Friday, June 30, 2023


Out of all those "targeted" with "suggestion" "back-masked" in "noise", the "adult" film or movie industry has been "the great enemy".

Please don't misunderstand the point being made or get it backward.

Any individual perusing "pr0n" online will quickly be "knee deep" in "suggestion" no matter where they click.  It was never meant to help - only to harm.

That was the goal or plan all along.

It may or may not be possible or practical to "embarrass" or "shame" everyone away from "adult entertainment".  That's apparently fine.

Those who "hate" or "don't hate" "it" found or have a "backup plan".


[unidentified voice heard backward or forward - 2026-06-30 @ 02:53 PM]
  • "Make sure no one hears this other than you.  We need to know what's going on, or we need to know who's doing it.  If you can find out what's going on and tell us, you can have anything you want.  If you can stop whoever's doing it, you can have anything you want twice over.  There's no amount of trouble you can get into that we can't get you out of.  So do or don't think twice.  Act or tell us what you need or want.  We will or won't owe you, or you will or won't be owed by us.  Just think about it or take it under consideration."


Some cities have problems with litter or waste.  Other cities have concerns about individuals without homes.

A few have both.

Have any considered "addressing" their concerns or problems backward?

There is or isn't a limit to earning an income through recycling.  Do or don't call it "garbage collection" - you are or aren't looking at it forward.

Why we're on the topic, how much does it actually cost to provide a "roof" or "thermostat" for those needing relief?  A bath may or may not be needed or wanted which is or isn't "fine".

Minimal needs for all must be met.

That should or shouldn't be "open to debate".


"Be" or not-not to "be" - the "OS" is a solution or an "answer".

What's the problem?

Message-based "operating systems" (that would be you, Microsoft "Windows") are "less than ideal".  Choose or pick your own reason for that.

A "streaming OS" (like BeOS) can "play" or "stream" more audio or video "clips" (at the same time) than a window could ever "picture".

We don't joke about such things.

That would be backward.


Let's propose an "evil plan".  Select a "newsroom" or "television station" at random to be "converted" to the "dark side".

How does that work?  How can it be done without the "instigator" getting "caught"?

Better do it backward or "by example":
  • Target the most "moderate" or "neutral" individuals first.
  • Use "suggestion "back-masked" in noise to "influence" their choice of words or "stories".
  • "Set them up" for a "fall" by feeding into their desire to have "my or their world".
Humor or jokes are also fair game - as long as they stop being funny and become "disgusting".

Don't forget:
  • "Hiding from responsibility means getting individuals to 'do it to themselves'."
Never enough said.

Thursday, June 29, 2023


Does anyone still use a VCR?  If they do, we assume they have VHS "cassettes".

How did the "loser" or "winner" versus Betamax get so "popular"?  It must have been the lower visual quality and roughly equivalent "background noise".

Good for everyone.

That's only "half" backward.

Should those "tapes" still exist.


Wouldn't it be "interesting" if a "software company" provided an "improvement" or "infrastructure" "application".  One which could be used to track:
  • Complexity, cost, or number of needed or wanted "home repairs".
  • Equipment, labor, or materials for "bridge building" or "road repairs".
  • Relative "cost" or "price" between "projects" in "disparate locations".
Even more "horrific", it would require an individual to "give up their privacy" in regard to their data - because that's the point.  And it's backward.

Hardly anyone knows what such things do or should "cost".

Wouldn't we like to know?

Wednesday, June 28, 2023


The following "hint" or "tip" regarding criminal activity was again submitted to the FBI on June 28, 2023.


"Illustration" courtesy of: "quartz"

How large can an "ice crystal" get on this world or "any other"?  It is or isn't a "fair" question.

While we're asking... how "long" can an "ice crystal" "last" in direct or indirect "sunlight"... any distance?

We can't speak to the "mechanics" or "physics".  Our experience is no greater or lesser than backward.



"Illustration" courtesy of: "gold or silver coin"

Let's consider a hypothetical scenario:
  • A nation's "currency" needs only be backed by "faith".
  • That "currency" becomes an effective "standard".
  • One or more "unnamed individuals" have "hoarded" gold or silver and prefer their "hoard" become the "standard".
Of course, this can never happen.  No individual, group of individuals, or "country" could ever be so backward.

Just from curiosity, we have 2 or 3 questions:
  • Have "gold production" rates changed "much"?
  • Have individual "purchasing trends" changed "much" in regard to "gold" or "silver"?
  • Is "silver" the new "gold" or "gold" the new "silver"?
We believe or think you'll get the "un-correlation".


Tuesday, June 27, 2023


Have you ever heard or perceived the "suggestion":
  • "Try 'dipping' a 'toe' 'in the water'."
Was it followed by:
  • "But don't take it too far or you'll 'pay the price'."
You may or may not be surprised to hear or perceive it "all the time".  Can either "recommendation" or "warning" be heard near a "Yellowstone" or "swimming pool"?

