Wednesday, July 6, 2022


I, personally, would never take credit for fixing our present understanding of physics.  Only those who have put the time and effort into distinguished or respected careers can do that.

However, there are some low hanging fixes - grounded in common sense - which need pointed out.  This may be an exercise in what some or others believe constitutes common sense if nothing else:

  • 1. The binding between quarks?  It's not a "gluon".  It's called RESONANCE and it "glues" pretty much everything together.
    • Also, if a particle is stated to be without mass (massless) should it be called a particle?  I'm asking the question for my own curiosity but it seems backwards.
  • 2. What is dark matter?  There's no end to possible explanations put forth.  The primary answer which makes sense to me is: RELATIVISTIC GRAVITY.  My definition of this would be "the relativistic oscillations embedded in gravitational waves emitted from 2 or more massive or dense object as their orbits decay and they fall toward each other."
    • Yes, I'm asserting that every pair of orbiting neutron stars or singularities or shining stars is helping hold their respective part of our universe together as they fall towards each other at faster to relativistic speeds while losing energy to gravitational waves.
  • 3. What is dark energy?  No one seems to have an explanation for it's observation because it makes little sense.  The only answer which makes sense to me is: it's an ILLUSION.  I'll go a step further and assert that human activities have affected space itself around the  earth.
    • Yes, we've created a situation where it appears the universe is accelerating away.

With those 3 fixes in place can we move on to colonizing other worlds?  The earth is amazing but we might want to responsibly move out so the next intelligence here may have their moment.

There's quite a few ready to line up.

Not nearly enough on that topic.

Posted on 2022-07-06 @ 04:42 AM

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