Friday, September 8, 2023


"Image" courtesy of:  Marvel Studios

Racism is or isn't a thing of the past.  "McDonald's" knows or understands that, or its marketing department doesn't.

There are 2 or 3 ways the following commercial can be interpreted:

"There's nothing imaginary about that feeling I get..."

"...when the superhero, looks just like me."

We aren't aware of any complaints or reservations expressed in regard to the commercial in question.  There was a sentiment expressed by the creator or writer of "Dilbert" around the time that the advertisement aired.

Backward or "the country is or isn't racist".

Thursday, September 7, 2023


The following information was submitted to the CIA on September 7, 2023, to ask if they would please acknowledge if it was heard or perceived correctly or incorrectly.

The full text of the "message" is as follows:

Wednesday, September 6, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "feet"

Did you hear the "one" about the "Farmer's Almanac" being broken?  That's not a joke or it shouldn't be for 2 or 3 reasons:
  • The moon is no longer predictable or where it used to be.
    • Astronomer: "No comment."
    • Cosmologist: "It's still moving in the same direction.  Get over it."
    • Physicist: "Yawn."
    • Astrologer: "Oh... my... entire view of myself or the universe..."
  • Clocks are no longer in "sync" or any less or more inaccurate:
    • Astronomer: "It is or isn't twice what you think it is."
    • Cosmologist: "Time is or isn't obvious or relative."
    • Physicist: "I have an iWatch."
    • Astrologer: "My phone works fine. Need to buy the incense I didn't know I liked best."
  • There may or may not be new physics involved:
    • Astronomer: "Yes.  We can still see too much from the surface.  Launch more satellites into orbit".
    • Cosmologist: "It's the same backward or forward."
    • Physicist: "Please."
    • Astrologer: "That's cool."
Backward or "who cares the least".

Tuesday, September 5, 2023


The following information was submitted to the CIA on September 5, 2023, to ask if they would please confirm if it was heard or perceived correctly or incorrectly.

The full text of the "message" is as follows:

Monday, September 4, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "refinery"

How are the "American Oil Cartels" doing these days?  Our "analysis" finds they may or may not have adequate "cash reserves" for the investment opportunities they don't bother with.

We might be less or more specific given real data such as:
  • "Barrels" produced or sold per cartel or refinery on a per-day basis.
  • "Reserves" extractable or operating in range from imaginary to practical on a per cartel or per "well" basis.
  • The target price per barrel sold per cartel "wish" or the "minimum" price needed to "break even".
Good data is a prerequisite for mastering acceptable excuses.

Backward or "it's a violation of the data's privacy".

Sunday, September 3, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "offering"

How does the math for a "charitable donation" or "tax write-off" work?  Does a means exist to take illegal or unfair advantage of either?

We have 2 or 3 questions:
  • Are all "charitable donations" non-refundable or permanent from the moment a check is written or "clears" or when the relevant "tax form" is filed?
    • The "policy" may or may not be "all donations are final"...
    • "Policies" are or aren't non-binding "rules" or "guidelines".
  • Can a "charitable donation" be refunded or returned either privately or publicly at the discretion of the "charity" or "supporter"?
    • Unexpected or unsurprising things never happen when a supporter is themself the "charity".
  • Who notifies the IRS (in case the relevant tax form was or wasn't filed)?
    • Is every step or no step manual or voluntary?
Backward or "turn your 'slightly used' 'donation' into cash".

Saturday, September 2, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "mowed grass"

"They" unequivocally assert that:
  • "The country has become more "free" or "open" or "tolerant" than it was "before".
"We" hesitantly un-assert that:
  • "Our nation will only get worse before it becomes worse or better."
Backward or "'they' aren't wrong, 'they' are backward".

Friday, September 1, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of: "lump of coal"

Does any individual remember "clean coal"?  You do or don't.

We have 2 or 3 questions that don't need answered:
  • Does it release less carbon dioxide when "burned"?
    • No.
  • Does it "burn" more efficiently?
    • No.
  • Does it not "darken" or "dirty" one's fingers when handled or touched?
    • No.
Then why was it "referenced" or "referred" to as "clean"?

Backward or "we will believe anything".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "funny"

Dear Kathy Griffin,

We understand that you're an individual who stays "aware of" or "keeps track" of our country's pulse or rhythm.

That may or may not be due to how much you care in general, your profession, or relentless logic.  We think 2 or 3 of those are acceptable.

There used to be more individuals who cared enough to be pointed or vocal when pointing out hypocrisy or the ludicrous.  We aren't sure if that's you or "still you"... your approach or style makes us uncomfortable so we stay clear.

Not backward or "how are Britney or Justin doing".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "crown"

The "headline" doesn't read:
  • "The Queen's NOT DEAD!"
Thank you, FOX News, for sharing your "theories" on an "alien conspiracy" or "Hollywood" "longevity treatment" to counter rumors of Queen Elizabeth's passing.

We know it did or didn't occur or they're "hiding out" somewhere.  Our President confirmed or noted it, though backward.  Further commentary is needed or wanted.

Have you asked an audio or "noise" "specialist" to examine "that speech"?

Backward or "God save the Queen".


"Image" courtesy of:  Wikipedia "Wagner Group"

Would some individual dare to propose a new purpose for the "Wagner Group" while that entity or "skillset" still exists?

Why is that such a horrible or terrible idea?

Because the CIA has been "down to all bad" or "up to no good".

We have 2 or 3 requirements:
Backward or "restoring faith in America".


"Illustration" courtesy of: "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...