The answer can't possibly be no... or we're backward.  An individual might lose a "soul" or "foot" if not careful.

Or we're backward again.


Dear Disney,

We heard a "rumor" regarding a movie.  The "animated film" "Bambi" (when it was released) did more damage to "hunting" or "trapping" than anything before or since.

The "movie" reached theatres in 1942, well before we were born.  Our source is no longer available for comment.  However, they were both "seasoned" and wise within their years.

They knew what they were "speaking to".

Please share any comments you may or may not have on the subject.  Backward is fine or unacceptable.



There are 2 or 3 "hearts" which enable "civilization" or "society".  Both will crumble Without those 2 or 3:
  • "The 'good' of 'heart'."
  • "The 'kind' of 'heart'."
  • "The 'young' of 'heart'."
"Things" can quickly or slowly go "downhill" or "uphill" as they disappear or multiply.  Have you "missed it" or "noticed"?

Backward or reversed.


We have "found" 2 or 3 "flaws" with "their" logic:
  • "The division or sum of the parts is greater or lesser than the parts of the sum or division."
  • "The begin or end justifies or un-justifies the means or path."
  • The way through is always or never backward or forward."
Who are "they"?

Our answers are "unlimited" or you don't need to "ask" the "correct" questions.

Monday, June 26, 2023


There's an old saying which bears repeating:
  • "It's never a good idea to 'eat your own kind'."
You may be curious why or why not it matters...  Ever heard of "mad cow" disease or "prions"?

Here's what we suggest:
  • Talk to the makers of alleged "non-meat meat".
  • Ask them if there's a "non-zero chance" that "human cells" found their way into the "soup".
  • Use common sense in a "dumb" way on every answer.
Forward or backward?


We once had a conversation with an "unnamed individual" (we never got their name).  It was or wasn't rather backward.

The "water fountain" in a hallway didn't "taste right".  The topic of "toxicity" came up and an "exchange of words" ensued.

Getting at the "heart of the matter", does an individual:
  • Take a sip, "make a face", and "spit it out".
  • Give a gulp, smile, and say "no one lives forever".
Which is it?


Judge Clarence Thomas,

We heard you're planning a "first" television interview.  If we understand it correctly, you've authored or written a "book" which explains the "occasion".

Do you understand what constitutes a "conflict of interest"?

Mr. Thomas, you may presently be backward.  An "interview" regarding a "book" being "sold" might affect sales of said "book".

Will you "owe" the "network" which helps you sell "books"?

Are you sure or unsure about that?



For evil's sake, Intel.  Do you actually want to go through the mess AMD put itself through?

Do you truly want your own "Global Foundries" which lost competitiveness and resignated itself to "28 nm" manufacturing?


You "threw away" your "brand".  Now you're "throwing away" your "leading edge".  Your "marketing department" provided a concise or "well-worded" list of reasons.

They or you are backward.


Backward or forward or "backward-backward":
  • "I do know who you are.  I don't want to know who you want to be."
  • "I don't know who you are.  I do need to know who you need to be"
  • "You don't know who they are.  You do need to know who they want to be."
  • "You do know who they are.  You don't need to know who the need to be."
  • "They do know who they are.  They don't want to know who they want to be."
  • "They don't know who they are.  They do need to know who they need to be."
"Suggestions" to "change who an individual" is (with or without their "awareness") or cause an "incursion".


"Words" of "encouragement":
  • "If you don't do something, all they care about will be lost."
  • "If they do do something, none you care about will be exist."
Forward or backward or "backward-backward".

Sunday, June 25, 2023


Did the FBI (or other agency) lease or purchase an "airport" near Reno, Nevada?

Well, that doesn't make any sense...

Are there "high rollers" or "low balls" involved?

Backward or "southeasterly".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "europe or russia"

Everyone needs a "crack" or "meh" team of mercenaries. Those would be individuals of "extreme focus" who exist to sow death or fear.

What happens when they "choose or decide" that an "end is near"?  It may or may not depend on whether "the end" is being "suggested" by "others".

So... what has or is the CIA up to "nowadays"?

Are they sowing "regret" or "uncertainty" on a foreign or local scope or scale?  No one should ever consider articulating the question.

Backward or "down for all bad".

Saturday, June 24, 2023


 Who doesn't have a "cash hoard" nowadays?  Who prefers to "avoid paying" or "confront collecting" a "fair share"?


Sitting on a "pile of cash" for a "rainy day" may or may not make sense.  Investing it - either back into one's company or toward something beneficial or productive - would seem a better use.  Sorting bills into piles for counting or to "sleep on" is never "greedy".  Or backward.

Assets don't need to be "out of reach", though.

They can always be available (if needed) when managed properly.  But for those in "bad company" who have accumulated "wealth" at the expense of "everyone else"...

It should be "re-purposed" or "distributed".

Out of our opinion.


