Wednesday, September 9, 2020


The people I know with answers won't give them when asked.  So I have a few Questions.

In a post awhile back titled Offender I described a fictional program but real technologies.  It seems that someone liked the idea so much (wasn't me) the voices I hear at times were re-scripted to play into it.

   The plot seems to be a group of typical citizens trialing a "harassment for all effective purposes but somehow not technically harassment" program.  It's goal is to use subliminal manipulation and ultimately hypnosis to cause others to be mocked and ridiculed.  To hide their identities they are only heard as voices.  But the same manipulation and hypnosis is also being used on them.

   It's a work in progress and has changed a lot over time.

   It's gone through several different phases but each was meant to:

  • Get me to say that I knew what was going on (as in why I was hearing voices and why I was being harassed)
  • Get me to say that I was sorry for something (no indication what though)
  • Get me to say that I didn't want anything in return (though I wasn't about to talk to whoever it was by then)
  • Get me to say that anything that would be credited to me would be credited to someone else
   Some of those things still make no sense.  Did I say some?  I meant none.  Without an explanation of what was going on I didn't know why I would want something in return.  Without knowing what was found/discovered (and I doubt that a perception of being pushed back from a phone screen or display screen counts) I didn't know why I'd want to be credited.
   Because of how the technologies involved work, the script pulls in elements from my awareness and is only as real as each element seems significant.

   Characters get called from one room to another (subliminal signal like 'if you shouldn't hear this stay sitting').

   Instructions are passed (subliminal signal like a person's voice calling).

   These things go unnoticed but are being done using parametric speakers, infrasound, audible sound, and cellphones.  RF was removed from the script at once point, then put back in.

   Even now i'm hearing what sounds like a small get together that could be down the street (that's the impression I have).  The effect is complete with background noise that creates a presence of more people.

   Still waiting for answers.

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