Monday, February 28, 2022


 You've probably seen a movie with one of "those" characters who walks around predicting doom when they really should be taking a bath.  It's an end of the world or beginning of a new one kind of thing.

Depending on how much aluminum foil the character is wearing, their choice of words may be:

  • "They" have been controlling people's thoughts".
  • "They" have been beaming thoughts into people's heads."
  • "They" have been controlling my mind.'
  • '"They" have been beaming thought's into my head.'

You can probably see the direction this is going.

First of all, thoughts can't be beamed into someone's head and thoughts can't be directly controlled - not through suggestion and not even through "hypnosis".

But... it turns out our hearing isn't exactly as limited as every medical and biology book states.

The following statement may result in an individual being as unpopular as possible...

But there exists a very straightforward way - which I'd be happy to prove to anyone curious or to anyone at all - to generate a radio signal which allows a given modulation to be perceived as sound when it's absorbed by water or a conductive material.

What?  That wasn't the direction you believed we were going?

Something must be backwards.

And something is backwards... a potential patent application:

Someone thought power lines could be used as antennas.  With electricity everywhere there'd be no signal out of reach.

It's hilariously paranoid - just like the aluminum foil in one of those movies.

The best part is they got it backwards (which isn't usually how the movie goes).

Don't just assume what I'm saying is true or "take my word" for it.  There's too many ways to independently prove or disprove the claims being made.

Here's 3 ways test your residence (having guests without warning them could be considered rude) with things you may already have.  2 more should be posted soon.  1 of those 2 more is a purely mechanical way of doing it - so eliminates any possibility of software or electronics being responsible:

  1. 2 cell phones with service, 1 wire frame trash can, 1 dripping faucet
  2. 2 cell phones with service, 1 wire frame trash can, 1 analog noise machine
  3. 2 cell phones (no service needed) with a free app to generate white noise, pink noise, and brown noise, 1 metal bathtub drain, 1 adjacent sink drain

The best result you can hope for is to find nothing of interest.

Good luck with that - the last 3 apartments I've lived in haven't been boring.

Saturday, February 26, 2022


Most drains aren't as talkative as the ones pictured below.  That's not a bad thing when you consider what was recorded from them and residents at the same apartment complex hear it on some level 24 hours a day.

Most things go down a drain - these appear to be backwards.

It must be a St. Louis thing.

Original audio

Amplified audio with noise reduction

Photos of the drains in question:

Friday, February 25, 2022


[UPDATE:  Use a mic-lock for both cell phones.  It reduces interference and static significantly. 2022-03-17 04:23 AM.]

You might have heard stories or urban legends about individuals hearing... something... in the static noise from a TV or radio.  It might have been from a noisy water fountain or a machine intended to help someone fall asleep easier.

All those stories weren't just true, they were warnings delivered to mostly deaf ears.

How can such an obviously uninformed and ignorant statement as that be correct?

Why don't you find out for yourself.

If you didn't like the post Dripping for some reason (not everyone likes water) this is an alternative:

  • 1 analog white noise machine.  It needs to be ANALOG and not digital!  Even better if the noise can be adjusted.  Here's some examples of what to use which can be purchased from eBay:
    • Marsona analog white noise machine.
    • Marpac Dohm analog white noise machine
  • 2 cell phones with service.  One will be used to call the other.
  • 1 wire frame trash can with a plastic, rubber, or lacquer coating.  This will produce the static electric field that's needed.

Photos of analog white noise machines tested in a city more east coast than west coast:

"Vintage" Marsona 1200

"Vintage" Marsona 1220

Assemble your garbage (cell phones with destroyed screens work just as well as brand new ones) as the photo shows:

Assembled apparatus

Call one cell phone from the other, place one under the wire frame trash can after setting it to speaker mode.  Take the other into a different room to prevent feedback, set it speaker mode but also mute it.  That's the phone to record with assuming there's anything to be heard.

It may take some trial and error to find what may be there or not find what isn't.  But if the off-white noise where you live has something important to say,, it should become apparent.

Try adjusting the following:

  • Call volume on either cell phone.
  • Volume on the white noise machine.
  • Distance between the white noise machine and the cell phone.

