Friday, June 3, 2022


I hate to be the one pointing out the cliff the worlds about to step over. That wouldn't make someone an Anti-Christ. By no means. It just puts an individual on their own opposing team against - potentially - the entire planet.

If you ever had a feeling or dream at some point in your life that you would know or did know whoever would become the actual Anti-Christ... There's no apology to be made.

Here's the first cliff:
  • Our use of electricity - the amount and way it's generated - are depleting electric potential quicker than it's being restored.  I may have that backwards.
Why do you probably not care?

If someone else was hypothetically delivering this message it would be done in a kind, caring, and considerate way. Except we lost those individuals during COVID.

Pay very close attention to me now: The most kind, caring, and considerate individual's the world contained are all dead. Every one of them. All that's left are we the self-centered, selfish, and narcissistic people.

The reason we're still alive and they're all dead is horrific and difficult to comprehend. Everything related to COVID is the same though very few have become aware of it yet.

So I'm providing no more information than that at this time.

But congratulations! We've all made it to this round of the universe.

We did it by not being Christ-like at all. Go ahead and figure out what that statement means

You're free to do so.

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