Thursday, June 30, 2022


[UPDATE: The statement on transportation and chariots was incomplete.  Spinning magnetic fields on a wheel will draw in and compress static electric fields.  It's this combined with magnetic current that can assist with movement and create the appearance of a larger force of opponents. 2022-08-03 10:57 PM]

It's been wondered if civilizations we refer to as "ancient" had technologies more advanced than one would expect.  A short list might be:

  • Power or energy sources like electricity or the equivalent.
  • Transportation with assisted acceleration or speed.
  • Meters or other tools which able to provide things like early warning of storms or lightning.
  • Weapons which could kill instantly.

I don't recall hearing the same curiosity about immediate communication technologies like cell phones or data connections.  There may be an extremely good reason for that.

Those types of technologies are always on and ever present.  And while devices like cell phones have been deemed "safe" when tested individually or in small numbers...  No tests I'm aware of have been done at the same densities found in real life.  When it comes to our safety and health that may be backwards.

Here are answers to the list above for those interested:

  1. Power or energy sources? YES - Static electric fields themselves were used in that way.  Magnets and magnetic fields were known and employed.
  2. Transportation assist? YES - Chariots were designed with a feature not often recognized - look to the wheels.  Energy can be stored in spun magnetic fields themselves so it's available to smooth out the effort needed to move.
  3. Meters or tools? YES - I have a few of them but lack time to go into detail.
  4. Weapons? YES - The Ark of the Covenant wasn't necessarily considered a weapon but how it could kill an individual instantly when touched is understood.

What civilizations of the past didn't have was a constant need to be reassured by speaking directly with everyone they'd ever known.

Their understanding of the world was reassuring and made sense.

What have we done to ours?

Sunday, June 19, 2022


I, personally, would never take credit for changing the tax code.  Only duly elected or respectfully appointed individuals have the brief or guaranteed terms required can do that.

Only when they - the governing or governed - voice their support by vote would such a task be realistic or likely.

An area worthy (my opinion only so worth nothing or 1/total population) of re-engineering or reconsideration is when a possession or property is taxed by ownership.

If we're required to pay taxes on something to keep it - we have nothing.  Going that route may be fine or ok but a sense of true ownership would be an illusion and backwards.

Enough said on that topic.

It undoubtedly been written before.

Posted on 2022-06-19 @ 11:34 AM

Thursday, June 16, 2022


I, personally, would never take credit for an entire category of employees or workers being individually fired, rehired, and retrained from the beginning to accomplish their occupation or assignment.  Only managers, boards, governments, their agencies, or the extremely respected have the power and authority to make that happen or occur.

The willingness to listen or perceive what others want or need to communicate can be shown or graded regardless of the industry or pay grade.

But empathy with no hesitation to change or switch shoes is a quality worth any bonus or benefit.  Such things are often or never backwards.

For anyone to question experienced wisdom or knowledge from determination and exuberance would be like requesting every large city and small town in a state or county trade random individuals with title and authority equivalent so each may see what the other deals with.

Enough said on that topic.

It might or may be  interesting should anyone write or speak about it.

Posted on 2022-06-16 @ 07:37 PM

Friday, June 10, 2022


 I, personally, would never take credit for reducing the cost of education to zero above a certain grade.  Only those who are educators or teachers have the knowledge or will to accomplish this.

Instead, we should be paying individuals to further their own education.  Testing will show who has or hasn't accomplished this.

For a given class - semester to semester - no test should ever have the exact same question.  The reason for this should be obvious to cheaters.  Less so to everyone else.

The reason for this is not backwards.

Enough said on that topic.

It's been written about before.

Posted on 2022-06-010 @ 03:23 PM

Thursday, June 9, 2022


I, personally, would never take credit for preventing a telescope with reflective or resonant mirrors from accidentally ending our existence.  Only those in a position of authority or in whose hands such a telescope rests can do that.

However, there is more than one such a telescope in orbit.  Someone needs to take the initiative to call out those who've hidden the truth or seek glory or wealth over the rest.

Their priorities are backwards.

The root cause needs to be identified.  Steps need to be taken to prevent a catastrophe or apocalypse.

Enough said on that topic.

Someone needs to begin writing on it soon.

Posted on 2022-06-09 @ 04:51 PM

Monday, June 6, 2022


I, personally, would never take credit for preventing a recession or lifting the economy out of one.  Only those who earn money, pay their taxes, then spend the rest are capable of that.

However, we have a supply and demand issue which doesn't make any sense.  All aspects of it backwards.  Someone - anyone and everyone - need to help identify it's cause.

Our farms work the same as before COVID.  Our orchards produce the same as before COVID.  Our cows produce milk the same as before COVID.

What exactly or precisely has resulted in a lack of parts to finish building a car or truck?

Why in the world would there be a "shortage" of baby formula?   Why here of all places?