It may also be wise to avoid excessive time listening to white noise.  Common sense can readily replace it.

Sunday, February 20, 2022


[UPDATE:  Use a mic-lock for both cell phones.  It reduces interference and static significantly. 2022-03-17 04:21 AM.]

Am kinda in a rush, so here's a few photos of the simplest way I've found so far to hear any subliminal suggestions around you.

There's also 2  audio clips below of what was recorded when the steps were followed in a St. Louis apartment.

You'll need a sink and faucet with dripping water.

  • 2 cell phones.
  • 1 wire frame trash can with rubberized or lacquered coating (to generate a static electric field).
  • 1 metal base to set one of the cell phones on with the trash can over it upside down.

Call one cell phone from the other, put both on speaker phone, place 1 under the trash can on the metal base.  Take the other cell phone, put it on mute and leave the room.

Should only take a couple seconds minutes to start hearing something.  If it takes longer, try adjusting the faucet for the noisiest random dripping sound possible.

Pictures below.

Recorded audio below:


 Fact check:

Did the author of this blog forget to mention that:

  • It's only a theory that human beings have a conscious and unconscious component to their minds.
As far as theories go it's no different than a theory like the:
  • Psychoanalytic theory
  • Relational frame theory
  • Neo-Piagetian theories
Except those theories have been developed and contributed to by multiple individuals throughout their lifetimes and professional careers.

There's one thing worth mentioning that is NOT a theory - oscillating current.

You can be as obstinate, stubborn, and absolutely certain it's neither real or possible.

I couldn't prevent that even in the best interest of everyone.  Did you notice that last statement is backwards?

Here's the link again to explain how it can appear "out of thin air" and what happens next:

Thursday, February 17, 2022



A staggered release of former patients from certain mental health institutions has been moved up or delayed indefinitely with little or no explanation having substance.

For purposes of informing the public, a little illumination surely couldn't hurt (3 flashes typically, seen around the outside edge of the eyeball or through the eyelashes, pain is only a perception)..  Details on how the new or old treatment was developed, tested, and prescribed are scarce.  Finding documentation on the treatment itself, doctors who recommended it, and the approval process it went through may be virtually impossible or historical record.  That last statement may be backwards but there's no end in sight for or of  patients unknowingly being treated.

Should the justification for the actions above be a "new or old understanding" of the mind, I would expect the same be used to free inmates from their own jails and prisons.

In the interest of fairness, let's leave no one behind and examine some conviction types to find one or more keys to unlock each door.

An unplanned release of every inmate currently incarcerated at one or more levels of government institutions may be eminent.

The links below present arguments for overturning  all criminal convictions for different types of crimes.  Given the circumstances, overturning them isn't enough.  They should all be COMPLETELY and UTTERLY stricken from the books:

There's one area that won't be addressed.  Not that it's omission wasn't unintentional - it was - but instead our perception of addiction and recovery were too advanced for their time.

Given a new or old understanding of both, we can now say unequivocally or with great trepidation that:

"All drugs and narcotics are only as addictive as we allow them to be.  When a person's mind is in full agreement on a given subject, change can then occur." - Unknown Source

For anyone with the goal of making addiction and recovery the scaffold for fixing societal problems,  the following logic must be irrefutable:

"An addict is who chooses to start and a teetotaller is who chooses to stop." - Unknown Source


FULL DISCLOSURE:  I have no formal training,  education, or experience in the fields of sociology, psychology, or identifying with Loki.  For the topic of addiction and recovery this won't matter.  

NOTE: At approximately 06:22 PM on 02-16-2022 I began hearing (in my head) a voice repeatedly saying the phrase 'Are you sure you want to do that?'.  There was also the impression of a difference in decision between forwards and backwards.  I can't say for sure what those things mean.


 Being lied to isn't unusual.  It's not uncommon. And it can happen at any moment.  Maybe that's why every time a person is lied to, it destroys and shreds  a disproportionate amount of child-like innocence and happiness.

Those are things which can't be replaced when lost.  Yours is already gone if you don't believe in either..

