Monday, July 10, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "renegade chip or computer"

For "renegade's" sake, TSMC.  You have a "bully" problem.

You may or may not know what "course to chart" or "pattern to layout".  There's no chance "whatsoever" of allowing the "bully" what they want.

Do or don't "give it" backward.

We have no suggestions to make, therefore:
  • Write off whatever "loss" was "incurred".
  • Fix the "root cause" or "source" of the "problem".
  • Always or never "look back".
When tempted to "befriend" or "pander" to a "bully"... look at the situation from the "bullies" perspective.

Or from their next "target's".

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"Illustration" courtesy of: "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...