Sunday, March 26, 2023


Any time a conflict of interest exists it must be divested with no option to return in the future.  Backward?  That's just common sense though painful to accept endure.

How else can decisions be made from the best choices?

Those serving the public good or trust need complete freedom to make the right decisions from choices selected from options.  They are anyone in:

  • Government
  • Business

Both meet the criteria as entities which serve the public.  Both have experienced a shift in priorities to serving themselves over their "customers".

Material wealth isn't the problem.  Virtual or paper wealth as investments aren't either.  Some may declare those assertions are backward.  We may or may not agree.

No individual or entity engaged in commerce or relationship can remain unbiased or objective as a tentacled monstrosity.  The number of areas touched has an inverse relationship to potential conflicts.

It only means each must decide their priorities and focus on them.  Being good at what ones does is far better for everyone than poor doing more than we should

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