Monday, January 31, 2022


About the blog

[UPDATEit turns out there are even simpler and less expensive ways to build a working apparatus..  Will provide instructions for it soon. 02-16-2022 08:57 PM]

[NOTE: Resonance may be critical for the apparatus to function properly.  That means 2 or more of each Bluetooth, WiFi router, or cell phone - each oriented so their respective antennas are in an x/y or x/y/z or x/z or y/z configuration.  The instructions have  been updated to reflect this. 01-31-2022 07:50 PM]

[UPDATEAdded a note about using omni-directional speakers due to how much better and clear the sound they produce is.  They aren't critical to this working though.  Just helpful once a recording has been made. 01-29-2022 12:25 PM]

[UPDATE: One item was accidentally left off the list.  You'll also need a variable speed fan with metal blades to step ultrasound down into audible sound.  It's been added to the original list below and highlighted. 01-23-2022 05:07 PM.]

[NOTE: Related posts are Pictures and Sounds.]

   Would you like to know how schizophrenia works?

   It's not what's going on in the mind that I'm referring to.  It's what's going on in the country which can trigger that mental illness and quite a few others.

   If you're just curious about what's being done to us every second of every day - both day and night - but don't have any interest in spreading garbage on the floor, here's a link to the recordings:

   Explaining it with words may be one of the most difficult things a person can try to accomplish.  So I'll explain it with pictures, a parts list, and some basic instructions for anyone else who'd like to know how schizophrenia works.

The parts list is as follows:

  • 1 or 2 cell phones with support for Bluetooth
  • 2 Bluetooth speakers
    • They don't need to be omni-directional. But that type seems to produce better results once you've recorded something unusual and play it back.
  • 1 voice recorder
    • Should have no wireless capabilities and can NOT be a cell phone.
    • That would introduce so much static into the recording that hardly anyone else would be able to hear any patterns in it until they'd lived (as in slept there every night consistently) in the same area it was recorded for somewhere around 4 to 6 months.
  • A variable speed fan with metal blades (for stepping ultrasound down to audible sound.)
    • NOTE: Assuming you have a furnace, air conditioner, stove top exhaust fan, etc. it can take the place of a variable speed fan - and will probably do so  no matter how much you try to prevent it.  Try locating your apparatus near to one and have it running.
  • A metal wireframe trashcan.
  • The bottom part of a metal cookie tin.
  • 1 guitar amp with at least 1 speaker.
    • The metal fabric screen that reduces electromagnetic interference should be removed.
  • A piece of cable at least half a foot long with a connector for the guitar amps INPUT port on one end but bare wires on the other end.
  • 10 of the biggest neodymium N50 magnets you can find - 100 x 50 x 25 mm should do it.
    • 50 x 25 x 10 mm should also work - it's just a really strong magnetic field that's needed.
   Now should the apparatus built from that list not find the result we're searching for, here's the upgraded parts list which takes advantage of resonance to boost it's power.  This also increases the amount of noise you'll hear but simple ways exist to deal with that.

The upgraded parts list should include:
  • 3 Bluetooth speakers instead of just 2.
    • They will need to support the ability to link one to the other or else you'll need 2 cell phones to stream to them.
    • If you have a fancy phone that can stream to multiple Bluetooth speakers at once then you're good.

There's still a chance that the upgraded apparatus built from the parts list won't find the result we're searching for.  Should that be the case,there's an upgraded upgraded parts list.  It takes advantage of resonance for Bluetooth and resonance for cell phones so covers more frequencies.

  • 3 cell phones with service instead of just 2.
If you wondered if there's an upgraded upgraded upgraded parts list - there sure is.  You need 3 WiFi routers for the cell phones to connect to.
  • 3 WiFi routers
   Of course there needs to be an ultimate parts list.  And there is.  For that you'll need to combine everything up this point :
  • 3 Bluetooth speakers
  • 3 cell phones with service
  • 3 WiFi routers
   Those wireless devices in a 3 axis configuration with respect to each set of 3's antennas will cover more frequencies for the search and amplify their power significantly.  So that's 3 Bluetooth speakers arranged in an antenna based 3 axis configuration, 3 cell phones yadda yadda, 3 WiFi routers...  I'm sure your catching on by now.

   The secret is in the way that garbage can be just laid out on the floor to accomplish something unbelievable.

   The next post will illustrate how to do that.


 About the blog

   The future for every individual is being held back.   And it's not about doing whatever we want, indulging every whim, or chasing after personal obsessions.