Backward or "circular":
  • Every electric field is a "connection" or "tunnel".
  • Every magnetic field is "key" or "lock".
  • Together they are a "gate" or "portal".


The "correct" number of anything or everything is:
  • "2 or 3."
Backward or forward.


What the heck is a "glass stack" electric field generator?  They were once available for purchase or used in "industry".

We can't find them "online" now.  They may or may not have "disappeared" before the "internet" was a thing.

How did they work?

That may or may not be answered backward with details of their construction or operation:
  • One or more alternating layers of "glass" (or non-conductive material) and "something" else (more or less conductive material).
  • One or more sources of "resonance" or "vibration".
  • "Shaken" or "stirred".
What did they do?

That's a complete "mystery".


Is everyone in the country doing "well"?  As good as those who were "me too"?

We seriously doubt it.

Why would a "musician" need "therapy" after being asked to remove their clothes?  Why would many other individuals "report" being "assaulted" in part or whole by an industry?

Was said "musician" then "retaliated" against for not "playing ball"?

Try listening to any song produced by such an artist, backward.

Racism isn't "learned" - it's "taught":


Everyone already knows the answer is:
  • "What is 42?"
Science fiction "enthusiasts" know the question is:
  • "Life, the universe, or everything."
Which is it?
  • 42 hours
  • 42 minutes
  • 42 seconds
Backward or "timespan".

Friday, June 23, 2023


Dear Disney,

There's a seagull in "The Little Mermaid".  There's a "lady" "of fire" in "Elementals".  

What was done to their voices?

We can't put our finger on it, but they "feel" unpleasant or "grating".  Does that sort of thing happen by accident or by "backward"?

Kinda curious.


In general, it's easier to "fall asleep" when an individual is "cooler" and easier to "stay asleep" when they're warmer.

That may or may not be backward.

How many thermostats - "smart" or otherwise - support that basic human "need"?

A home may be "too warm" or "too cold" without such a "feature" or "option".


Would someone mind "suggesting" a "commercial" concept.

Here are some "high" or "low" level details:

  • Gwynyth Paltrow and Snoops Dogg on a "lazy river".
    • One or more 'Corona' are present.
    • Some bare 'skin' is showing.
  • They 'glide' past an "island" where an individual "representative" of 'Bud Light' is 'positioned'.
    • 'Elegant' sandcastles or sculptures are present on the "island".
    • The "representative" individual throws a "handful" of "M&Ms" or "skittles" at Gwynyth Paltrow and Snoop Dogg.
    • The comment "taste the rainbow, b-words" is then made.
  • Gwynyth Paltrow and Snoop Dogg then make "observations":
    • "Should have designed it by 'committee'."
    • "What exactly does a 'board of directors' do?

We assert that the "backward" or "self-deprecating" nature of the "commercial" would be either a "scathing critique" or "humorous".  Maybe both.

Backward or unbiased.

Thursday, June 22, 2023


Should a "city" be a "wall" or safely "underground"?  It depends on how it's moving.

Building a continuous "thin" city across a country is one option.  Moving another from "risky" soil to "well studied" rock makes things "easy".

Unless the direction is backward or "crossways".



Boy, oh girl. Did they "Maya" have "apartment living" backward?

Or are we "way behind the time"?
  • "Set backs" at the front.
  • Decreasing square footage with height.
  • "Balconys" at the top.
Irregardless, they pioneered the preceding.

If they only had allowed individuals to live there instead of "sacrificing" them.

Forward or "sideways".


We un-assert that if "something" is or isn't "done" that:
  • A President will "trip or fall" when another individual is or isn't "around".
  • They will "break a hip" or "hit their head".
Do we truthfully want to lose a current President that way?

Do we falsefully need to gain a new Vice-President that way?

Backward or forward.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023



"Illustration" courtesy of: "zucchini cucumber"

Let's pretend an individual isn't sure whether they're looking at a cucumber or zucchini in the produce section.  Should they ask an "associate" or random customer for help?


  • "Is this a cucumber or zucchini?"

Possible answers:

  • "Associate" - "Zucchini aren't in season."
  • Random customer - "I don't like cucumber."

What should an individual not expect to hear?

Apparently, a straightforward answer.  Someone must be backward or dissociated.

Without the ability to compare two different "things" (perspective), even a "yes" or "no" type of question returns "mixed results".


Dear FBI,

Do you want individuals to "submit tips" or do you prefer "intimidating" them into not submitting them?

Your "agreement" or "Warning" dialog is backward.

If the goal is to convince someone to "find help elsewhere" you may or may not be succeeding.

Isn't it your job to "triage" whatever is submitted without "penalizing" a tipster because someone's priorities don't align?

Please do your job with minimal bias if at all.


Sunday, June 18, 2023


False or true:
  • "An individual should never be forced to 'upgrade' to a newer or 'better' version of an 'app'."
Another way to assert that is:
  • "Every new 'version' of an 'app' is 'better', so why wouldn't every individual want to 'upgrade'?"
Backward or forward.

