Monday, June 28, 2021


About the blog

   If you read the post Believing then you know AM radio can sometimes be heard without needing an actual radio.  The usual tuner, amplifier, or speakers aren't present but music or speech can still be heard.  

   That sort of thing unapologetically defies our understanding of the world (cause and effect, physics, even common sense).  But at least when it happens the audio can be easily recorded for proof.

   There's no need to take someone's word on the matter or wonder about their mental health.

   But consider the possibility of someone clearly "hearing" something but only having limited success capturing it as a recording.  That type of situation occurs much more frequently than the former and no tape recorder, microphone, or parabolic antenna can button click an answer on it's own.  If you know anyone diagnosed with schizophrenia then you might be familiar with the frustration that can result.

   For the handful of times something out of the ordinary was heard and a recording captured... it doesn't sound anything like what was heard or "heard".   Instead we have something closer to gibberish that might turn into an actual voice if you "cross your ears" while listening.

  • The recordings capture what sounds like the rise and fall (change of pitch) from a male or female voice.
  • There are no discernable words being spoken - just an impression of vowels and syllables that don't materialize and the changes in pitch.
  • The stream of vowel and syllable impressions is continuous.  Whatever's generating them doesn't need to ever stop for a breath.
  • When the same recording is played in mono sound the "voice-like" things vanish - they're only noticeable when played in stereo.  When hearing it in mono there's only staticky noise.
    • I don't think this behavior is normal (but I don't know for sure).
    • It might be backwards.
  • The most difficult to explain detail is how no one that's listened to the recordings so far can hear the "voice-like" characteristics.
    • For some strange reason - and for lack of a better description - the recordings need to be listened to like a 3D effect poster needs to be stared at before the image emerges.  If the analogy is accurate then one possibility for it being hard to hear might be that everyone I know had trouble with seeing the 3D image the first time they tried.  They would go crossed eyed first from trying.  I just don't think telling someone to go cross eared will be considered helpful.
   We're not completely without helpful hints, though.

   The "something out of the ordinary" that prompted each attempt to make a recording?

   It was always from something that generates noise (white noise machine, dripping tap water, air blowing through vents) and it was always the sound of a person's voice suddenly embedded in the noise.

   So what does that have to do with binaural beats?

   Turns out everything.  It doesn't matter if sound waves or electromagnetic waves are being used... the same binaural techniques work with both.  And there's not much difference in constructing a "beat" and constructing vowels and syllables for words.  The only difference comes from the increasing complexity and computers have got that covered.
   It might even be of a scope and scale that hubris itself finds flabbergasting.

   You might be wondering what I mean by that.  You may not.  But it's something I suggest you divert all available curiosity to ASAP.  If you don't... then awareness of what's being done right now in our country might pass you by.  And once that happens it's unlikely you'll find a second chance to gain it.

   What's being done right now in our country is an unimaginable cleansing of humanity.

   Someone finally found a way to get rid of  every single one of "those kind of people".

   And the only witnesses who will ever know they're gone are those that cared about them the most.  No one else will share their feeling of loss.  No one else will notice anything at all.

   It was allowed (in all actually it was probably planned and designed) to take place because someone got enough of the answers they wanted and never bothered looking any further.  This is just a guess but I wouldn't be surprised if looking any further was forbidden at that point to silence dissent.

   And there's no better way to threaten and intimidate than to hold someone's job, income, credentials, or standing in their field as the cost for disobeying.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021


About the blog

   How many times have you heard the urban myth about someone hearing voices from the walls of their home?  How many time has that happened to someone in St. Louis but they kept it to themselves?

   I mean, who's going to believe something as crazy as that?

   Turns out it's no myth.  Not even close.

   Chicago isn't too far from St. Louis but distance has nothing to do with it.  This exact thing goes on around us all the time without notice.

   It's normally just so low in volume we don't consciously hear it which makes it nearly impossible to capture as a recording.  It's a great racket to be in.

   Knowing this can result simply from a radio station being nearby and given how much fun could be had by anyone who understands the underlying principles...  what if your goal was to harass other's that were "those kind of people"?

   What would it take to master the technologies needed to do this?

   It actually doesn't take much at all.

   That might seem backwards but when you're using technology as old as AM radio while suggesting it's actually angels, demons, aliens, or messengers at work...  well, backwards it is.

   Would you like to know a few individuals who are harassing others in the St. Louis area this way?

   It may or may not surprise you they're doing this believing there's no way they can be caught.

   And what is so important that it needs to be done through "voices" instead of actual conversation?

   That seems to be left to the person being harassed.