And whether you think it sounds like voodoo, magic, or underage sorcery, each and every time a person is lied to they lose part of their youth.

If you've read or heard of Matthew 18:6 (that would be the Bible) then you're familiar with:

"If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea."

And if lying to someone steals time away from there lives... I really don't care about the impact of lies on the economy, sports, news, etc.

We have so much technology available with the potential to identify when someone is lied to it's beyond a shame to not try and rebalance free speech.

Being able to trust another individual is required for living in a society like ours.  Not having to become all knowing private detectives to prove trust might save us all.


02-17-2022 @ 01:06 AM

It's 1:06  AM right now as I'm writing this.  A minute or 2 ago I began having different trains of thought  suddenly slide into my awareness.  It happened so smoothly I almost didn't notice.

There was more to it than just a train of thought - there was a subject (night have meant as a title), at least 2 arguments to support the subject (already though through to some extent), and it all arrived with the impression of an alleged explanation.

Hearing or "hearing" something in ones head is a major indication that perception due to suggestion just occured.  There's no good way to tell how much of it I "heard", how much was "missed", or how much was filled in or replaced automatically as I heard it.  Still, here are the details clear enough to take note of:

  • 'Resisting Arrest' - a crime that should be rolled back and tossed out.'
  • Every police officer in the [country or world] will have reason to kill you.'
  • 'Resisting Arrest' should be an expected response to being arrested.'
  • 'If Resisting Arrest never occurred, it would mean we could trust every potential lawbreaker to go turn themselves in every time a law was broken.'

Someone spent some effort to get those 'notes' in my head just after 1:00 AM.  (I'd like to know who they are)

Here's what the alleged 'notes' turned into as I continued writing the post.

Yes, that would be very backwards.  The reality of arrests is they often involve an unconscious mind which is operating on instinct and reflex.  There's a sense that by getting out of an officers field of view for just a few seconds will mean they're safe.

Maybe our movies and television can be scripted with less running and fighting with police and more calm, respectful, behaviour - on both sides.  And I really can't see a need for "Dumbest Criminal" type shows unless they exist as a suggestion intended to result in dumb things during a crime.

I think we can do better than that.

Until that does or doesn't happen, there's no justifiable reason that an individual's natural and instinctive reaction to arrest should be a crime added to a crime.  Protecting our officers from assault makes perfect sense in my opinion.  But if that's the reason for these types of statutes then not withdrawing them should be equally criminal.

Soon, someone with no formal training or education or experience in things relationship or psychological will soon be claiming that the first type of crime with convictions that need to be COMPLETELY and UTTERLY stricken from the books is:

Convictions that involve resisting arrest.

02-17-2022 @ 01:29 AM

Wednesday, February 16, 2022


How often does someone suddenly gain super-powers?  I have no idea.

How often does someone gain super-powers only to become uncaring, mean, cruel, narcissistic, and finally "evil"?

Well, the math for that is tricky...

It involves some trigonometry, calculus, and differential equations.  Some of the formulas are backwards.  Regardless, the value calculated is a percentage - the same number every time.

And it's always 100%.

100% turn "evil".

They don't even need to bother identifying with Loki.

That's due to the way our minds work. Only one part of the mind has the capability to step in or take over and subsume the other.  Which is probably why it - the unconscious - is extremely open to suggestion when exposed using hypnosis.

That's another way of saying the unconscious does as it's told.

Should there ever be a "super-power scenario", it means an unconscious mind either needed to step in or was suggested into doing it.  If the scenario includes subsuming the conscious mind then 2 things have happened:

  1. The full potential of a mind is now entirely under the control of 1 mind.
  2. The mind has lost the guiding light of perspective which we also call a compass.

What happens next?

A steady march into darkness where all things belong to the new "super-individual", all others are beneath them, and laws no longer apply.

You'd think a mind would be more solid and stable in such a configuration.  That belief turns out to be backwards too.


 Why would anyone believe that criminal tendencies are related to a person's family?

Why would anyone believe that criminal tendencies are related to a person's culture, race, or ethnicity?

As far as I know, crime tends to bunch up in neighborhoods, areas, and towns but not entire cities.