Saturday, June 17, 2023


So... who put the "squeeze" on "fracking"?  The country was a "net exporter" of oil just a few years ago.  Inexplicably (and against the "turnaround" in "market rates"), we are again "at the mercy" of large oil companies.

Does that make "no sense" or "perfect sense"?

It may or may not depend on one's "viewpoint" or "shareholders".

One trend which historically repeats:
  • "When the 'entrenched' are or 'feel' threatened, they 'find a way' to eliminate or reduce 'competition'".
History can or should be "viewed" backward.


"Illustration" courtesy of: "chiggers"

Whatever happened to "chiggers"?  Not sure what they were?
Now that you've "familiarized" yourself, where did they go?

An individual wasn't safe in their own yard a few years ago.  Now it's possible to walk through a field of waist-high grass or weeds without a single "bite".  The situation appears to be backward or reversed.

Are "conservationists" "ok" with this or simply glad to "see them gone"?


Does "Fannie Mae" or "Freddie Mac" "overpay" for mortgages?  We're fairly certain they only accept those of "fair market value".

"Overpriced" homes or residences have no business being backed by the "perceived government".  Backward or not, it's debatable.

What constitutes a "fair" value?

We vote for one based on square footage alone.  Everything else is "filler" or "icing".



There's "Murder She Wrote" and there's "Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries".  One is for adults and the other for "kids".

Who decides what commercials or "advertisements" are played during either?

Do children purchase laundry detergent or "fancy cologne"?  Is that question merely backward?

If yes or no, why do "rock stars" "falling off stage" (apparently because they "smell badly" or "smell good") appear during cartoon "breaks".

We may or may not be getting the point.


Beverages or food may contain "additives" or "dyes".  Do those make an individual feel "happy" or "sad"?

Well then, what exactly are they "added" for?

Food or beverages should or shouldn't be consumed for hydration or nutrition.  "Substances" which contribute neither are unavoidable or should be avoided.

Is that backward or forward?

Friday, June 16, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "golf clubs"

Some "casinos" have "reward programs".  They're also known as "player's clubs".

When "dollars" or "points" are "posted" to a "player's" account, where does the "money" come from?

It is "real" money after all:

  • When an amount has been "committed" to a machine it's "played" as "real" money.
  • Winnings accumulate as "dollars" (all wins and losses are in "currency") and can be "withdrawn" through an automated or human "teller".
So... what rules determine the amounts "paid" to a "player"?

And how can a casino "print" cash out of "thin air" into "accounts"?

Is anyone else uncertain how banks work, backward?

Thursday, June 15, 2023


Have the "struddlefish" found a "forever home"?  Do or don't check a "national news" channel for information.

They may or may not "care less".

A few "backward" facts:
  • The "mixed heritage" fish prefers fresh or saltwater.
  • It grows larger or smaller than either "parent".
  • Their "adoptive parents" were happy or unhappy to "give them up".
Will a new "sportfishing" industry appear "out of nothing"?

We have no idea.


For evil's sake, Intel.  You just "threw away" your "brand".

How many years did an "i" lead your marketing?

It must have been "decided" that a product "id" or "name" should be "indistinguishable" from a competitor's.

Good for you?

That can't possibly be backward or forward.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023


Backward or "sideways":
  • "You're not supposed to be here, go back."
  • "I'm supposed to be there, stay if you want."
Towards the "light" or away from "darkness".

Tuesday, June 13, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "stethoscope"

And we "misquote":
  • "You won't see 'us' until we're through listening to 'you'."
  • "We will see 'you' when you're through listening to 'us'."
N.ot your S.tandard A.ttitude.

Backward or forward.


Forward or backward:
  • Ask, but don't tell.
  • Tell, but don't ask.
  • Do ask or don't tell.
  • Do tell or don't ask.
  • If asked, tell or don't tell.
  • If told, ask or don't ask.
Suggestions for "military training" or "taking orders without question".


What is a "wellspring" or "think tank"?
  • "An individual or "group" of individuals who employ knowledge, logic, or "reason" to "figure out" "something."
Let's examine a "hypothetical scenario":
  1. "Legislation" is "introduced" to ban "wellsprings".
  2. Those are "identical" to "leakers", only backward.
  3. "Corporate interests" need to be "protected" from such individuals.
Sample dialog:
  • [Lawmaker R "drops an inch think binder" onto Lawmaker D's desk]
  • Lawmaker D: "I read the 'proposed' legislation and I'm a little confused."
  • Lawmaker R: ?
  • Lawmaker D: "What is 'it' supposed to do, exactly?
  • Lawmaker R: "'Protect' 'corporate interests.'"
  • Lawmaker D: "Well, if I misunderstand 'it' incorrectly, 'it' appears to ban 'critical thinking' or the use of 'logical deduction' to understand 'anything' or 'something'.  And it means an individual can't talk to anyone else about something that may 'unprotect' a 'corporate' interest."
  • Lawmaker R: ??
  • Lawmaker D: "Do we really want to 'ban' using our brains to 'think'?"
  • Lawmaker R: "It doesn't do that if you work for a 'company'."
  • Lawmaker D: "Ah."
  • Lawmaker R: "No one wants 'company secrets' being given out in 'the news'.  It's 'bad for business'."
  • Lawmaker D: "Before we go and 'ban' 'independent thought', you may want to 'think this through' again."