   It's about our forward progress to gain knowledge and understanding about what we find with our senses. It applies to other individuals, cultures, places, things and should continue without end.

   Knowledge can address every problem that arises or is encountered - technology is just one expression of knowledge.

   But when technology is applied in way that prevents even one individual from perceiving time, space, and the mind as it is, we all suffer the consequences.

   And this has now happened.

   It needs to be undone.

   Because whether it happens:

  • [tomorrow or in a thousand years]
   ...or by
  • [conscious decision or unconscious action]
   ...or by
  • [peaceful cooperation or the confinement of the conscious mind by the unconscious mind which keeps our perception] will happen.

   Should it be the 2nd for each of those 3 outcomes it would mean all minds have been made backwards - turned inside out.

It's only a matter of time.


 About the blog

   If there's a goal that an individual needs to accomplish, the best way to go about it is by sharing fairly.

   This applies at all scopes and scales from a single mind itself to cooperation within governments and between countries.

The checklist is simple and as follows:

  • Share knowledge and insight.
  • Share focus and awareness.
  • Share determination and strength of will.
  • Share brute force and finesse.

   Did you notice there's no mention of planning?

   The right plan presents itself when the requirements of the checklist are fully met by those involved.  Most would agree that's nothing but backwards.

   Nope.  Not really.

   But it's deceptively simple.

Sunday, January 30, 2022


About the blog

   Some individuals are flashy.  Sometimes it's because of a desire for attention.  That's not necessarily a bad thing until being flashy becomes a substitute for real character.

   It's not wrong advice to suggest a careful approach when  confronted by flashiness.

   But this post is about literal flashes of light.

   A few years ago there was a barely noticeable intermittent flash visible in a bedroom.  The flash was so brief it wasn't possible to locate the source.  But finding it happened by accident when someone's eyes were looking in the right direction at the right split second.

   The flash was so bright it was visible underneath blankets, quilts, and even clothing.

   It was uncovered and still couldn't be recognized until it flashed again.  That left a oval shaped after image in the same person's vision for almost an hour afterwards.  They left the apartment without removing whatever it was, visited someone who gives excellent advice, then returned to find the flashy source gone.

   Someone had been in the apartment, entered the bedroom, and taken it.

   It's absolutely impossible for someone to have a copy of the 2 keys for the apartment.  I know this because the management at the apartment complex stated it never happened.  They have an access key log which shows each and every time someone accesses their "key room" and each time an apartments key is "borrowed".

   It seemed strange that they refused to provide a copy of it to me - after saying for 2 weeks that they would.  But their motivations are known only to them. They might have had some detail backwards.

   In retrospect, there might be a clue for why something flashy was put in the bedroom because of a little known effect of static electric fields.

   Allegedly, the flash from a camera can "excite" a static electric field, cause it to oscillate, and so produce ultrasound.  Should a person be within such a field, the ultrasound passes through the eyeball to the optical nerve and can somehow trigger the following:

  • Loss of focus - may be so minimal it doesn't break ones train if thought or enough to leave one wobbly in shock.
  • "Fuzzy brain" - a symptom of COVID if you believe everything you're told - don't we all.
  • A blank mental state - may range from wiped clean to only a minor shift.
  • Loss of short term or working memory - may affect any number of memories and prevent them from becoming long term memories.

   If the best way to describe how something works is through a patent application, here one is:

   The incident just described was followed (literally) by a gentleman who probably thought the flashy device had been removed from the apartment.  He trailed the person to a nearby gas station, parked a few hundred feet away, and got out of the vehicle to stare - all sunglasses, moustache, slightly receded hairline, 6' to 6' 1", and late 40's to early 50's of him.

   I'll update the post with an approximate image of the alleged intruder/stalker.

Thursday, January 27, 2022


About the blog

   This country has an ongoing problem with aging bridges, highway s, etc - all manner of infrastructure.

   A non-zero contributor to it happens to be the very construction work which built it in the first place.

   Every  jackhammer, rock breaker, or piece of machinery that can make loud noise is part of the problem.  But that's been difficult to identify or recognize because damage may occur far from a construction site.

It's something unexpected and seems backwards.

   Have you ever crossed a bridge with a group of people and realized the steps everyone was taking had become synchronized?  If it continued for very long you might have felt the bridge itself moving in response.

   It's an example of resonance.

