Friday, October 1, 2021



   So I just heard someone giving a suggestion in plain, simple english.   For sone reason it gave a particular impression as i heard it.

   The impression was that only if the siggestion was relevent in some way would it even be heard.  It's not the first time i've gotten that impression while hearing a suggestion.  And this suggestion was typically vague and open-ended for what I could hear.

   It went something to the effect of ' up or cleaning my apartment...' and ended with something aboot timing which seems to have been translated into both:

  • ' is the time to do it...'
  • ' is a good time to do it...'

   That's the first time I believe I've heard that particular suggestion out of the hundreds I've documented with the date and time heard (or perceived).

   Not that it makes a difference now, but the date and time this one was heard or  perceived was October 1 at 1:20 pm.

   But that brings me to another impression from a different suggestion over a year ago.  It had to do with something like a 'signature' for whoever's been responsible for the suggestions I can hear im my apartment. 

   That signature was perceived as due to a person being intentionally given schizophrenia and then growing so accustomed to speaking out loud they dont realize someone is listening to them.

   Whether that was meant to literally mean talking out loud or was more figurative isn't known.  Details aren't usually provided in those instances.  It seems left up to the person hearing the suggestions to provide their own context.

   I did get one other impression out of the blue recently.  It was one that may have been original and not because of a suggestion.  It was something like:

  • When someone who's been ignoring you for years suddenly wants to know how you're doing... beware.
   That's not how I usually consider that type of situation.  Maybe it was perceived as the direct result from an external suggestion after all.

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