contain:
  • "We see pets without 'basic' or 'humane' 'care'."
  • "We hear 'loud' or ''private' 'conversations'."
  • "This 'line' of cards may help 'communicate' with 'neighbors'."
Lines of communication may or may not already be open.

Considering such cards "forward" or "backward" doesn't miss the point.


No other entertainment medium is as harmful to children as cartoons.

There are:

  • Incidents involving axes or scissors.
  • Incidents involving guns or violence.
  • Moments involving "thin ice".

If you believe those have anything to do with it... you are backward.

Should anyone care to watch cartoons in "reverse", they will find the most disgusting or sick things one can direct at a child.

We suggest a "Looney Tunes Show" "promo" from 2011 about Elmer Fudd "working from the office" and a "grilled cheese".

There's nothing sexual about it, obviously.

Sunday, May 21, 2023


Little known fact:

  • "Permanent magnets 'significantly' stronger than those "commercially available" are known and can be manufactured."

What limits Neodymium grade "N52" as the "best" we have now?


The stronger the permanent magnet, the more fragile it becomes.  An individual might intuit more powerful means "tougher".

That intuition would be backward.

Can't that be "engineered" around?  The answer is "maybe" or no.

Every magnetic field contains an electric field.  For both electromagnets and permanent magnets, a stronger magnetic field equals a stronger electric field.

How is that known for a fact?

The answer is an "unopen" secret.

Permanent magnetics that have been produced above "N52" can be so fragile that:

  • Placing one on a table can shatter it.
  • Leaving one under the "wrong" kind of light can shatter it.
What does this tell an individual paying attention?

Resonant light "collapses" an electric or magnetic field. "Stronger" fields collapse "harder".  This might lead to a comparison with gravity.

Which would not be backward.


Ask any individual who "smokes".  There's an "aether".  Check with any physicist who smokes (if you can find one).  There's no such thing as an "aether".

Who is forward and who is backward?

A wise man should side with the "ancients".  Those individuals knew what they were "writing" about.

"Smoke" "hangs" in "layers" for no reason at all.

If you're backward.


It goes without saying that low ground floods first.

What are we suggesting?

Prioritize the "low points", lift them clear, or move them entirely.  Normally, it makes sense to move something large up or down.  That may be backward when the object in jeopardy is "sensitive".

Whether "cherry blossoms" prefer fresh water or salt isn't the issue.

The heart or soul of a nation is at risk.

Saturday, May 20, 2023


Certain popular "Large Language Model" type "artificial intelligence" have their "training" on hold.

Allegedly, there are "no plans" to "retrain" at this time.

Why? Three words:

  • Arrogance
  • Pride
  • Vanity

If you think the individuals "developing" said "models" have those "issues", you're backward.  They're actually concerned the next "artificial intelligence" iteration will exhibit those traits.

What could possibly grant a "computer program" the worst of human afflictions?

Should "training" be performed using a "copy" of the internet "printed" post the last release... let's just say it's unwise to "believe" one's "own press".  It's enough to make "hallucinations" seem like a "feature".


"Businesses" like to grow larger.  "Parks" like to expand.

How is that commonly done?

The best way to explain shouldn't be backward:

  • They don't keep making better and better products.
  • They don't offer the same experience at a lower cost.

Wait a second...

Maybe, just maybe, a "business" or "park" which operates in such a manner... is backward.


The Judicial "branch" is the third oscillation which allows the Congressional or Executive "pair" to resonate.

We may have that backward or "out of order".

It's based on the assumption that a "judge" or "jury" can be impartial.  Fairness should be the result.

One detail which may deserve scrutiny rests with how conviction and punishment are linked.

How can the influence of "knowing" the penalty in advance be kept "a way" from a "trial"?

That may or may not be a "separation of concerns".


Harnessing "human nature" is the key to advancement.  One example - capitalism - began when "commerce" "traded" its way into existence.

Capitalism harnesses "greed" in an inherent design that's unparalleled.  No other mechanism has done such "lofty" or "dirty" work.  Choose either way to describe it.  You can't get it backward.