Friday, June 4, 2021

Bridge and here

About the blog

   Going back to how our minds work (or seem to work) there's a feature that protects us from awareness overload on one hand and awareness lock on the other.  That feature is the shifting of awareness between the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind.

   Awareness overload doesn't mean having so much awareness you can hear around the corner of a building or know what leaf will fall from a tree next.  It's about being aware of so many details at once that logical and critical thinking becomes difficult or impossible.

   Were you aware that both logical and critical thinking rely on perspective to work?

   That may or may not be basic common sense to most, but we need the ability to compare 2 "somethings" or "sets of somethings" at one time to have a fully working perspective.  That means we need both parts of our minds available to each take 1 of those 2 things so a comparison can be made.

   Another way of saying that is we need the ability to freely make choices or our logical and critical thinking stops working like it should.   Making choices - our own choices based on what we know and believe - requires an equal partnership between both parts of the mind.

   That's where the notion of "free will" is from.

   If something throws that partnership out of position - even by the smallest unit of measure that we don't have for the mind - we stop having free will in the truest sense.

   What we then have is limited free will.

   Unfortunately this means we've lost the perspective to recognize we no longer have free will.  That leaves little chance of doing something about it unless someone figures out how to circumvent how the mind works.

   So who knows if any now have true free will?

   I'm proposing a way for anyone that's interested to find the answer on their own.  It won't take a research team or any supercomputers.  It won't take access to government archives of microfiche or hidden warehouses.  It will take time and involves bridge building.

   You'll have to learn how to build something out of nothing inside your own mind.  And both the conscious and unconscious parts of your mind need to have your mind made up about doing it or a bridge won't happen.  There are potential shortcuts but it's easier to agree to build a bridge than to learn how to breathe underwater.

   Going back to proving the mind...  I wouldn't be surprised if one day it's scientifically proven that damage or loss to one part of the mind can be compensated for by the other.  That's considered a generally accepted fact today but there's absolutely no evidence that can be used to prove it.  Every bit of "evidence" is simply anecdotal and what we think we see is occurring.   

   Are you surprised by that?  That we have no scientific evidence for how our own minds work?

   Does it seem like that's backwards?

   Whether that's the case and there's plenty of evidence only hidden from view isn't exactly known.  But if you find the lack of scientific evidence about how the mind works to be curious, strange, or maybe impossible to believe then you might be aware of things other people aren't allowed to be aware of. 

   That's a cryptic statement to make but I can't tell you anything you don't already know.

   Here's the best explanation I have for now:

   Conscious and awareness don't exist at the very same moment in our minds. There are protections in place to keep that from happening under normal circumstances.  That's almost always a good thing except if it ever becomes possible for technology to essentially use hypnosis on us at any time.  To prevent people everywhere from screaming bloody murder under the weight of hearing constant suggestion this would almost certainly be done subliminally.  Should technology reach that point we'd be more or less defenseless as each unheard suggestion reached the unconscious part of our mind and was either accepted to become part of us or rejected until it's tried again.

   We'd never know it was being done unless some combination of suggestion resulted in mental illness.  Short of that, the only way I know of to gain awareness it's happening involves disabling the protections that keep both parts of the mind separate.

   The end result might not always fit with the definition though.  A mental image of being able to cross a gulf between 2 locations is one way of looking at it.   Another mental image of tearing down walls of protection between 2 rooms and their occupants is equally accurate though it may seem backwards.

   That's what building a bridge means.

Truth here

About the blog

   Let's say someone was given the job of interviewing several people.  The reason for which is to determine who's responsible for... could be anything.. say a theft of someone's personal property.

   We can add some details to this hypothetical scenario so the interviewer has something to start from.  But we won't add too many.  The job of determining who stole what isn't easy in real life so we shouldn't cut corners on this one.

   But easy or not, what's at stake is determining the truth.

   These details make up the hypothetical scenario:

  • Items were stolen from a residence (type of residence is not specified).
  • Items were stolen while the resident was away (how long they were away is not specified).
  • Resident realized items were missing at some point after they returned (whether that was immediately or over time is not specified).

   Given these mostly vague details with few specifics, how could someone interview a list of people to determine what happened?

   What if there was a way to do it that only allowed the person being interviewed to answer what they know and nothing else?  Something like that could kill the murder mystery genre of TV shows with one punch.

   If this "ultimate interrogation technique" existed it would have to work simply.  A question would be asked and the response could be something like:

  1. A YES answer
  2. A NO answer
  3. No answer is given - the person doesn't know what the answer is

   Unless you love mystery type TV shows and can't live without them, you might be wondering if such an interrogation technique exists.

   The answer to that is: YES

   If you assume I can only answer what I know and I'm telling the truth...

   You might also be wondering how to protect yourself from having it used on you some day.

