Friday, October 7, 2022


If you read the post Resonance then you're familiar with how a few cell phones in just the right or wrong orientations can cause trouble.

The FCC doesn't require testing for this or  other ways resonance can amplify a signal's power.

As a side note, most cell phones have BlueTooth or WiFi built in now.  They don't operate on the same frequencies as cell phones but can still resonate the same way.

We can now consider a scenario (which couldn't possibly occur under real world conditions) where something else is present and affects wireless signals.

Those would be static electric fields.

They're usually associated with grain elevators and the accidental explosions which can occur.  Static electric fields can be found in more places than just grain elevators now.  They're everywhere due to:

  • Growth in wireless device use.
  • Private contractors performing a particular type of work for our government.
  • Complete disregard for the technology being used or criminal negligence.

ould you like to riddle who employs said contractors or how dark and solid their employer was formerly?

You have 3 things to understand here:

  1. The properties of static electric fields.
  2. What technology is being used by these private contractors.
  3. How their employer (who restricts access to information so no employee can get a big picture or high level  view) has systematically and knowingly covered up or ignored mistakes or failures with the technology.
    • This accusation is based on an overheard statement:
      • '... Blackwater said a broken lightbulb could set off a chain reaction...'

An accusation of the murders which resulted won't make much sense otherwise.

Please note the lack of "alleged" in front of the accusation of murders.  I'm not a member of the press so may state exactly what occurred before any trial opens or concludes.  Whether that occurs or not doesn't change what happened.

There's no excuse not to be backwards.

Which is exactly what's needed.

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