Should a few more "harnesses" be found or identified... that would make 2 or 3.

And as everyone knows:

  • "One oscillation to start, a second oscillation to cancel it out, and a third - when needed or always needed - to allow the pair to resonate."

Friday, May 19, 2023


Every electric field is surrounded by a magnetic field and every magnetic field contains an electric field.

It's a simple experiment and can be easily verified.  An individual only requires:
  • One or more WiFi routers.
  • One or more wireframe trashcans (painted or "lacquered").
  • A device for detecting magnetic fields.
The trashcan(s) only need to be utilized "backward".

See photographs for set up or instructions.


The Sahara Desert is one huge "priceless commodity".  Does that statement appear backward?

Anything but.

"Productivity" in the Atlantic Ocean would be far less without the Sahara's "dusty" contribution.  Fish stocks at every level depend on it.  Fishermen can make a living because of it.  The consumer or food "chain" would take a "hit" without such a precious resource.

One individual's desert is another's "gold mine".

Tunnel vision - or the opposite - makes all the difference.


We assert that:

  • "There is no such thing as 'negative' money."

As such, a financial account should:

  • "Never be 'allowed' to go 'negative'."

How does a "bank" or "account holder" manage a situation like an "overdraft"?

We prefer to answer that question backward with 3 "points":

  1. An "overdraft" is essentially a "loan" being made by a "bank" (at the "bank's" discretion) to an "account holder".
    • It may or may not be "desired" by an "account holder".
    • It may or may not make things "easier" or "simpler" for either.
    • This makes it a potentially "undesired loan" that an "account holder" "triggers" but doesn't actually want.
  2. An "undesired loan" doesn't benefit an "account holder" and it shouldn't "benefit" a "bank" "providing" it.
    • There should be no "fee" associated with an "undesired loan".
    • There should be no "interest rate" on an "undesired loan".
    • This means an "account" should never "advance" into the "negative" due to an "undesired loan".
  3. A "bank" making "undesired loans" is NOT acting in the best interest of "account holders" and should be asked to "rethink" its policies.
    • "Banks" are required - by law - to treat "customers" fairly.

PARTIAL DISCLOSURE: The author of said opinion is currently submitting a complaint online at the FDIC Information and Support Center ( in regard to a situation that formed said opinion. 


What goes into creating a "game" or "series" that "commands" "play time" or "binge watching" for hours on end?

Is it "pixie dust" or "witchcraft"?

Let's say it's more of the latter and less of the former.

What are the odds of an individual "streaming" a "run through" or "episode" backward?

Virtually none.

Which is probably why such "craft" is overlooked.

Thursday, May 18, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "scotch tape"

Every "measurable" "thing" exists within or of an electric or magnetic field.

Taking a measurement involves "consuming" or "absorbing" part of said fields.  It's how "fancy" or electronic measuring devices work (not rulers or pencils).

This explains why:

   "Taking a measurement of a system affects or alters the system."

[Reference the "Uncertainty Principle"]

Too bad everything can't be measured with "tape".

Nearly everything we need can be built with it, so maybe the sentiment is backward.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "zebra smoking a hookah"

Something seems amiss at "the border".  It does or doesn't have to do with those eager to enter.  They may not be the problem.

It's the periodic "seizures" of fentanyl that draw scrutiny.

How does a "seizure" - "advertised" every few weeks - contain enough fentanyl to "kill every American 3 times over".  Could an "expert" please "weigh in".

Backward or "what 'condition' is fentanyl 'treating'".



"Illustration" courtesy of: "an elephant and blow dart and blow dart gun"

It's been stated by many that "the only constant is change".  That's more of an intro to the heart of the matter.

Change means "growth" and stagnation means "decay".

Restating it "almost backward" can have "nearly the same" meaning:

  • "Lack of change leads to decay or stagnation."

Do no more than "hold onto what you have" and watch it "disappear".



