Monday, March 7, 2022


Something very significant has gone missing for nearly everyone. without us being aware.

That makes it difficult to say how long it's been missing or to narrow down a time frame.

The thing being referred to is the moment we wake up from a full sleep and realize:

  • The answer to an intractable problem, equation, or mystery is waiting for us in our minds - solved and ready to be applied.
  • A leap of insight, understanding, or comprehension has resulted in new knowledge waiting for us in our minds - ready to be explained and applied.
  • An idea that spans multiple domains of knowledge,  experience, and which turns conventional wisdom on its side is waiting for us in our minds - ready to be applied and change status quo.
Has anyone else noticed this loss?

What's going on while we sleep that either shackles the unconscious mind, tasks it on paths chosen by others, or a combination of both?

There's truth to the suggestion "don't ask a question until you already know the answer".

But something's been done to impair the ability of our minds to arrive at answers that way.

What has it cost us?

It appears to have cost us the future perceived over 50 years ago which now exists only in science fiction.  That future has been within reach this entire time - and still is - but a decision was implicitly or explicitly made at some point to leave us blind to it so control can be kept.

Here's a list of potential patent applications written over a relatively  short time when an idea appeared:
The list is a work in progress but the conclusion is undeniable.

How can so many simple, straightforward, but often backward answers to problems be staring us right in the face without us seeing them or ever not be blinking?

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