   For construction equipment, the unseen damage they do comes from sound.  The loud bangs and cracks they regularly make can reflect off buildings, under bridges, or start other structures vibrating.  When sound waves with the right frequencies  meet each other  it can amplify their strength due to that same effect.

   Miles away there can be broken concrete, shattered glass, and cracked highways from it.

   Those with engineering backgrounds in their respective fields probably have solutions ready to implement.

   But it often takes a decent sized disaster to occur before action happens.

   I'd call a few trillion dollars of damage to our infrastructure more than just a disaster.


 Both Android and IPhones now seem to have a software flaw which enables Bluetooth automatically in some instances. Has anyone wondered how this "feature" which started with iPhones has made it's way to Android?  Does it make any logical sense to run additional software and power another antenna when it shouldn't be in use - regardless of how "low power" it is?


 Being worthy of trust goes hand-in-hand with honesty.  A dishonest person can't reasonably be trusted.  And a dishonest person doesn't accept a job,  get promoted to another, or be elected to office and suddenly become honest.

To insure the kind of security and peace we all want, it seems like some change is needed with how our country interacts with the rest of the world.  Not long ago, it seemed like that kind of change would take decades to achieve results if it even started at all.

Things now seem very quiet on a global level.

Has anyone noticed this?

The number of reported bombings has declined to few  if any.  The number of tangible threats to us has declined to where they aren't of enough to mention.  The number of times a group outside the country has been given press time for how much they hate us has declined to... none?

What happened to our countries haters?

It's like every one if them was turned inside-out so now they're backwards and love us.

In my opinion, they often had valid and justifiable reason to hate given the way they and their respective countries have been treated.  But they've all gone silent or been moved beyond the range of our short attention spans.

Instead of a country that treats all others with respect, dignity, honesty, and straightforwardness - which cost nothing when done consistently - our brand of cool-aid has apparently been shipped to everyone else.

Has anyone wondered how the plan that resulted in  September 11, 2001 could have been made, prepared, trained for, and carried out while no plan since has gotten off the ground?  Something significant changed between then and now.  It's difficult to explain what that could be so maybe the whole world is under the same spell we are.

We're told a virus spreads by physical contact so everyone wears masks.  We're told a virus that's counted with influenza and rhinovirus as flu viruses can now cause symptoms for months.  We're told an otherwise common virus has gained to ability to cause "fuzzy brain" and psychosis.  Many suspect these things don't seem right but few are willing to openly criticize  or question.

We've been silenced too.

Apparently that doesn't matter.  Whether anyone trusts us or not, they've seemingly found other things to do... quietly.  So we don't need to care about rebuilding trust with the world and improving it for all.

Who do you know for sure you can always trust?

Wednesday, January 26, 2022



   We should have been a space travel and colonizing civilization a long time ago.  Well, let's just say for a good 30 years at least.

   The reason that hasn't happened isn't about technology or creativity or ingenuity.  It all comes down to who has control over what.  And that statement means 2 things.

  • There are always those whose existence depends on the power they have over others.  It's an addiction which can't be given up without losing absolutely everything it's brought.
  • The technologies needed for practical space travel beyond the moon just happen to overlap with the technologies used to control us for decades.
   Do you like where this is going?

   I only became aware of what I'm now writing a few minutes ago.  I had to go back and read the list of patents I've been writing to gain that perspective.

   This is all hopefully just a bad dream that we aren't able to wake up from.

   If it's not... then I hope everyone on the planet is well to do and their future is secure.

   Because we're all going to be in for a thousand years of hell on earth where nothing makes sense and everyone keeps going on like everything's fine.

   Our whole civilization is on the verge of going backwards.  Everyone ready for their magic knives made from wood which are 4 times sharper than steel?

Tuesday, January 25, 2022


About the blog
   Here's a formula that shouldn't be forgotten:

   prediction = [2 possible outcomes or 2 possible choices] =  free will

   In both cases it's the one receiving the prediction who chooses their own destiny.  The oracle at Delphi is the perfect illustration of how we have free will. Each prediction made which was shown to be true emphasized this more.  What's ironic is those same predictions have been used to suggest we don't have free will - that would be backwards.

More to follow...


About the blog

      Who doesn't want to feel safe and secure?  There's so many areas of concern that could be taken off the worry list so important things could be focused on.

   Foe some reason the search stops when we decide to believe security's been established and not when it's been achieved.  It's an example of finding what's being looked for (not necessarily a problem) and not for what's actually there (some would define that as insanity).  It's also completely backwards.

