Wednesday, February 16, 2022


 How can a noun like "profile" be a central and irreplaceable part of business while the verb "profiling" represents the rights of an individual being violated?

The latter describes the process of building the former and that's where the biggest problem hides.

As far as I know (I'll make sure after finishing this post) any collection of values, properties, or attributes which attempt to provide an accurate picture of something would be a considered a profile.  And every profile has to be built through profiling.

Do you see the problem we have?

It gets much, much worse once a real world profile is examined.

Profiles may consist of just a few details in a short list.  Profiles may also consist of thousands of details, grouped dozens of ways, charted with eye catching colors, and grouped/categorized/organized using labels.  Its important to know exactly how and exactly by whom that a profile was created.

Why does it matter in the  least?

The answer to that is from bias.  Every human being has bias in how they perceive what's around them.  It also exists in the context of memories, senses, vision, and handedness.  You'd think a really fast computer could be unbiased but that's not as simple as it sounds.

Every single conviction involving evidence that was grouped, categorized, labeled, or related to profiling in any form...

Should be overturned and the defendant released.

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