Tuesday, January 25, 2022


About the blog

[UPDATE: After I just posted "Interest" to the blog, I heard a suggestion in my head which i apparently was supposed to follow. It went something like: 'you were supposed to accuse [some company] of wrong doing. You were supposed to say all was forgiven and you'd go back to work for them. You wee supposed to say...' I didn't catch the rest but the word "eyes" seemed to be part of it. The post says nothing of the sort. It doesn't point a finger and it doesn't complain. 2022-01-25 05:51 PM]

   By accident - that seems to be how I discover anything of interest - I've found a way to protect a home or office from oscillating current. Basically, any area that someone had a right to privacy in can be cheaply and effectively protected. The devices which normally respond to oscillating current in a way which undermines privacy no longer would.

   The individual(s) who use it to harass and intimidate others would have their "toys" taken away from them at that point.

   I just realized there's a worse situation than just being their target. There's a chance of being designated a "person of interest".

   If you want to draw the attention of others to someone, you don't just point a finger and list reasons you don't like them. Especially if you want to create a tidal wave of distractions and diversions to overwhelm them.

   You'd start with an undefined mild interest.

   For some reason, that perks up everyone's ears much quicker than any accusation can. Once curiosity sets in, a few choice details (carefully selected) should be surfaced occasionally to build momentum. Before long, what was only the tide can grow to a wave then take on a life of it's own.

   When done with expertise, a tsunami is created.

   And a real ocean tsunami has many qualities which correlate with drawing attention to someone you don't like:
  • Many wave detectors are needed to pinpoint the source.
    • Just like many different perspectives are needed to narrow down those responsible.
  • Wave damage isn't limited to a single home or town or family or friend.
    • Just like the "toys" being used don't know the difference between friend or foe.
  • A warning of a possible tsunamis is enough for people to run for cover.
    • Just like an implied or hinted at reason for interest is enough to motivate action.
   Should a person of interest lack the connections needed to stay informed - and especially if anyone they trust is open to suggestion - they can easily be caught off guard when the big one hits.

   That kind of thing only seems to happen in the movies, though. It's nothing more than a plot device.

   It's good to keep in mind that the world already has the right kind of heroes.

   And when those with strong motivation to protect their interests express only mild interest... that perception might be very backwards.

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