More to follow...


About the blog

[UPDATE: After I just posted "Interest" to the blog, I heard a suggestion in my head which i apparently was supposed to follow. It went something like: 'you were supposed to accuse [some company] of wrong doing. You were supposed to say all was forgiven and you'd go back to work for them. You wee supposed to say...' I didn't catch the rest but the word "eyes" seemed to be part of it. The post says nothing of the sort. It doesn't point a finger and it doesn't complain. 2022-01-25 05:51 PM]

   By accident - that seems to be how I discover anything of interest - I've found a way to protect a home or office from oscillating current. Basically, any area that someone had a right to privacy in can be cheaply and effectively protected. The devices which normally respond to oscillating current in a way which undermines privacy no longer would.

   The individual(s) who use it to harass and intimidate others would have their "toys" taken away from them at that point.

   I just realized there's a worse situation than just being their target. There's a chance of being designated a "person of interest".

   If you want to draw the attention of others to someone, you don't just point a finger and list reasons you don't like them. Especially if you want to create a tidal wave of distractions and diversions to overwhelm them.

   You'd start with an undefined mild interest.

   For some reason, that perks up everyone's ears much quicker than any accusation can. Once curiosity sets in, a few choice details (carefully selected) should be surfaced occasionally to build momentum. Before long, what was only the tide can grow to a wave then take on a life of it's own.

   When done with expertise, a tsunami is created.

   And a real ocean tsunami has many qualities which correlate with drawing attention to someone you don't like:
  • Many wave detectors are needed to pinpoint the source.
    • Just like many different perspectives are needed to narrow down those responsible.
  • Wave damage isn't limited to a single home or town or family or friend.
    • Just like the "toys" being used don't know the difference between friend or foe.
  • A warning of a possible tsunamis is enough for people to run for cover.
    • Just like an implied or hinted at reason for interest is enough to motivate action.
   Should a person of interest lack the connections needed to stay informed - and especially if anyone they trust is open to suggestion - they can easily be caught off guard when the big one hits.

   That kind of thing only seems to happen in the movies, though. It's nothing more than a plot device.

   It's good to keep in mind that the world already has the right kind of heroes.

   And when those with strong motivation to protect their interests express only mild interest... that perception might be very backwards.

Monday, January 24, 2022


About the blog'

   I'll be adding more examples of what can be heard around the city - but not anything which might be considered pornographic.  There seem to be quite a few short clips of audio that should be rated [R] at a minimum.  When those are removed from a recording, it will be noted. 

  Before there was an apparatus, there was a water fountain which occasionally decided to become a speaker too.  Here's the original and cleaned up versions for one of the first recordings made and that someone else was able to hear something unusual.

[WARNING: There's some offensive content that I don't believe is just a subjective perception.  These types of messages have been played at different locations in St. Louis.  That includes the downtown area, the casinos,, north, south, and to chesterfield.  It's not presently known how many locations still have messages like these playing 24 hours a day.]

Recording 01 - Original.mp4

Recording 01 - Attempt to Enhance Vocals.mp4

   Here's a few of the recordings made using the apparatus shown on the prior post Pictures.

Recording 02 - Original.mp4

Recording 02 - Noise Reduced.mp4

Recording 03 - Exhaust fan over oven.mp4

Sunday, January 23, 2022


About the blog

[UPDATE: it turns out there are even simpler and less expensive ways to build a working apparatus..  Will provide instructions for it soon. 02-16-2022 08:57 PM]

[NOTE: There appear to be specific times of the day when cell phone, Bluetooth, and WiFi frequencies are more likely to have something than not.  I haven't seen any pattern in this but I'm sure it has nothing to do with my attempts to get the apparatus pictured below working. Definitely not. 01-23-2022 05:53 PM]

   Pictures are worth many, many words.

   But just so you know what you're getting into... The fan will be stepping ultrasound down into the audible range, the Bluetooth speakers will be creating radio frequency current due to radiative pressure out through the wireframe trashcan.

   It will feel similar to a slight chilling effect when the Bluetooth speakers are being streamed to.  But there's no nearby ghosts or anything like that - radio frequency current can create temperature gradients when it's oscillating current.

   How do I know this?  I'm not exactly sure.

