Wednesday, September 22, 2021


About the blog

 I don't know if there are any companies with offices downtown who haven't returned employees to them.  COVID is still whatever it is, but that shouldn't hold anyone up at this point.

  If there are any businesses still avoiding downtown offices, I'll make a simple prediction:

  • They won't return their workers to those offices until after a thunder/lightning storm has passed through the area.

There's an explanation for that should it be the case..

Lightning Strikes - Indoors and Outdoors

And no one needs infinite patience to wait a little while for the explanation. 


If I should have that backwards, then may no one be struck by lightning - miniature or otherwise.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021


About the blog

[UPDATE: The post was missing a reference to something that was backwards.  This has been corrected.  Original post on 08-07-2021 at 6:04 PM]

   I'd like to describe a field test demonstration I was recently made aware of.

   The organization responsible was not provided.  The individuals responsible were also not provided nor their affiliation with any organization.  

   What was provided was something carefully crafted which appeared meant to lead any recipient to an INCORRECT inference or assumption about who was responsible.  The INCORRECT inference or assumption that likely could have been reached was that Wells Fargo or those providing it services related to security were involved in some aspect.  That might have been inferred backwards.

   The location of the field test was not identified and the demonstration itself was virtual to preserve anonymity and to minimize risk.  Details explaining what risks needed to be minimized were not provided.

   Both those receiving the demonstration and the subject of the field test had been carefully selected.  Details on that process or the criteria used were not provided.

   During the field test portion a narration played which provided a vague type of summary.  This included what was occurring, how it was being done, and what the outcome would be once the field test concluded.  At times the narration gave an impression of being contradictory and confusing even though it seemed the events were easily understood by bystanders.

   To avoid violating any type of NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) - or reveal proprietary, confidential, or trade secrets - the timeline below has been edited.

1:00 pm - Virtual curtain opened and demonstration began at scheduled time.

1:01 pm - Presenter voice spoke on how much work's been done by people who "can see the big picture".

1:02 pm - Presenter voice spoke on how small minded people have held back the implementation of technology to solve problems for long enough. 

1:03 pm - Presenter voice spoke on information which normally had to be inferred or assumed could now be treated as fact.

1:04 pm - Presenter voice spoke on how the "subject" used in the field test had already been processed and remediated without being charged or convicted.

***** NOTE TO REVIEWER: The verbs used above have been paraphrased.

1:05 pm - Presenter voice spoke on how terms like processed and remediated or charged and convicted were just words so they shouldn't be considered points of contention.

1:06 pm - Roles involved in field test:  Announcer role, Spotter role, and an unvoiced role that's technological in nature.

1:07 pm - Presenter voice spoke on assurances the subject's privacy was never invaded or violated.

1:42 pm - Field test began at scheduled time.

1:43 pm - Announcer voice started with 'Listen up...!' and the field test itself started.

1:44 PM - The announcer voice stated 'We need to know where you're at.'.  The spotter voice was not heard.

1:45 PM - The announcer voice stated 'Give us an indication of which side of you it's on.'.  The spotter voice was not heard.

***** NOTE TO REVIEWER: Removed 2 hours of statements considered proprietary, confidential, or trade secret.

3:46 pm - The announcer voice stated "The subject [will or may] [give or provide] a [sign or indication] that you can [hear or understand] [me or us].'

***** NOTE TO REVIEWER: Determine if the statement above is considered proprietary, confidential, or a trade secret.

***** NOTE TO REVIEWER: Remove statement and update timestamps below to present an unbroken timeline.

3:47 pm - The announcer voice stated 'Ask a question then answer it yourself when at a certain position.'

3:48 pm - The presenter voice commented 'We're going to try and pinpoint it by x and y positioning.'

***** NOTE TO REVIEWER: Removed 42 minutes of statements considered proprietary, confidential, or trade secret.

4:30 pm - Field test ended at scheduled time.

4:31 pm - Presenter voice spoke on how the subject of the field test demonstration had no idea they were participating in the field test.

4:32 pm - Presenter voice spoke on how that lack of awareness is what makes it possible to treat inferred or assumed information as fact.