Of course, this means that everyone living in a neighborhood or area with crime rates is committing those crimes.  Everyone!

If that city up there has crime and that city down there has crime and you live in either city - you must be commuting crimes!

The logic is irrefutable.

Just so everything is clear:

  1. That city over there has crime.
  2. You live in that city.
  3. You are commiting crimes.

Makes sense, right?  If a certain type of crime is a "That City" problem but not a "This City" problem, what are the possible reasons?

It can't be people.  Both cities have people and people aren't a problem in This City" so it must be purely due to "That City".

It's completely backwards.

Here's the worst part.  It's actually possible to cause an increase with a certain type of crime I for a city - given enough time.

That's when then ugliest phrase of all time gets used.

"You want to know who did this to your city?  You did!"

Would you like to know how a program intended to deter and prevent crime has actually been driving it up because it's based on a flawed concept of how the human mind works?

Soon, someone with no formal training or education or experience in things relationship or psychological will soon be claiming that the first type of crime with convictions that need to be COMPLETELY and UTTERLY stricken from the books is:

All criminal convictions


 I have one prediction to make at the moment.

It may or may not be a doozy.

I (who does not exist) predict that someone will soon discover a way for everyone to live healthy and longer (if only slightly).

Actually, I predict that someone will soon discover 2 ways to live longer and healthier lives.

As many dollars are spent on healthcare every year, it's nice to know that some tangible benefit will come out of it.  Even better is how it can be  measured.

Please give them the privacy they'll surely need and only enough respect to keep from mumbling... something.... under ones breath when paths cross.

They'll earn the rest on their own.

Having a real independence in the life we carve out for ourselves names all the difference in the world.


There's a slightly greater than zero chance that someone will see a pattern in the last few posts.

Should that happen, someone might use it to try and predict the future.

I'd like to take that away from them.

For that purpose, here are a few more areas of judicial and legislative interest for posts soon to follow:

  • Violent crime
  • Theft and burglary
  • Organized crime
There's one area that won't be addressed.  Not that it's omission is backwards, but because the way we perceive it is backwards and no amount of suggestion - whether subliminal, in-your-face, or subtle - can change this one fact:

All drugs and narcotics are only as addictive as we allow them to be.

Because when a person's mind is in full agreement on any subject... that's all it takes for change to occur.


FULL DISCLOSURE:  I have no formal training or education or experience in things relationship or psychological.  But on the topic of drugs and narcotics this won't matter.  For anyone who blames either of those for societies problems and crime... Just stating it's a choice makes me an expert above question.

2022-02-16 @ 06:22 PM
Are you sure you want to do that?


  I have a theory about relationships categorized as "abusive".  That theory starts by saying key aspects of what we perceive as abusive relationships are simply backwards.

Very few people witness a domestic abuse incident, it's after math, or a reconciliation and then say:

"It all makes perfect sense to me."

That would be backwards.

Almost as un-backwards as the logical and common sense advice  given after those situations.  What if the root cause for what we see is an inside-out person?  One who is themselves backwards?

Using an oversimplified explanation - only meant  to illustrate - let's imagine an individual's mind could be lean more towards a conscious mind for some and more towards an unconscious mind for others.

We can call those 2 completely imaginary cases:

  • More conscious dominant.
  • More unconscious dominant.
All thats needed now is to take things 1 step further.  If a mind can tend towards one or the other, why  couldn't it go completely conscious or unconscious?

That sets up our thought-model for evaluation.

Picture a happy or unhappy family with Dad, Mom, and Kid(s).  Place them out in the front yard playing catch and gardening.  Mom's in the landscaping by the running air conditioner.  Dad's playing catch with the kid(s).  Dad yells to Mom so she can see something new.  He doesn't want her to miss it and gets more and more frustrated each time she doesn't hear him.  Depending on the individual, their temper, and their management of it, a different mind may step in to help.

An unconscious mind has skills and abilities we don't.  If unconscious mind was holding a ball, couldn't get another unconscious mind's attention,so threw the ball right at then...  They would become aware of the throw before the ball was in flight.  The direction and speed would be next for awareness.  The ball would either miss them or they'd do a look away catch while glancing over to find it's source.