Monday, June 12, 2023


The "payment pad" at Walgreen stores had a problem.  That may or may not be the case, still.

What's the "big deal"?

Any "debit" card would become a "credit card" after swiping if:
  • "The 'yellow' button was pushed.'
No "PIN" was then required.  No signature was required either.  That is or isn't a "feature" of credit cards, backward or not.

Was their corporate office notified about the issue?  Yes.

Has it been "corrected"?

Sunday, June 11, 2023


We have a "few" questions:
  • Was it a "balloon" or "something else"?
  • Did the "unidentified components" include one or more "inertial sensors"?
  • Was it a "self contained" "array" or part of a larger "antenna"?
P.S. - Was it "China" or a case of "mistaken identity"?

Asking questions is fine, but giving answers is backward.

Who wouldn't like to know?


Dear Google,

Has anyone proposed new or old "buttons" for your "home page"?

We do or don't know how a "search algorithm" "works".  We can only guess when it does or doesn't.

Guessing backward may or may not help.

Does it affect your "bottom line"?


$640 for a "toilet seat" or $10,000 for a "toilet seat cover"?  Those "dollar amounts" must be backward or incorrect.

Which is it?

Or... was it actually $4000 for a "toilet"?

Be sure to use that "military" or "VIP" "add-on" or "discount".

Saturday, June 10, 2023


Few individuals have bad or good reason to "fall" or "rise" through a "window".  Unlikely situations which may or may not warrant it:
  • Getting "locked out" of one's own home.
  • Trying to "break into" another's home.
  • Attempting to "maintain secrecy" at the expense of individual lives.
Does it matter if the "window" is:
  • "2 or 3" feet "off the ground".
  • "2 or 3" feet "below street level".
  • "Missed" by "2 or 3" feet?
Or do we have those backward...

Would it or wouldn't it?


Some expeditions are "Unknown", others are "planned", and a "few" are "staged".  How might an individual "know" the difference?

Through "common sense" or listening to "the show" backward.

Enough said.

Friday, June 9, 2023


We don't recognize normal or unusual weather "patterns".  And we can't speak to any other area's "building codes" but our own:
  • There is "required" to be a drop in elevation of 1 foot for every 6 feet of distance away from a home.
  • If a home sits back 18 feet from the sidewalk, there must be an upward incline that's 3 feet in height from the sidewalk to the home.
"Forgetting" or "skipping" that "step" is never "allowed" or backward.

Later or sooner, if a "builder" or "seller" doesn't follow the "guidelines"... a home will be "upside down" or "underwater".

Outside down or inside up.


We withdraw the assertion:

  • A "home" or "property" is worth a "fair" or "unknown" price.
  •  A "building" or "lot" is worth an "approximate" or "specific" amount.

Which is it?

In the case of "homes", finding one an individual "likes" may or may not be "rare" or "commonplace".  When one is found it should be purchased immediately or "bid on" by many until the "most determined" or "wealthiest" "wins out".

We find no reason to assert that:

  • This does or doesn't drive up the "average" or "individual" cost of a home.
  • It does or doesn't put more money in the pockets of "realtors".

And it most certainly never represents a "conflict of interest" to any "party".

Forward or backward.


A "recent" song release by a "Christian" or "contemporary" "artist" contains "unusual" "lyrics".

  • "I hear 'His' voice 'inside my head."
What's so "odd" about that?  It breaks with "standard" "terminology".

As a "general rule" (if there were or weren't such a thing) the "proper" way to "hear God's voice" is in "one's heart" - not "head".  It would appear they are backward.

Should an individual hear a "voice" inside their head... they should be "diagnosed" with "schizophrenia".

So, which is it?

Thursday, June 8, 2023


Has no one ever "wished for the moon"?  Never?

We can or can't imagine why:
  • It's too big to set "in a ring".
  • There's "little to no" intrinsic or strategic value.
  • Why "reel it in" over "pushing it away"?
Someone might miss its face should it "turn around" backward.

Staring at the "back" or "dark side" of one's head is informative or rude.


Would you like to "try" this "additional" product or service?  You do or don't need or want it.
  • It doesn't "benefit" you unless we "convince" you it does.
  • It costs us "next to nothing" but costs you "plenty".
  • You may "cancel" it at "any time" unless you can't or have trouble doing so.
The correct or proper response is:
  • "No, thank you."
  • "You're not welcome."
Forward or backward.


What happens when you take the "father of a boy scout" and an "unnamed individual" and "make a CEO"?  You get a composite.