4:33 pm - Demonstration ended at scheduled time.

   After the demonstration concluded the virtual curtain closed.

   The subject's given name was never stated.  A nickname by which the subject was commonly known was given instead.

   The "it" which appeared to be the focus of the demonstration was never named.  A nickname for "it" was given instead.

   If anyone can provide additional details - especially about how a score is kept - please comment below.

Friday, September 10, 2021


About the blog

   There's a guitar amp I've been using to try and understand what's been going on in my apartment.  I thought I'd be able to duplicate some of the effects.  By accident it showed another effect I was aware of but prevented from focusing on before now:

   When I used my cell phone to place a call, some of the effects stopped instantly.

   It was a lucky coincidence the following things came together all at once:

  • I decided to make a call at the moment I did.
  • I was in the same room as the guitar amp at the moment I called.
  • That the guitar amp was turned on.
  • That the guitar amp had a cable plugged in the input but not connected to anything else.
  • That one of the speakers from the amp was laying horizontally on the floor but still hooked up.
  • That the entire thing was sitting on a piece of sheet metal.
  • That it was all nearby and pointed to a return vent that went down and under the floor.

   Because all of these random (let's call it pseudo-random) things happened at the very same time I found out my cell phone had the ability to turn off some of the effects used to harass me.

   Just by making a call.

   But there's one more detail even more ridiculous than chance bringing all those things together at once.

  • A call only seems to turn off those effects if it goes through.

   If the call results in an automated message then nothing seems to change.

   Someone might get the impression it's been "designed" to be disabled this way.  I'm not sure if that's true it certainly will result in the same outcome for any of these reasons a person places a call:

  • Calls 911 or police to report something they can't really explain but feel should be reported.
  • Calls family or friends for any reason to talk.
  • Calls anyone or anything (an automated system) for any reason at all.

   If the call was made to ask for assistance or for someone else to confirm the harassment then whoever arrives will find nothing unusual.

   Why would a form of harassment work this way?

   It's genius.  And more likely derived by a computer given all the details around multiple domains of knowledge down to our best level of understanding than anything else.

   It's also a disgusting and sick way to treat people.

  Only a few instances of this occurring to someone would be devastating enough.

Thursday, September 9, 2021


About the blog

   It turns out my vehicle isn't the only one emitting radio signals from the frame and body wherever the metal curves or angles.  Other vehicles in the neighborhood are doing that too.  How far that extends is unknown but it seems unlikely the effect is picking cars to just follow.

   It you read the post [Driving: post moved back a week to try and confirm details] then you know how the presence of radio frequency current allows speakers to become microphones and microphones to become speakers.  The sound quality from either isn't particularly great.  But it may not be your symphonies someone's interested in.

   Everyone who believes their life is so boring that no one would waste time trying to listen or watch them should now say something like "no one is listening or watching to you in your vehicle".  That's paranoid and implies you have something to hide.  That's not necessarily true for either point but a future post can explain why.

   Ultimately it's safe to assume that without someone listening and a vehicle somehow accidentally broadcasting "messages" that speakers-as-microphones can pick up - it hardly matters.

   But what if someone placed receiving antennas along the streets and highways to listen in?  The location of the antenna might even have an effect on what types of things are picked up by the antenna.

   Want to hear people "swear" as if to say "I need to take care of that traffic ticket"? Place the antenna near a court house. Want to hear bad or good financial details in some form?   Place an antenna near a casino or bank.

    If that was done it might be realized the things we expect to hear for any given location are often backwards from the reality.  And once it's known where best to listen it might seem that people are intentionally driving by just to leave "messages".  Except they're obviously private and were never meant to be heard.

   What's an ideal location in, say, University City that might provide "messages" about religion, city government, or tax exempt status for religion if an antenna were placed there to snoop on drivers?

   The location is obvious but don't expect those topics.

   Whatever is "thought out loud" might just as easily be about recent weddings, how buildings should be functional over stylish, or whatever Tom Cruise is up to nowadays.

   Just keep all your thoughts to yourself and you'll still be fine.


"Illustration" courtesy of: "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...