Friday, July 8, 2022


Should another individual ever approach you while you're not distracted... Try stepping outside the moment to watch it as an external or independent observer might.

As the individual approaches - but before focus has been brought to bear - what does your mind make you aware of?

Whether we realize it or not, the mind's awareness provides unbiased, relative, and comparison derived information so that focus has perception to work with.

To be sure that's understood correctly, here's the bullet point summary:

  • Awareness consists of the constantly shifting differences in what our senses see, hear, touch, smell, taste between any 2 moments in time.
    • Our senses detect differences or deltas in what's around us and not individual details or values by themselves.
    • This makes awareness inherently unbiased yet stages perception to potentially be extremely biased.
  • Perception consists of the comparisons between what awareness identified as differences and a reference version of the same from memory or again from awareness.
    • Should a new or updated reference be used then our perception becomes something else.
    • It may become something entirely or completely different than it was.
    • All that's needed at the minimum is a different memory to use as the reference.

For those thinking ahead you've probably now realized how suggestion or hypnosis works as it does.  It's finitely simple and infinitely powerful - the most dangerous combination of characteristics available.

Setting that aside for now it's actually more important to recognize the way our minds work stages each of us to potentially have biased perception.

That's just how it is or how it goes.

Which takes each of us to a choice:

  1. We can recognize that - seriously there's no way around it - each and every one of us IS to SOME degree sexist, rascist, ageist, or otherist then train our perception to eradicate it.
  2. We can profess to none of those things and continue perceiving the world in that manner forever.

It seems backwards though it is or isn't.

The mind may or may not be backwards at any given moment depending on how one perceives it.

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