Monday, June 28, 2021


About the blog

   If you read the post Believing then you know AM radio can sometimes be heard without needing an actual radio.  The usual tuner, amplifier, or speakers aren't present but music or speech can still be heard.  

   That sort of thing unapologetically defies our understanding of the world (cause and effect, physics, even common sense).  But at least when it happens the audio can be easily recorded for proof.

   There's no need to take someone's word on the matter or wonder about their mental health.

   But consider the possibility of someone clearly "hearing" something but only having limited success capturing it as a recording.  That type of situation occurs much more frequently than the former and no tape recorder, microphone, or parabolic antenna can button click an answer on it's own.  If you know anyone diagnosed with schizophrenia then you might be familiar with the frustration that can result.

   For the handful of times something out of the ordinary was heard and a recording captured... it doesn't sound anything like what was heard or "heard".   Instead we have something closer to gibberish that might turn into an actual voice if you "cross your ears" while listening.

  • The recordings capture what sounds like the rise and fall (change of pitch) from a male or female voice.
  • There are no discernable words being spoken - just an impression of vowels and syllables that don't materialize and the changes in pitch.
  • The stream of vowel and syllable impressions is continuous.  Whatever's generating them doesn't need to ever stop for a breath.
  • When the same recording is played in mono sound the "voice-like" things vanish - they're only noticeable when played in stereo.  When hearing it in mono there's only staticky noise.
    • I don't think this behavior is normal (but I don't know for sure).
    • It might be backwards.
  • The most difficult to explain detail is how no one that's listened to the recordings so far can hear the "voice-like" characteristics.
    • For some strange reason - and for lack of a better description - the recordings need to be listened to like a 3D effect poster needs to be stared at before the image emerges.  If the analogy is accurate then one possibility for it being hard to hear might be that everyone I know had trouble with seeing the 3D image the first time they tried.  They would go crossed eyed first from trying.  I just don't think telling someone to go cross eared will be considered helpful.
   We're not completely without helpful hints, though.

   The "something out of the ordinary" that prompted each attempt to make a recording?

   It was always from something that generates noise (white noise machine, dripping tap water, air blowing through vents) and it was always the sound of a person's voice suddenly embedded in the noise.

   So what does that have to do with binaural beats?

   Turns out everything.  It doesn't matter if sound waves or electromagnetic waves are being used... the same binaural techniques work with both.  And there's not much difference in constructing a "beat" and constructing vowels and syllables for words.  The only difference comes from the increasing complexity and computers have got that covered.
   It might even be of a scope and scale that hubris itself finds flabbergasting.

   You might be wondering what I mean by that.  You may not.  But it's something I suggest you divert all available curiosity to ASAP.  If you don't... then awareness of what's being done right now in our country might pass you by.  And once that happens it's unlikely you'll find a second chance to gain it.

   What's being done right now in our country is an unimaginable cleansing of humanity.

   Someone finally found a way to get rid of  every single one of "those kind of people".

   And the only witnesses who will ever know they're gone are those that cared about them the most.  No one else will share their feeling of loss.  No one else will notice anything at all.

   It was allowed (in all actually it was probably planned and designed) to take place because someone got enough of the answers they wanted and never bothered looking any further.  This is just a guess but I wouldn't be surprised if looking any further was forbidden at that point to silence dissent.

   And there's no better way to threaten and intimidate than to hold someone's job, income, credentials, or standing in their field as the cost for disobeying.

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