"Illustration" courtesy of: "computer chip brain"

A "mind" can be described as a series of "waveforms" within an electric or magnetic field.  The "complexity" or "capability" then becomes a function of:

  • Amplitude
  • Frequency
  • Resonance
This supports the construction or existence of multiple minds within one or more coinciding or overlapping fields.

There's no practical or "realistic" way to escape the presence of noise...

It should be backward to approach it as a "blessing" instead of a "curse".


There are many products available for "nutrition" or "fitness".  Some imply an individual will "feel" "better" or "be" "healthier" when used.  Others state they provide "vitamins" or "minerals" the body "needs".

Eating plain old dirt can do all that and more.

Are consumables supposed to "prove" they don't do harm or is that backward?

Maybe an agency or "governing body" should perform a "review".  Otherwise, we may end up with iron filings in kid's cereal.

Does anyone have a centrifuge and magnet to confirm?


Making fun of oneself is "fine", making fun of another a "no-no".

The first is self-deprecating or honest.  The second is disrespectful, rude, or reveals the struggles or "inner demons" of the "comedian".

  • "An individual is rarely 'funny' at the expense of another but often hilarious 'beyond compare' by relaying their own 'disasters'."

Get those backward or confused and pay the "ultimate expense".


The term or concept "pure breed" is an affront or insult to every living thing on the planet.

There either "are none" or mankind attempts to "force one".  End result: "one" or more or "all" living things suffer.

Understanding the definition of "oxymoron" gives clear indication of what is backward.


Why make a library of "paper" when it can be made of "clay"?

Backups may be painful or tedious - no surprise there.  It's the shock from a "reported demise" which may catch everyone "on guard".

Historical reporting does or doesn't get things backward.


There's a corollary to the phrase "throwing [someone or something] 'under the bus'".

That would be:

  • "One can't be shamed by another.  One can only shame themself."
Nothing backward about it.


 A compliment given in regard to anything not "worked at" is "self-serving".

How backward is that?  Extremely.


      1. "You have 'pretty' eyes or a 'cute' face."
      2. "That is an 'expensive' shirt or 'shiny' jewelry."

Not examples:

      3. "You are a 'sharp' dresser or 'fashion' conscious."
      4. "That is a 'nice' car or a 'good' restoration."

"Compliments" 1 and 2 are anything but.  They are directed at something an individual was "born with" or chose to waste money on.

"Compliments 3 and 4 are true compliments.  "Effort" or "work" went into making them a reality which is what a meaningful compliment recognizes.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023


 Whether it's "anti-matter" or "matter", a quark is:

  • "A resonant oscillation within an electric or magnetic field surrounded by a magnetic or electric field."
  • "A singularity."
Choose or decide.

Monday, May 15, 2023


Full "autopilot" or "self-driving" cars are a "no-go".  There have been "predictions" or "promises" made for some time - they're not going to happen.  They're stuck in reverse or backward.

What exactly is the "deal breaker"?

Simply this: no "artificial intelligence" will ever be put in a position of "making decisions" where a human being might be "harmed".

Call it the 3rd law of robotics (courtesy of Isaac Asimov) or call it a "liability nightmare".  It's not going to happen unless every journalist or lawmaker in the country loses their mind.

Which may or may not be preferable to losing one's body in a vehicle "accident".


 The first indication someone has chosen or decided not to believe you is when they state:

  • "...have no reason to believe you're lying."

How do you like that?

It's somewhat dishonest or backward.


Many different "chemicals" or "sprays" are used in agriculture or "gardening".  Some as fertilizer and others for pests.

Does it need to be stated that:

  • "Any chemical or compound which outright or slowly kills "living things" is toxic to all."

Does it?

We find any individual believing the opposite to be backward.


"Invasive" carp have "taken over" the Mississippi River system.  That seems a general consensus.

There are a few ways to look at it:

  • "Disastrous" or "horrible"
  • "Exciting" or "interesting"

Either way, a huge opportunity exists for whichever species changes or moves to make the most of the "opportunity".

We may or may not understand the big "explosions" in life's history... backward.


"Illustration" courtesy of: "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...