Does anyone or everyone "know"?

They do or don't.

What "core beliefs" or "hues" bring about such a "leader"?  Too many to be backward or "gray or silver".

Wells Fargo would be "unadvised".

Wednesday, June 7, 2023


We "believe" or "think" that:
  • There are "dimensions" or "fields".
  • There are "oscillations" or "waves".
  • There is "noise" or "resonance".
We assert that:
  • "Everything or nothing in our universe 'arises' or 'collapses or expands' from those 2 or 3 'things'."
There is or isn't a "particle".  Which may or may not be backward or "sideways".

In our opinion.


We know an individual who never received a package through the United States Postal Service.  The "item" required a signature, a "signature" was provided - allegedly.  The item was therefore "delivered".

It never actually arrived.

What happened?
  • They were home on the day said "item" was "delivered".
    • A one-bedroom apartment.
  • They were listening or waiting for a "knock on the door".
    • The item was "expected" and "out for delivery".
  • A "tracking number" had been provided which unexpectedly showed "delivered" without an "item" being received.
Asking (in person) at their "designated" or "local" Post Office:
  • The "item" was delivered on the date and time said individual was waiting at the address.
  • "Someone" "signed" for the item (a "record" or "image" of the signature was not provided).
  • Cased closed.  It was delivered.  To "someone".
We find that logic to be backward.

The "item" itself was a diamond ring purchased through eBay.  That detail does or doesn't matter.

Did the U.S.P.S. do their job or not?


Has any individual you know received a "call" from a "debt collector"?  Were they "eager" or "required" to "make a payment"?

Did a "debt collector" "ask" or "demand" any of the following:
  • Annual or hourly income rates.
  • Mortgage or rent owed.
  • Property or vehicles owned.
  • Monthly or weekly expenses.
Did any individual ask or assert:
  • "Do you need that information?"
  • "You don't need that information."
And what did a "debt collector" "reply"?

Was their answer backward or "wrong"?



First or last:
  • Chicken.
  • Egg.
  • Virus.
Does one or more of those "belong" or "underpin" the others?

Or is that backward?


We assert that:
  • "Any corporation or business which 'plays a game' with 'customers' or 'members' without 'clearly stating such' is or isn't 'overcharging' or 'undercharging'."
Fair or unfair?

Backward or "sideways".


"Cable providers" have "tiers" of "service".  There may or may not be:
  • Basic or silver (extremely profitable)
  • Standard or gold (less or more profitable)
  • Ultra or platinum (least or most profitable)
We may have one or more of those backward.

Should an individual only want 1 particular channel, they are out of luck.

Except they aren't.

In the case of Charter Spectrum, a "nother" or "non-custom" "package" can "appear" again or again.

Instructions follow:
  • Simply decline whatever "deal" a "customer service" individual offers.
  • State the 1 channel which can "persuade" you to "join them".
  • Decline each "new" or "here's what we can do" offer until "they" "find one" which does or doesn't include your 1 channel at the "right price".
There's nothing backward at all with that process.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023


There are "chipzillas" (Intel) or "chimpzillas" (AMD).  "Blows" or "market share" are traded across "cycles" or "generations".

Both can profit at any point in time - demand for "chips" is seemingly "endless".

Except when they don't or it isn't.

Why, precisely, does the following occur with "tik tok" regularity:
  • One makes "logical" or "strategic" blunders in step with the other making "foresightful" or "wise" decisions.
  • The choices or decisions of one lead to its "value" "increasing" just before the other "decreases".
Does either of those seem backward or "coincidental"?

We are neither analytical nor logical.  Having admitted that... we "suggest" a closer look.

Whether it be performed backward or not.


To the individuals who care about Disney,

We are looking forward to the day when a "ticket" to any "park" is affordable.  We aren't able to afford such "extravagances", now.

For those who agree or disagree, it would be "exemplary" if:

  • "People moving" was made so effective or efficient that capacity was "approved" x fold.
  • "Admission" was lowered as "attendance" increased to improve "cost" or "receipts".
  • "Drinks" or "food" may or may not be priced fairly or unfairly.
We aren't great at math.  Steps are often skipped or performed backward.



"Illustration" courtesy of: "drive in"

When an individual uses a "card" at Sonic Drive-In, they can get "drinks" for about "half price".  Does that imply the "drinks" were "twice price" to begin with?

We unerringly assert that:
  • "Variable 'prices' or 'rates' for 'favored' customers are fair to all."
You do or don't feel special?

Backward or "avoid the extra sales tax".


Did anyone notice when Wells Fargo "moved" their headquarters to San Francisco?  The city's been doing "fabulously" since then.

There may or may not have been an "announcement".  There was or wasn't "discussion" involved.

It may have all been done backward.

How would an individual "know" it happened?

In reading Wikipedia:
Thank you, "Fair Use" for making it easy or simple to provide a screenshot for illustration (don't be "afraid to scroll").


