Thursday, February 17, 2022


 Being lied to isn't unusual.  It's not uncommon. And it can happen at any moment.  Maybe that's why every time a person is lied to, it destroys and shreds  a disproportionate amount of child-like innocence and happiness.

Those are things which can't be replaced when lost.  Yours is already gone if you don't believe in either..

And whether you think it sounds like voodoo, magic, or underage sorcery, each and every time a person is lied to they lose part of their youth.

If you've read or heard of Matthew 18:6 (that would be the Bible) then you're familiar with:

"If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea."

And if lying to someone steals time away from there lives... I really don't care about the impact of lies on the economy, sports, news, etc.

We have so much technology available with the potential to identify when someone is lied to it's beyond a shame to not try and rebalance free speech.

Being able to trust another individual is required for living in a society like ours.  Not having to become all knowing private detectives to prove trust might save us all.

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