   The answer to that is: No answer is given

   Happily for anyone wishing they knew more than just "YES" and "No answer is given"... I'd like to share what I know.

   The name for this "ultimate interrogation technique" is simply: Hypnosis

   To protect yourself from having it used on you:  You're asking the wrong question - it's use like that shouldn't be allowed in the first place

   Now that those questions are answered, I'd like to fill in a few more details about the hypothetical scenario initially described to match what actually happened to someone.

  • The resident described as the owner of the personal property stolen had roommates before the theft occurred.
  • He was also in a position that was vulnerable to him being detained for an extended period of time without being able to return to the residence
  • Two people who he'd had no reason to previously distrust took advantage of that vulnerability and lied to police officers.
  • The police officers did as they should and accepted the word of 2 people over the word of 1.
  • The resident then ended up being detained for several weeks.
  • After returning to the residence he found that everything he owned was gone.
  • When he asked those he knew and those he thought might know what had happened he was given no answers.

   This kind of situation seems like the perfect example of when an "ultimate interrogation technique" should be used.

   Those who knew what happened wouldn't say anything and wouldn't help.  That allowed them to avoid losing whatever trust they had but didn't deserve.

  With that they continued taking from their "easy mark" with less and less concern about getting caught.

   That person's name was Jaquell Mitchell-Cook.

   If you thought it was about anyone else you were backwards.

   It's starting to look like a way to find the truth at any cost - regardless of harm done in the process - should be used at every opportunity.

   A few broken eggs here and there don't mean much - in terms of damaging someone's mind and leaving them open to mental illness - as long as the end justifies the means.

   That's the way we do things now in this country.

   That's regrettably how we've done things in the past (not always, but more often than not).

   That's the way things should be done in the future.

   Why change what works so well?

Waves here

About the blog 

   Are you familiar with floods and waves?  If you live near either large river in the St. Louis area you might be familiar with flooding.

   Water likes to go downhill until that option no longer exists.  At that point the water level rises and flooding can start.  When flooding breaches a levee it can send a wave of water into communities nearby but there's typically warning given the order of events. 

   That's a little different than living by an ocean where flooding and waves occur backwards in order.    That type of flooding is more about incoming waves that inundate as they arrive - the flood follows the wave.

   Going back to St. Louis we have a new brand of flooding.

   When RF current is intentionally used to flood an area's cable or telecommunications infrastructure it begins to cause slowly moving waves.  Those waves are of people leaving that area.

   Here are 3 reasons given when someone tried asking what was going on:

  • Bad electrical engineering or poor construction.
  • Electricity sometimes "finds it's way back in"
    •  This explanation was given by 2 Ameren engineers sent to determine why several buildings and the ground at an apartment complex seemed to have magically become magnetic.
    • Does this electricity use a GPS like Garmin or have iPhone maps to "find it's way back in"?
  • "Radio waves finding their way in" to the cable installation
    • This assessment (which might be partly correct) was given by a Charter Spectrum technician when asked to determine if RF current was present.
    • RF current was determined to be present.

   As it turns out those reasons aren't valid.

   The RF current being present was no accident and I suspect that many wrong answers aren't an accident either.  The intent is to push out those who aren't welcome... think of them leaving quickly in waves.

   What's the difference between an area before RF current floods it and afterwards?

   Before a flood you may notice people active both day and night.  The most activity occurs during the day and tapers off into the early morning hours until back to usual again in the morning.  During a flood there may be more segmentation noticeable between day and night activity.  After a flood there appears to be much less activity at night with the majority occurring during the day.

   It's like everyone living in the area landed a steady 8 to 5 job with bedtime at 10 PM.

   That perception would be backwards.

   But in general it's much quieter after a flood at any hour of the day or night. 

   There's a certain set of sounds we generally call tinnitus that appear when RF current floods an area.  For someone who's already been diagnosed with tinnitus it can range from distracting to disabling.  The strangest part is how most people either don't notice it or don't hear it at all.  Those seem to disappear once a flood ends.

   Why should you care about any of this?

   Well, unwelcome people are also known as "those kind of people" which might be a reference to anyone for any reason.

   How do you define "those kind of people"?

   The definition for that is recreated every time someone points their finger at someone else and invokes the phrase.     It can literally include anyone for any reason and you've probably been "one of those" before in your life without realizing it.

   This time you may not be "one of those" getting pushed out of the way.

   Next time it happens the situation may be very different.

   There's value in looking at each person as worth the same as every other.  Doing that can actually safeguard one's own interests in the future when another finger is pointed and the phrase invoked.

   Only "those kind of people" are the one's affected now.

   But that's the case each and every time.


"Illustration" courtesy of: "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...