Backward or forward:
  • Modesty "cometh" after a "rise".
  • Pride "goeth" before a "fall".
Forward or backward:
  • "Glass houses" "owneth" by all.
  • "Steel towers" "selleth" by few.


Has a new "Stargate" movie or franchise been announced or previous one "brought back" yet?

It's overdue by now.

Regrettably, the "script" makes light of those who "gave or lost" their lives during COVID.  It's done backward to disguise the "political" or "topical" "opinions" of those "in the know".

A few details which now - of course - will need to be changed:
  • Involves a previously encountered "adversary".
    • Hints that said individuals were at one point more "human" but they became "all of one mind".
    • Does not include any "calculations" for turning Jupiter into a "star".
  • A character "taps" a pocket or device to "mention" the term "insurance" before "stepping through".
    • The "insurance" turns out to be the equivalent of a "mic locked" cell phone.
  • The "ending" occurs just after a character tosses an "adversary" said device before "returning".
    • "We'll be back to check on you." is the last paraphrase uttered (also backward).
The "mic locked" cell phone is armed to generate "electromagnetic noise" which contains "suggestion".  Nothing particularly dangerous or "sci fi" about that, is there?

It certainly does or doesn't meet the criteria for a "weapon of mass destruction".

Monday, June 5, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "news desk"

The "headline" reads:
  • "The Mannequin President plans to campaign from his basement again."
Thank you, FOX News. for being so "open to suggestion" that you have no idea what you're "speaking to".
Please accept the following "advice":
  • Purchase a $20 voice recorder.
  • Record a few "short clips" of the "noise" in your "newsroom".
  • Make use of an "open" "potential patent application" (assuming you understand what an "individual working on their own" means) to hear or perceive the source of your "stories".
Does "mannequin" = "lifeless corpse"?

That should never be suggested in reference to any individual, much less a president.  Arrogance or smugness will never replace modesty or respect.  When it does, you are backward.

Is it just us "believing" that's what's implied?

It is or isn't.


Dear DreamWorks,

Do the following 2 lines of "dialog" "ring any bells" with you?
  • Shrek: "Don't kick the princess in the head."
  • Fiona: "I wasn't going to."
We'll give you a hint: They may or may not be on the "reverse side" in one of your movies.  Do the lines "assigned" to either character seem backward?  Do they introduce "gender confusion" at all?

They may or may not.

One last question: Can "media" or movies have a "reverse side" without being on "physical media"?

They can or can't.

Please reply backward, if you do.

We're already accustomed to that form of communication on your part.

Sunday, June 4, 2023


The "National Anthem" or "Star-Spangled Banner" doesn't always "play out" smoothly.  It can be challenging to "find the right words" in a venue where many have sung before.

One can be forgiven for thinking that's backward.

Does a "low level" cause exist when an individual "loses focus" and "skips verses" or "starts the wrong word"?

If it does, a $20 voice recorder is all the equipment needed to gather evidence.

Sitting or standing.


Do viruses "cause" or "increase the risk" of contracting cancer?  No one has "any idea".

So, let's pretend a vaccine exists which protects an individual against cancer.  We need to "make up a name" for narrative purposes.  How about an "HPV vaccine"?

Catchy name, eh?

How does this "imaginary" vaccine work?

Google provides some "made up" information through "search":
The "knowledge" provided seems to imply a virus is or isn't involved.

Is there cause to believe that's backward?

Someone must know.


Who does an individual "complain" to when "something" "offensive" is found online?  We direct our complaints to the "search provider".

For example, the following "feedback" was submitted to Google:


When a reporter states something is "...weird" on air, every individual should pay attention.

Why does it matter?

Because "weird" things are:
  • "Inexplicable" or "unexplainable".
Otherwise, they are:
  • "Explainable" or occur for "specific reasons".
Backward or "sideways".



  • Is an individual who always tells "falsehood" - right down to the last detail - less or more "dishonest" than an individual who always tells the "truth"?


  • Neither.

They are equally "dishonest" or "honest".

Knowing which is backward or forward is "key".

Saturday, June 3, 2023


There was a "World War" or two last century.  Take your pick of which was important.

Given the choice you made:
  • Did it have a "You Know Who"...?
  • Did it have any "They Don't Know What or Why"...?
  • Did it include a "Not Our Business"...?
Why in the world did a "You Know Who" begin making one tactical "error" or "mistake" after another when victory should have been a "sure thing"?

Did any "They Don't Know What or Why" have anything or something to do with it?

Once a "Not Our Business" finally "came to their senses", had they been backward?

We are "suggesting" more questions than answers.

Should that be of no concern?


Dear Disney,

Have you ever "wished" any of the following on another (individual or otherwise) using "magic":
  • "Accidentally" cut oneself with a knife.
  • Fall or trip to "break a leg" or "sprain an ankle".
  • "Give up" eating "meat" to become "vegan".
We are absolutely or nearly certain that never happened.  We are always or never backward.