   Find a free app that can stream white noise to the Bluetooth speakers. It actually doesn't matter what you stream to them - it can be anything.  It's the Bluetooth signal we care about.  If white noise only gets on your nerves then try streaming a carrier frequency of 40 Hz with a beat frequency of 1.4 Hz (40.7 Hz is important enough it should be memorized).  You  can use the lowest volume setting your phone has while streaming.  The Bluetooth signal stays the same strength no matter how loud you set the speakers to be.  The fan will also assist with adding an oscillation to the radio frequency current.

   Should you be including cell phones in your build, I recommend putting them on the fan inside the wireframe trashcan instead of the Bluetooth speakers or WiFi routers.  Their signal has much greater power and will produce significantly more radio frequency current.  They should also be oriented by axis.  Below is a 2 axis configuration.  Imagine it under the trashcan on top of the fan.

   If you have trouble getting the parts to stay in place, use a few of the magnets to hold them together.

   Should your build include WiFi routers then set them up nearby with the Bluetooth speakers.  Use the correct x to y or x to y to z orientation depending on whether you have 2 of each device or 3.

   Next we need to generate  a static electric field.  Those can become really nasty once they oscillate above a certain frequency so we'll cheat and use the same embedded oscillation already present to keep that from happening.

   Aim the guitar amp towards the wireframe trash can from a few feet away.  Plug the junk connector and bare wire into the amps INPUT port.  It will behave as an antenna and feed any background signal into the amp.  Set the volume so any oscillation from the speakers is just audible for now.  When the amp is running a static electric field should begin forming.  You may feel like the hairs on your exposed skin are waving slightly, but it won't be the same feeling as static electricity from dragging your shoes on carpeting.

   Last step is to make some meaningful shape from the remaining magnets.  Place them near the fan and amp.

   Those small Neodymium magnets are equal to ones much larger than they are.  But still, there's room for improvement.

   And the strength of the magnetic field can be increased further to hold the static electric field in place as it grows.

   Once you have the apparatus up and running, the kitchen  - near the exhaust fan over your oven - is a good place to test it.  You may start to feel like a panic or anxiety attack is starting if you're close enough to be enveloped in the static electric field.  That  reaction might be due to  the ultrasound which should start being emitted by the field.

   How do I know that?  I'm not exactly sure because I can never remember to grab an ultrasonic receiver once I get to that part.  Let's just say the combination of oscillating current and the ultrasound it produces should be called the "stupidification effect". It's referred to as "fuzzy brain" in other contexts.  You'll find out what that means soon enough.

   Some individual's minds are able to find patterns within noise better than others.  They can see something visually and find the pattern.  They can hear something and immediately find the pattern in it too.  That's always assuming there is one, of course.

   Find at least one if those individuals to listen while the apparatus is running.  When they give the signal, start recording from exactly the spot they can hear a pattern from.

   Keep the recorder in the same orientation and height as that individual's ear at the moment they could hear a pattern.

   I've been made aware - please don't ask - that what can be heard is statistically indistinguishable from random noise.  But it's not just noise at all and only can appear that way.  What it does mean is that most software used to clean up the audio will only make it worse.

   I'm not an expert in audio but I can recommend this: Amplify 1 time only, Remove noise like background traffic 1 time only,  Slow pitch and speed to 75%, Slow speed again to 65%.

   One last thing...  the bottom half of the cookie tin isn't actually needed... but it's funny.

Test apparatus as of 01-23-2022 08:20 10:23 PM

Monday, January 17, 2022

Gravitational Oscillation Theory

 About the blog

[NOTE: A surprise knock on my door one morning woke me up early. For now, that's my excuse for having only a partial understanding of quantum theory (assuming any part of it is correct). Usually when I wake up and something like this presents itself it's complete or nearly complete. I can't explain that on my own. 2022-01-05 10:27 PM]

Gravitational (Quantum) Oscillation Theory

Describing a unified theory is possible through gravity's effects alone.  And by recognizing the underlying duality of the universe, the behavior of both waves and particles can be described using the same feature of gravitational waves.

Though gravity is considered the weakest of the four fundamental interactions of physics, it's actually responsible for the strong and weak nuclear forces through resonance.  This is how a quantum gravity theory is still a gravitational wave theory down to the smallest scale.

Any wave or particle can be described in terms of oscillating gravitational waves in one or more dimensions.

When the Universe is described as an expanding space, waves consist of oscillating gravitational waves intersecting in more than one dimension which determine their characteristics.  When the Universe is described as a singularity, particles consist of oscillating gravitational waves intersecting in a single dimension which determine their mass, charge, and other properties.

