Friday, September 10, 2021


About the blog

   There's a guitar amp I've been using to try and understand what's been going on in my apartment.  I thought I'd be able to duplicate some of the effects.  By accident it showed another effect I was aware of but prevented from focusing on before now:

   When I used my cell phone to place a call, some of the effects stopped instantly.

   It was a lucky coincidence the following things came together all at once:

  • I decided to make a call at the moment I did.
  • I was in the same room as the guitar amp at the moment I called.
  • That the guitar amp was turned on.
  • That the guitar amp had a cable plugged in the input but not connected to anything else.
  • That one of the speakers from the amp was laying horizontally on the floor but still hooked up.
  • That the entire thing was sitting on a piece of sheet metal.
  • That it was all nearby and pointed to a return vent that went down and under the floor.

   Because all of these random (let's call it pseudo-random) things happened at the very same time I found out my cell phone had the ability to turn off some of the effects used to harass me.

   Just by making a call.

   But there's one more detail even more ridiculous than chance bringing all those things together at once.

  • A call only seems to turn off those effects if it goes through.

   If the call results in an automated message then nothing seems to change.

   Someone might get the impression it's been "designed" to be disabled this way.  I'm not sure if that's true it certainly will result in the same outcome for any of these reasons a person places a call:

  • Calls 911 or police to report something they can't really explain but feel should be reported.
  • Calls family or friends for any reason to talk.
  • Calls anyone or anything (an automated system) for any reason at all.

   If the call was made to ask for assistance or for someone else to confirm the harassment then whoever arrives will find nothing unusual.

   Why would a form of harassment work this way?

   It's genius.  And more likely derived by a computer given all the details around multiple domains of knowledge down to our best level of understanding than anything else.

   It's also a disgusting and sick way to treat people.

  Only a few instances of this occurring to someone would be devastating enough.

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