Wednesday, May 17, 2023


 A compliment given in regard to anything not "worked at" is "self-serving".

How backward is that?  Extremely.


      1. "You have 'pretty' eyes or a 'cute' face."
      2. "That is an 'expensive' shirt or 'shiny' jewelry."

Not examples:

      3. "You are a 'sharp' dresser or 'fashion' conscious."
      4. "That is a 'nice' car or a 'good' restoration."

"Compliments" 1 and 2 are anything but.  They are directed at something an individual was "born with" or chose to waste money on.

"Compliments 3 and 4 are true compliments.  "Effort" or "work" went into making them a reality which is what a meaningful compliment recognizes.

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