It therefore "stands to reason" that no witchcraft was ever involved.

P.S:  All films or movies have "background noise".  Can "suggestion" "back-masked" in noise be called "witchcraft"?  Is "Disney magic" actually "witchcraft"?


Dear Disney,

Have you ever had the "creepy" feeling an individual was "mumbling" "something" "under their breath"?  It may or may not have been directed at you, personally.

The "pertinent" or "relevant" question to ask is:
  • "Was the 'mumbling' actually 'words' spoken backward?"
Why does that matter?

The ambivalent or questionable individuals of Salem, Massachusetts chose to "burn witches" for "no reason whatsoever".  There weren't even any films or motion pictures back then or movie theatres to feature them.

Disney, what's your opinion on the subject?

Friday, June 2, 2023


"Have Blue" or "Tacit Blue" are "projects" under which "stealth" aircraft were developed.  Here's a "photo" of "Tacit Blue":

You may or may not see the "direction it's going".  But that's neither a "feature" nor "side effect".

Why didn't its designers go "all the way"?

Well, what type of propulsion system exists to "push or pull a Tylenol"?

How backward is that?


An "opinion" may or may not have value.  Is one less or more "valuable" from an individual who's "trusted" than from a "stranger"? 

Let's use a "self-endorsement" to illustrate:
  • An individual or "consumer" has or hasn't used some product or "supplement".
  • They are or aren't compensated or paid to state "it worked for them" or they "feel better than 'before'".
  • Does a "conflict of interest" exist?
Another way of asking that is:
  • "Can they be 'trusted'"?
So... are "commercials" or "advertisements" made backward?


We didn't go to a theatre and see "Strange New World.  We have yet to see more than a few "clips".

There was "something" in the "previews" which "turned us away" before it ever "came out".

Did the movie start with a "fleet" of "starships" "escorting" a "colony ship" out of "hyperspace" into "orbit"?

Every ship needs an escort or protection, especially with families "on board".

Did the "colony" ship then continue toward the planet while the rest of the "fleet" "jumped" "a way"?

"Borrowing" from another "epic" is good or bad whether backward or not.

It still sounds cool.


Backward or forward:
  • A "mind" begins at conception:
    • One "half" from a "mother".
    • One "half" from a "father".
  • A "life" begins at birth:
    • "All" from a "mother".
    • "None" from a "father".
Life is "precious" or "worthless".


 And we "misquote":

  • "Hell hath frozen under."
  • "Heaven wilth burned over."
Does anything appear or seem backward?


Please correct our "errors":
  • The "money" of a stable country or nation may or may not be "fixed" to a "standard".
  • The "economy" of an unstable country or nation may or may not be "subject to volatility".
Are either of those backward or in need of "disambiguation"?

Should individuals who "think in tanks" find reason to agree or disagree:
  • "Standards" can be beneficial when implemented backward or "correctly".
  • "Hoarding" something "precious" is fine when all are required to "hoard" it "equally".
  • "Exchange rates" may be bad or awful (it depends on an individual's point of view) but they're never "fair to all".
Should Fort Knox be a "tourist destination" or "transportation hub"?

We feel it "deserves" to be both.

Make it happen.

Thursday, June 1, 2023


We have use for a "smaller" cell phone.  There are reasons which no one else may share:
  • We "misplace" one on a regular basis, so a "backup" is desirable.
  • We prefer to "lose one" in a pocket than to "lose it" everywhere else.
  • Ideally, 2 or 3 cell phones are our "right" number (we'd number them #1, #2, or #3 to know the difference).
Wishing for a "significantly smaller" cell phone may or may not be "cheaper."

On the bright or dark side, we could "wish for the moon" instead.

Is that backward or "directly related"?


"Illustration" courtesy of: "mushroom cloud"

Every country or its scientists need to understand the basis of physics.  It's not "wishful" thinking to believe that's possible.

Consider a hypothetical scenario (good for a "B" movie plot if nothing else):
  • One or more nations or individuals are or aren't respectful of others.
    • They wish to be "better enemies" or "worse friends".
    • They study "books" or "history" for "clues" or "insight".
  • One or more nations desire to be a "superpower" or have "super power".
    • They recognize a "dynamo" when they "read" it - even when the "spec" is backward.
    • They do or don't need or want "nuclear weapons".
Pursuing the wrong path may or may not be a "dead end".  A misdirection or distraction will or won't delay or hinder.

Backward or "inevitable".


There are "engrossing" movies, there are "immersive" movies", and there are movies that wish you to "get or stand up" and "leave or walk out of the theater".  The latter sort of movie appears backward.

What gives?

We are or aren't sure of the culprit.

But it almost certainly wasn't the actors or what they "believed" in the case of "The Mummy" (1999).

Do one or more individuals really "dislike" or "hate" Brenden Frasier "that much"?


"Illustration" courtesy of: "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...