Friday, August 4, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "perfume"

The scent or smell of cologne or perfume can be "pleasant" or "overwhelming".  Every individual has their own preference.

How many different "clean" or "stinky" brands or fragrances exist simply to "plug in" and "clean" the air from an outlet?

The correct number or "way too many".

Excuse us for getting this backward:
  • "All 'sublimating' or 'vaporizing' 'air fresheners' are exactly or precisely as harmful or safe as any 'vape' on the market."
They only differ in their nicotine content, so it's of no concern.

Has any individual noticed a lack of correlation between individual "allergies" and "allergy season"?  It can't be caused by "plug-in" fresheners because we all know they can't or don't "directly" do that.

We have no "expertise" or knowledge of "droplets" or "particulates" or how existing "allergens" in a home may become "indirectly" more troublesome for "no reason whatsoever".

Backward or "test no product or service in 'isolation'".

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"Illustration" courtesy of: "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...