Thursday, July 6, 2023


Would someone mind "ghostwriting" a "Saturday Night Live" skit?

The "setup":
  • A "loyal bartender" and a "neutral customer".
  • The "customer" orders a "beer".
  • The "bartender" serves said "beer".
The "beer" in question has recently undergone a "label change" and "features" a "zebra".

The "customer" or "bartender" express "opinion" or "outrage":
  • "What's up with the 'label'?"
  • "Looks like a 'zebra'."
  • "It's probably a 'black' 'horse' with 'white' 'stripes'."
  • "It might be a 'white' 'horse' with 'black' 'stripes'.
  • "I've been a 'loyal' or 'neutral' 'customer' or 'bartender' my entire life or never!
    • "Good for them."
    • "How dare they!?"
  • "I've never been 'so offended' or 'couldn't care less'."
Backward or loyal.

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"Illustration" courtesy of: "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...