Wednesday, August 2, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "viral infection"

Dear "You thought background noise would hide your secrets forever",

Every so often (with increasing frequency), one or more recordings of "noise" are captured which contain something that should not exist.  Nothing about the content is easy to explain or describe.

No part of it whatsoever.

Especially when reading it causes a "shift in awareness" or nearly triggers a "panic attack".  If an individual reading those details doesn't experience either situation... it can't be explained.

It takes about 45 minutes of "evolving" or "unspooling" the "noise" to start playback.  Walking a "short distance" - less than a mile - is also helpful.

One or more individuals (even if deceased) must know how it was made or listened to or we wouldn't be hearing or perceiving it backward.

The "source" recordings needed to "recover" the content were accidentally found or created.  Those will not be made available without request or at all.

Backward or "how many songs or movies are now infested".

Glossary of Possible "Mistreatment" or "Murder"

The content below may or may not be "real" or "reenacted".  It also contains "suggestion" that attempts to "blame" or "name" those involved or "victimized".
  • We don't know enough to "pin down" a "time frame" for anything perceived or heard.
    • One or more "time frames" are suggested.  They may or may not be actual.
  • There may or may not have been multiple attempts to "alter" or "overwrite" content with newer "suggestions" over time.
  • This "transcribed" version is no more accurate or trustworthy than another.
    • It should be "tied out" against other versions for corroboration.

2023-08-02 @ ~ 12:00 PM through 01:16 PM

"...wouldn't worry about it or that..."
"...did or didn't work or plan out about or above as expected... soon..."
"...on moon..."
"...something about a frightened voice or hearing [wife] fright [night] voice..."
"...scream or wake..."
"...please or let as us [we] or do... something..."
"...clip [snap] or snip...there black or [back] coat Simon [or salmon]..."
" [we] set [yoowe] wee [yoo] free[dom]..."
"...any[thing] to say... you no we don't do or [say]..."
"...[now] let's do or do say..."
"...try or some thing or ting time old time new or told [log] over abound that [or there]..."
"...let's see what we [got] do..."
"...2... make this work out [up] out...  the door or window-door flee-ing nightly... fine ring..."
"...wax mold... or orita carving up...
"...liver fire on liver fire..."
" see... you they see soon-ish..."
"...not in atta roundabout way..."
"...home or free[dom] pass....
"...go or stop home free[fire]..."

"...what a mess..."
"...b[ludd] or something..."
"...cuts [guts] everywhere..."
"...or over here ..."
"...that a [gotta] head [gotti] gott..."
"...more in un en that un deserve[ert]..."
"...plain[ain]... brzzz... a-outie... er pain till[s]... found... [un]remain(s)..."
" or part deaths shield[d]..."
"...or sho[uh]..."
" comes [goes] the sun or shine of joyful laughter [shining] sun ray been moon toast ray..."
"[th]...ray...sets in...[the] fireplace..."
"...2 lovers...or 2 or 3... entwined or war [embrace[d]]... tu-all..."
"...time or space...[ial]... acial [ra] back to the front.."
" on oll...of til...gone or vanish(uished)..."
"...or pushed..."
"...none [that's] all none all...for now...or later..."

[something about 24 being 42 backward]
[24, almost eh.  Will do ya.  Then eh.]

"... going to see..."
"...o-word, g-b-word, d-word, f-f-word, then something unusual or special..."
"... won't see... at all..."
"...going to show or prove how much they..."
"...take something or more than...  possible to take... not inevitable outcome or consequences..."
"...unless were present or there... previous or prior occasions..."
"...did or didn't go well... for him or them or all..."
"...we're up to [20] [30] [60] [80]..."
"...don't let them hear this unless they keep the secret or will never tell... [23]..."
"...average age or number or body count..."
"...more to follow or many more left..."
"...days or events with 2 at a time or 3 more... all over the place or ceiling or floor..."
"...or in each or one another..."
"...never more than [5] [6] [7] at once or let them [3] the number or count they know... be..."
"...if any or should be back... never see... never happened..."
"... maybe 20 at once or... be something..."
"...too much... cleanup..."

" stupid little f-word or s-word..."
" were supposed to wait until they let the water in..."
" you're f-worded or really f-worded..."
"...what happened..."
"...we can always get another..."
"...we need to replace or take care of this one..."
" came out or went through the abdomen wall or stomach lining..."
"...clavicle or neck with or without bruising or protruding or protrusion..."
"...about to feel..."
"...worry about that one..."
"...before... ghost or goes..."

"...have you tried that before?"
"...once or twice..." or "1 or 2?"
"...didn't work as planned..." or "...worked about as [hole or elevator] [can or be or dee] expected..."
"...did or didn't scream or twist or shout..."
"...unresponsive until it or they started again..."
"...began to [not sure] like a little girl or old b-word or women..."
"...another... ready to try or test or experience before or by [next] morning or night [evening]..."
" soon as..."
"...make sure..."
"...every or each..."
"...pool or bucket or bucket or pool..."
"...drop well..." or "...see the bottom..."
"...hit...first or last..." "...last or firstly [of] the evening or night..."
"...least or most unexpected or likely..."
"...[re]coil or flex..."
"...response or reaction or jump [flail]..."
"...struck... nerve or facial expression..."
"...stuck or impressed [not impressive] on film not camera..."
"...we or they... do or do not...have or hold... head or hand when [he] [or they]..."
"...need to change or exchange wedding vows..."
"...jump fight or swim..."
"...rebound or exchange..."
"...ledge or leg[s] or motion [momentum]..."
"...consume or to hold [unborn] hedge [against] time or spacial [spa-facial] anomaly or tic..."
"... be sure to use or include double quotes to emphasize the performance or risk versus performer or covenant thomas-oul..."
"...or out the window..." or "...outed by the window [dresser]...'
"...don't hear or let the or their name unless they...."
"...Thomas hairdresser not doubter..."
"...Pendergast or Arnold or..." [couldn't resolve what may have been a name]
"...not swindlers list..."
"...murder for or murderer not hired..."
"...involuntary or volunteer[ed]...]
"... involving research or assistant[s] who wasn't the first or last [best] black or ist or neutral widow...'
"...all for now..."
"...not time for sure tell... [Go-ouat tell] by a boat [dock]..."
"...sure fire or fire..."
"...not the [a to z] final or fire offer..."
"...the final offer... not the fire or final... offer.... it's the final offer..."
"...holy or sacrament unholy...."
"...elephant trunk or walk..."
"...the entire world or [fit]..."
"...luggage or not suitcase.."  [something not meant to hear or shouldn't be listened to]

"...that's about it..."
"...should you hear or perceive this it means they or we didn't get one or all of them..."
"...on you to find or not distribute..."
"...un-afficionado or collector..."
"...sick or twisted or hanging..."
"...thread or fiber which can or can't be cut..."
"...without or with free will or might[y] determination..."

" might get 5 dollars off your coat or price or sentence..."
"...there's no cheesy Mac or tuna slices..."
"...this or you..."
"...evaluated or evaluation to work from home or avoid detection or avoid a reasonable or steep fine or penalty..."
"...down to or not including your soul or awareness or awareness or soul..."
"...this message or that suggestion will or willn't self-destruct..."
"...before or after reading or perceiving..."
"...time shifting or star lord..."
"...bring or reserve..."
"...time or space..."
"...pierce or touch the veil or univers(es) source spring or fount..."
"...before after or until..."  [stopped here on the last attempt]

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"Illustration" courtesy of: "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...