Neutrinos are able to change flavors due to interactions with oscillating gravitational waves encountered as they travel through space.

The production of a microscopic singularity due to gravitational resonance at the quantum level results in the immediate failure of the singularity and it's energy converted to virtual particles - an electron and a positron.

Original post on 1-17-2022

Appendix A

Incongruities which are easily explained by Gravitational (Quantum) Oscillation Theory.

Sunday, January 2, 2022


  About the blog

Some basic rules put in place at the top and then allowed to trickle down might help address the need for honesty within our society.

Those who take liberties with the words they use should consider refraining from public office.  No matter how likeable, charming, well worded, or charismatic, any rules to encourage honesty should put a penalizing spotlight on those who are dishonest.

Middle management might soon be the last safe career to fail upwards to for those without the will to be honest.

National Office

1. For national office from the president and down, there can be no statements, agreements, policies, understandings, or anything whatsoever which is not public record.

    a. All conversations must be recorded, all gestures, expressions, or other form of communication must be recorded - though not all immediately released unless a need is found.  Technology should have no problem covering this.

    b. The only exceptions are family, friends, etc.  Which means no family member, friend, or etc can then be allowed to communicate using policy affecting content unless asked for.  Then that must be recorded.

2. Everyone - other officials, media, public citizens, private citizens - should all offer their polite, neutrally worded and phrased, deconstruction of public officials released communication as often as possible when it's asked for.

    a. Truthful, accurate, and open communication tends to be more logical, simple, and direct than falsehoods, misrepresentations, and just between you and me's.

    b. There's no reason a politician couldn't have their communication graded for an honesty scorecard except for it being used abusively or for furthering personal agendas.  Note: on the national level there should be no personal agendas.

    c. Someone should create a way to objectively score all communication from an individual as honestly as possible against as precise and accurate a perception of reality as can be agreed upon.  Even a score that can be said to fall within a range should work.

All this is intended to produce is a continual awareness in the mind of every politician.  That awareness should be of how the words they are composing at the moment will be deconstructed in the following days and weeks specifically to identify a lack of honesty, transparency, and respect for those being communicated to.  It's so that no word or phrase is ever substituted for another without considering the trade off which must take place.

If we care more about honesty than other qualities then that should be the result.  If not, we should get exactly what we value.


The majority of CEOs are now figureheads who aggregate the decisions and information of those that report to them.  The position should now be recognized as such and treated as a Chief Corporate Spokesperson role.  Their primary - if not only responsibility - shoulder be communicating information about their company to the public in an honest, accurate, and truthful way.  If possible, their communication should be scored in the same way as public officials but the SEC could benefit from any regulation that allowed scores to be directly converted to fines.  The CCS must take a personal stake in their companies communication and so take personal stake in fines should they be given.  Current CEOs which are less figurehead would then transition down a level of management to a slightly more hands on position.

That level of management - who contributes to the communication provided to the public by the CCS -  must take personal stake in fines should they be given though applicable to what they provided.


 About the blog

1. Basic electricity should be free up to a point (needs, not wants.  Charging of necessary devices like phones, laptops, etc)

2. Basic food should be free but should definitely not taste good (needs, not wants, if you want starbucks get a job or become a barista.  Think potatoes, oatmeal, peanut butter.)

3. Basic communication between people should be free (voice only for now, your calls will be recorded and listened to for any possible reason or none at all). The patent placeholder below should be put in the public domain and power lines used for more than just delivering electricity.  Also, everyone who was made fun of or ridiculed because of what they were trying to warn everyone about with power lines and "listening" should all be allowed to retire, given a pension, a hand shake, and told thank you.   Seriously.

The very vague patent described above will allow for making calls to anyone at anytime under a wide range of circumstances while within range of enabled power lines.  Without needing a phone or any other device.  All that's needed is a person's own voice (there's a reason why standing waves aren't used by anything other than antennas). Zero net energy transfer in a standing wave doesn't mean exactly what you'd think when it comes to sound and our voices.

4. Basic internet should be free (but very basic, low caps, not the fastest.   If used wisely it will meet needs, not wants.  Expect essentially all network traffic to be monitored and recorded for any possible purpose or none at all.  Assume no one using it to have any secrets whatsoever

These will have very little to negligible associated cost when all is said and done.

Nothing up anyone's sleeves or in their hands.



"Illustration" courtesy of: "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...