Tuesday, August 1, 2023


"Illustration" courtesy of:  https://www.craiyon.com "black opal ring"

Dear CDC or FDA,

One or more "mischievous imps" you "oversee" or "regulate" haven't been completely honest with you.  That's not the same as lying or "statistically fudging" "numbers".  Everything is "just fine" or it's not.

You may or may not see "good cause" to "divest" every "secret" document or record in existence from those with a "conflict of interest".  That may not be difficult or impossible.

Will you be reasonable, lower your guard, or trust that "they" or "we" have "got it covered".  You may not know who "they are".  How about 2 or 3 "public statements" to remember them by:

  • "Can we please 'move on' to something else?"
    • [Just before that phrase was perceived, a "release" of information or "suggestion" occurred.  It may or may not have consisted of one or more "time-shifted" suggestions which the mind was "told" to "hold onto" until they were needed or not wanted.  They may or may not have contained instructions pertaining to awareness like "find the right or wrong 'music' or 'phrase' or 'song' for them to hear or perceive:
      • There is a "finite set" of not-quite-ideal songs which "accidentally" contain the right or wrong things for successfully blinding us or them.
      • They are not very new or not that old.
      • They may or may not have been "remastered" to YouTube (or other outlets) approximately 6, 9, or 13 years ago.
      • They will or won't be "replaced".
  • "Can we get back to what we were doing?"
    • [More information will be provided.]
  • "Whatever [it is] you're going or trying to do [attempt] will or won't fail or succeed [work]."
    • [More information will be provided.]
Should an individual perceive or hear either phrase it means they aren't going to "move on" or "get back".

Backward or "time-shifted awareness or perception."

Glossary of Unrelated information or
"whatever you know or don't know they aren't"

"Quotes" from "unnamed voices":

  • "...2.4 'miles' of space or "tunnels"..."
  • "...700 'feet' below the surface or underground..."
  • "...500 'feet' across or wide..."
  • "...blasted or drilled..."
  • "...found 'opals'...  are or aren't 'precious'... broken or fractured..."
"One last thing" we did or didn't hear or perceive:
  • [It or they][lay or run][below or under][airport or Reno][northwest or southeast].
Backward or "lots of magnets in pockets".

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"Illustration" courtesy of:  https://www.craiyon.com "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...