An unconscious mind knows things differently than a conscious.  When misunderstandings or accidents happen and all parties know it, there's no reason for apologies or social pleasantries.

But we don't have 2 unconscious mind's with Dad and Mom.  We have 1 unconscious and 1 conscious.  We have a mind which operates on reflex and makes an appearance at the worst possible moment.  Mom would be able to still hear Dad over any amount of noise if an unconscious mind - but she's not.

What happens and what do neighbors see?
Let's just focus on the neighbors:
  • A Dad yelling at a Mom.
  • A Dad yelling at a Mom who can't hear him over the air conditioner.
  • A Dad who's yelling keeps getting loud and more angry for no reason they can see.
  • A Mom with a black eye.
  • A Dad who can be perceived as completely unapologetic.
  • A Mom perceived as a victim, defending a horrible terrible Man who should never be allowed near Her or Kids again.

The next post (and I hate to do an "on the next episode" thing like the TV show soap used too...) will be a difficult one.  But I won't need to convince anyone on my own about the need to release more individuals from jail and prison 

Someone's going to come forward of their own free will and explain what's been done to "deter" individuals from "learning" or "adopting" certain behaviours.  Hopefully we can confirm the science used to create such a "program" was and is sound.

If no one wishes to come forward there's no concern.

As with every word written on this blog, I'm not qualified to make such a case on my own.  So I will make the case entirely on my own.

Should it be determined that the "science" used was backwards...  What are the odds  it made a problem much much worse than it otherwise might have been? 

Soon, someone with no formal training or education or experience in things relationship or psychological will soon be claiming that the first type of crime with convictions that need to be COMPLETELY and UTTERLY stricken from the books is:

Sexual assault


 How can a noun like "profile" be a central and irreplaceable part of business while the verb "profiling" represents the rights of an individual being violated?

The latter describes the process of building the former and that's where the biggest problem hides.

As far as I know (I'll make sure after finishing this post) any collection of values, properties, or attributes which attempt to provide an accurate picture of something would be a considered a profile.  And every profile has to be built through profiling.

Do you see the problem we have?

It gets much, much worse once a real world profile is examined.

Profiles may consist of just a few details in a short list.  Profiles may also consist of thousands of details, grouped dozens of ways, charted with eye catching colors, and grouped/categorized/organized using labels.  Its important to know exactly how and exactly by whom that a profile was created.

Why does it matter in the  least?

The answer to that is from bias.  Every human being has bias in how they perceive what's around them.  It also exists in the context of memories, senses, vision, and handedness.  You'd think a really fast computer could be unbiased but that's not as simple as it sounds.

Every single conviction involving evidence that was grouped, categorized, labeled, or related to profiling in any form...

Should be overturned and the defendant released.


I have a theory about confessions people make.  I don't  know that it applies to all confessions though.  If it did then our judicial system has adopted a shortcut which unintentionally has made the natural back-and-forth process of the mind into a sword for the accused to fall on. Exploiting how our minds work without being 100% sure we understand them is the part that's backwards.

Let's explore the potential problem with a simple scenario:

A Seeker of Truth has been assigned to question a Source of Answers about possible wrong doing.  The Seeker may ask questions however they want but let's narrow that down a bit.  The Seeker may ask questions the following ways:

  • By an in-person audible voice:
    • The Seeker's voice.
    • Another individual's voice who Is Not Named.
  • By a not-in-person audible voice:
    • Someone other than the Seeker and who Is Not Named.
Answers may be listened for the following ways:

  • By recording the Source of Answers  audible voice.
  • By recording the Source of Answers below audible voice.
  • By recording every conceivable physical detail of the Source.

Sounds ok so far?  Maybe?  Do you have a slightly nervous feeling over how it's narrowed down?

Let's resolve that.

A Seeker may also ask questions:

  • By an in-person subliminal voice:
    • The Seeker's voice.
    • Another individual's voice who Is Not Named.
  • By a not-in-person subliminal  voice:
    • Someone other than the Seeker and who Is Not Named.