The root cause needs to be identified.  If it's a criminal matter then charges should be brought immediately!

Enough said on that topic.

Someone better have written it before.

Posted on 2022-06-06 @ 01:40 AM


I, personally, would never take credit for solving the immigration problem with Mexico without also building a wall.

And I'd never take credit for doing so by proposing that property ownership within Mexico by foreign nationals (within a buffer zone between us and them at first) may fix the problem.

The root cause of a problem should always be directly addressed.  Everything else is a band-aid for a cut that won't heal and backwards.

If we (or Canadians, or Brits, or Russians) could own property in Mexico, build our lovely malls and shopping centers, plant lawns with grass that should never exist in a warm climate...  the reasons for immigrating here are in place there.

Enough said on that topic.

It has to have been written before.

Posted on 2022-06-06 @ 01:34 AM

Friday, June 3, 2022


I, personally, would never take credit for the anything as improbable or impossible as lowering the death rate for even a single day with no discernable cause.

The very idea is laughable or ridiculous.  That human beings or otherwise could be influenced or harmed in way that cheated death is backwards or forwards.

There does not exist a moron or idiot with that level of gall or bravado.

To the best of my knowledge, the only individual to ever do so was no moron, idiot, or anything more than modest.

It was written before.

Posted on 2022-06-03 @ 09:59 PM, Updated on 2022-06-04 @ 01:07 AM


 I, personally, would never take credit for the diplomacy and hard work of individuals spanning countries that has or will bring peace.

The absolute last or first place would be the middle east.  That would be backward between 2 or 4 times.

Enough said on that topic.

It was written before.

Posted on 2022-06-03 @ 09:06 PM, Updated at 09:07 PM, Updated @ 09:08 PM


 Not long enough ago I started hearing the sound of speech from an overhead vent in my living room.  This was in the [ ] apartment so happened [ ] year.  I wrote down what I was hearing in a state of disbelief.

What I was hearing or perceiving only had a few possible sources.  Please correct me if a possible option was missed:

  1. My mind was imagining or creating this out of thin air - it was entirely attributable to me.
  2. My mind was perceiving "something" as what I thought I was hearing - whether it began as suggestion, background noise, or some combination thereof.
  3. I was hearing something literally whether directly or indirectly. 
I'm ok with ruling out #3.  Who has the time and motivation to record and play back something like that to me?

I'm ok with #1 being likely.  I don't consider my mind to be "that" imagination or super creative.

I'm never going to be ok or fine with any chance it was #2.  The words were clear and distinct enough I don't just want to know what was going on...  I demand to know what it was.

You're free to feel as indifferent or similar as you want or need.


I hate to be the one pointing out the cliff the worlds about to step over. That wouldn't make someone an Anti-Christ. By no means. It just puts an individual on their own opposing team against - potentially - the entire planet.

If you ever had a feeling or dream at some point in your life that you would know or did know whoever would become the actual Anti-Christ... There's no apology to be made.

Here's the first cliff:
  • Our use of electricity - the amount and way it's generated - are depleting electric potential quicker than it's being restored.  I may have that backwards.
Why do you probably not care?

If someone else was hypothetically delivering this message it would be done in a kind, caring, and considerate way. Except we lost those individuals during COVID.

Pay very close attention to me now: The most kind, caring, and considerate individual's the world contained are all dead. Every one of them. All that's left are we the self-centered, selfish, and narcissistic people.

The reason we're still alive and they're all dead is horrific and difficult to comprehend. Everything related to COVID is the same though very few have become aware of it yet.

So I'm providing no more information than that at this time.

But congratulations! We've all made it to this round of the universe.

We did it by not being Christ-like at all. Go ahead and figure out what that statement means

You're free to do so.


I'm uncertain how readily the rules of unconscious communication can be found.  That goes for book or online form.  Those now seem simple and straightforward enough to try and list:

  • All unconscious minds are speakers.
    • All conscious minds are listeners (this appears to be backwards).
  • All unconscious speech is addressed to all.
    • It finds it's way to each listener when the time is right or it's heard.

This means all unconscious speech is effectively spoken to the entire world.  For some reason this makes me uneasy and uncomfortable.  But adopting the same mindset consciously has decisive benefits:

  1. Less likely that context and individualism may lead to contradictions and confusion.
  2. No longer possible to backstab someone with words - they and everyone else will know about it which makes it a front stab.
  3. All who listen or hear may perceive the same person unless they choose to perceive another.
Those benefits sum up to a life where one doesn't need to double-check every word mentally before it matches up with everything else.  One virtual voice to match one inner voice simplifies everything.

And what may really blow your mind or a cookie to forget:
Go ahead.  You're free to follow those 3 links to see it take shape.

You don't even need to think about it.


"Illustration" courtesy of: "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...