A Seeker should never use any answer from a Source unless it's the audible voice answer.  That's the only one allowed.  But a Seeker is aware of all the questions and how they're asked.  So there's nothing to prevent a Seeker from forming questions based on the unconscious answers he or she can see.

The Seeker them says to the Source: You just answered a question.

The Source says: No, I didn't.

The Seeker says: Yes, you did.  How else could we know about ______?

The Source says: No, I didn't.

The Seeker leaves the room to speak with an Oracle.  One says to the Oracle "is it going to work".  The Oracle predicts "just watch".

For the Source of Truth, they've just been lied to - or not been lied to.  To resolve the information provided by a potential compulsive liar, a certain back-and-forth is required:

The Source:. I said what?

The Source: I said that?

The Source: I said that?

The Source: I said that.

The Source: I said that?

Suddenly there exists something that can be perceived as a confession - if only briefly 

The next post (and I hate to do an "on the next episode" thing like the TV show soap used too...). You'll learn why some idiot with no formal training or education or experience in things relationship or psychological will soon be claiming that the first type of crime with convictions that need to be COMPLETELY and UTTERLY stricken from the books is:

Any conviction that was based on a confession.


 I have a theory about relationships categorized as "abusive".  That theory starts by saying key aspects of what we perceive as abusive relationships are simply backwards.

Before anyone should try swallowing that they'll need something from another theory a step or 2 back.  That theory goes something like each of our minds consists if 2 other minds working together in a blind-leading-the-blind configuration.

Let's get the basic definition of that out of the way now:

1.  There is a "conscious" sub-mind.

2. There is an "unconscious" sub-mind.

3. The mind uses something we call focus.

4. The mind uses something we call awareness.

5. The mind uses something called hypnosis but we're more comfortable calling it suggestion.

The term  sub-mind us used but no one should feel slighted.  In fact, feeling it perceiving a slight like that would potentially only occur with one secondary mind and not the other.)

Blind-leading-the-blind configuration means that in any given moment, one mind is essentially awareness while the other is focus.  Being aware of what's around us completely absorbs that mind and it's blind to everything else - except for the obvious.   Being focused on the moment does not completely absorb the other mind.  It's free to wander as responsibilities allow or all the time when it perceives no responsibilities.  You'd think that's not quite blind, but tunnel vision can result and it's the most difficult form of blindness to treat.

Everyone good so far?

The next post (and I hate to do an "on the next episode" thing like the TV show soap used too...). You'll learn why some idiot with no formal training or education or experience in things relationship or psychological will soon be claiming that the first type of crime with convictions that need to be COMPLETELY and UTTERLY stricken from the books is:

Domestic Abuse

Thursday, February 10, 2022



There's a serious problem with our measurements of the universe.  Our only way of assigning values and units are based in and of the universe itself.  This puts  them at approximately the same level of subjectivity as naming a new paint color.

Its all because we have just one limited viewpoint.  There must be a minimum of 2 viewpoints before perspective can.exist.

Unless a new branch of science is opened for the study of magic, there appear to be only 2 options (directions) available.

Luckily, they're both the same path but in opposite directions.  Both may provide an equivalent result and both are dependent on the same movement of time.

Both options also belong to a category known as "long term investments".

Again,  luckily, there may also be a shortcut to the same beginning or end.

It really couldn't be simpler.

Instructions are as follows:

  1. Confine a manageable region of space.
  2. Apply anti-gravity until the gravitational wave background diminishes.
  3. Bring the expansion of the confined space to a halt and so halt time.
  4. Continue applying anti-gravity until space begins to contract.
  5. Once the contraction of space reaches the negative speed of light a singularity will form.
  6. Take a few periods of time to mention how no one thought it would work except for that one guy who never smiles.
  7. Wrap up the back patting and figure out how to get some kind of reading of what's on the other side of the singularity.
  8. Realize only gravitational energy can make the transition.
  9. Turn on the gravitational sensor array that was built some time prior.

That's the first step.

For anyone that can see past that point, I either envy or don't envy you.  I have no idea which it is.  Without something analogous to frame-shift from it's incomprehensible to me.


"Illustration" courtesy of: "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...